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Nikki platts

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 8:41 am
by wayne
Is there anyone out there with any Nikki Platts videos they wish to swap/sell?

It would great to think she still makes films.

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 7:11 pm
by woodgnome
hi wayne,

i know that i have at least one vid contining nikki. it's called european meat market 2. she does girl/girl (with her usual partner, roxy jo) and boy/girl with an american.

it's an excellent film from beginning to end with an all brit babe cast. check out the notes on the bgafd film list

if you post me a list of swaps, we can trade.



Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 9:32 pm
by John
wayne wrote:
>It would great to think she still makes films.

Well she made a new video for Fiona Cooper around May/June/July last year. What makes you think she's retired?

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 2:45 am
by wayne
Thanks for the replies Im sorry to say I already have meat market 2 also BD porno groupies, Buttmans Extremely big tits , insight p57 and another one where she dresses as a schoolgirl.
Yes I am a fan boy.

Fiona cooper stuff soft core isn't it? Im looking for HC in particular but thanks for the news.

PLEASE! anyone got any other stuff!


Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 1:43 pm
by alec
Fiona Cooper stuff is not b/g but is now otherwise hard.

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2000 11:08 pm
by John
They have been hardcore in the sense of fingers, dildo's and otherwise forms of penetration (including bedknobs - an occasional feature) as well as very occasional gs, going back to at least 1995 and probably earlier. Laura Turner's video (V890 as Laura, which is from around 1995) features multiple hole dildo usage as well as the bedknob and is the hardest (if you want to put it in those terms) of that age that I've yet come across.

These days better than 99% feature this kind of material, the further back you go then there is more softcore but it's usually easy to tell which is which from the write-ups.

The Lesbian tapes also feature similar stuff including strap-ons etc BUT these seem to have gone harder when the series changed it's name from 'Girls Together' to 'The Lesbian Collection'. The catalogues now lump all these under the latter banner.

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2000 11:14 pm
by John
Both of Nikki Platt's Fiona Cooper video's - No's X7 and X151 as Celina - feature the use of dildo's.

It all depends on your definition of hardcore. FC video's do not, and they say will not, feature b/g. They only feature solo and g/g.

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 6:27 am
by wayne
Thanks everyone.

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 8:58 am
by wayne
Is that the "new" fiona cooper stuff, so how do you know that its the harder stuff?

Thanks for the help yet again!

Re: Nikki platts

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 11:27 am
by alec
I'm going by what I've been told by fans of these videos and I mean finger and dildo penetration, solo and lesbian when I say hard. Perhaps John would confirm, but I think they have been this way for some time.