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Fabienne and Kathryn @ Fiona Cooper

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2000 9:00 pm
by Greg
Does anyone know where to buy videos of Fabienne and Kathryn aka Amanda Long. They both made videos for Fiona Cooper but are not available to buy now.(but they are both featured on Fiona Coopers site) Any help would be great.

Re: Fabienne and Kathryn @ Fiona Cooper

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 3:47 pm
by joey
On Amanda Long, there was some discussion earlier. See
earlier thread (my post has had the text mangled a bit
by the transition to the newer bbs) and a post I made to another board
I also seem to remember that Hi Grade may stock a video of
hers that's listed here, but isn't visible on the Hi Grade site.

Re: Fabienne and Kathryn @ Fiona Cooper

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 9:16 pm
by John
Fabienne: Other than a plea here or in aftvx I don't know. I have this video, which has only recently been deleted by FC, and would describe her as cute but the video as uninspiring.

Kathryn aka Amanda Long: The solo video's have been deleted for a very long time. The 3 hour compilation tapes from the solo video's (No's T51 and T54) are still available as are the majority (if not all) of her lesbian video appearances i.e. all 9 of the Ella & Kathryn (Ella = Teresa May) video's are still available.

All known Fiona Cooper video appearances by Amanda Long are included as part of her BGAFD listing which will give you the video numbers.

Re: Fabienne and Kathryn @ Fiona Cooper

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 9:38 pm
by John
joey wrote:
>I also seem to remember that Hi Grade may stock a video of
>hers that's listed here, but isn't visible on the Hi Grade site.

I queried this with Hi Grade and they confirmed that they'll supply the video if you ask for it.