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Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 7:30 pm
by pat1
Hi there,
Just wondering if you've spoken to Charmaine to beg her to make a comeback in the video market, regardless of whether it's soft or h/c. Maybe she might do one of those Playboy centrefold videos that a lot of the Brit girls are doing now.
Let us know of your endeavours. Thanks
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2000 10:45 pm
by liam
Ben Dover is trying to get Charm to do a h/c vid.. he wont do a softcore,he has had 2 goes already,but is trying again,good luck Ben.Maybe Phil can work the oracle,perhaps he can "Jim" in where Ben has so far failed,have a go my son.You dont have to be "Dean" of a college to do the job.He who Dares Wins,or at least gets a good hiding .Try it Phil.Good Luck.
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2000 6:20 am
by ZeeBee
Do you guys really think she will do hardcore again?
Keep dreaming ;0)
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:00 am
by pj
At least we're trying!! Anyway, even a softcore video would suffice!!
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 5:06 pm
by Phil McC
I don't think she will do anything even soft-stuff I spoke to her x-boyfriend who has gave me some up to date info, still people still change their minds at least she knows I am interested in shooting her soft so lets hope.
Well never mind there is still plenty of my photos around to nick and build a site out of maybe I should build a Charmaine site myself and put some of the old rushes from the videos on it.
Phil McC
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:04 pm
by woodgnome
yes, you should!
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:12 pm
by pat
Please do, please. But, still try and persuade her to do something on video, even softcore. Please!!!!
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:19 pm
by charfan
Hi Phil,
Can you send me a list of the Charmaine videos you have and I might buy some off you. Also, have you ever heard of a documentary about the shooting of the Daily Sport calender in the Seyshelles??? Charmaine was featured along with A few other p.3 girls. This was about a year or two ago. Anyway, please send me your list. And keep onto Charmaine. Show her this site!!! Tell her her VERY PATIENT fans around the world are dying for her to make a comeback.
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2000 4:49 pm
by trigg
Bob Scott, Ben Dover's right hand man can't shed any light on the matter.
Re: Phil Mc/ Charmaine
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2000 8:55 am
by ZeeBee
The last h/c movie I've seen of her was made in 1997 or thereabouts.
But I wish anyone could post the so-called missing movies from the Hardcut 1 trailer.