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HC Magazines

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:09 am
by macmac
I know this isn't strictly film based but I have a question which I wonder if anyone could answer for me. Is there any reason why the popular top shelf magazines (ie escort, razzle etc) do not show any penetration pictures whilst other more hardcore magazines that can also be purchased at the local newsagent do show them?

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:20 am
by belmondouk
It's to do with where they want to be distributed. If a magazine wants to be in WHSmiths with its outlets in train stations, airports etc, they can't show penetration.

Local newsagents can sell whatever they like - but if a magazine publisher does hardcore then they will find themselves in these shops but nowhere else, cut off from the bulk of the market.

WhSmiths, of course, is the company that refused to stock Private Eye when it had a cover joking about the media coverage of Princess Di's death.

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:44 pm
by Richard B
And because WH Smith has such a monopoly over magazine distribution, that's why you won't find the Fontessa hardcore magazines in a lot of places (like almost anywhere in Plymouth for example).

Smith's had to backtrack on Private Eye - I can't ever see them stocking hc, but I think they will have to distribute it. If it is legal, why should a distributor (and a monopoly one at that) have a veto over what can be stocked in newsagents - and hence what we can buy?

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:52 pm
by vila
A matter of publisher's/editor's choice, I suppose.

For instance, the TwoBlue titles, although hardcore, won't show anal sex or cumshots.

Very strange.

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 4:12 am
by jj
.........but happily stocks mags devoted to fox-hunting, 'survivalism', and paramilitary subjects like how to re-bore your air-rifle.
No conflict there. then..........

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:14 pm
by Ivor Hardon
It's a strange situation but then we can obtain the mags if we want them thanks to the internet so who needs the big high street stores??

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:31 am
by Knave Editor
vila wrote:

"For instance, the TwoBlue titles, although hardcore, won't show anal sex or cumshots."

The situation's not a case of 'won't show', more a case of 'couldn't show' due to guidance from our lawyers. But that's all set to change as from January. Come shots for definite, anal shots if we get legal clearance?

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:27 pm
by joe king
how do these laywers work? do they get these guidelines from thin air? and you follow them? Of course being brought to court isn't my idea of fun (nor the financial ruin) but are you being too safe?

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:58 pm
by Knave Editor

The legal bods concern themselves with the Obscene Publications Act which, drawn up in 1959, is clearly in need of updating and overhauling (abolishing?).

We all know it's total bollocks really. If a punter buys a porn mag and there's anal and/or come shots in there, are they likely to be "corrupted" by it? No.

But the times they are a ? hopefully ? changin'?

Re: HC Magazines

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:28 pm
by jj
The trouble with its (deliberate) vagueness is, most mags end up self-censoring on the advice of lawyers who have a vested interest in their continued though probably unnecessary retention, when in reality the chances of a successful OPA conviction is probably negligible.