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maybe? maybe NOT

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:47 am
by un_enf
In all fairness, that looks nothing at all like amy ball. It seems the only way you know how to promote these gals (of which you make $$$ everytime someone signs up) is by posting/spamming lots of them on this forum. I thought forum/usenet spamming was against most t&cs of companies who provide hosted gallery services? Rocco is British you said last time with AEBN hosted gals so you could post them on the main forum. Anything to get people to click your affiliate code. A bit sad really, I wonder how much you make by posting them here?


Re: Twat

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:42 am
by un_enf
Tomsk wrote:

> err...why dont you sit here and go through thousands of sets
> per day and when you find one that is UK post it here.

You signup for sponsor programs, you pick out the ones that are UK girls, or that are in some way realted to the UK so you can post them here. In this case, it seems to me that you decided lookalikes would do.

> "In all fairness, that looks nothing at all like amy ball." -
> I tend to disagree I can show you sets which are highly similar
> to that one.

Looking at your sigature you run a UK pornstar site. Therefore I find it hard to believe that you could not tell the girl in those pics is not Amy Ball

> "Rocco is British you said last time with AEBN hosted gals so
> you could post them on the main forum. Anything to get people
> to click your affiliate code." - My affiliate code? F**K you I
> grabbed them from the Rocco Movies TGP site.

Ofcourse you did. Just like you happened to find all the gals listed on too? affiliate 100216 for NSCash? Wasn't you the same guy that used to post under false names to bump up his posts? and draw attention to his paysites? I'm not making insults. Just pointing things out.

I remember this thread

'A certain BGAFD forumite' "rob_uk69" who's one and only post happened to be in that thread. Some forumite. If you ask me I'd say you drummed up that post to get attention to your site. I can't prove it ofcourse but I'm 100% sure I'm not the only one who thinks it.

This thread. 'Can you ID this girl', funny how that link too happened to have "r=krome" on the end. Like I said. Anything to get people to click your affiliate code. You know what you're doing. I'm sure you wouldn't even go to the trouble of posting any of these galleries if you weren't trying to make $$ out of it.

Re: Twat

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:22 pm
by un_enf
> 1) The Rocco links had nothing to do with NS Cash.

I know. They were Hosted Galleries from AEBN

> 3) The guy obviously just lurks here
> and does not post he had initially emailed us and we wanted to
> get back to him.


> 5) "funny how that link too happened to have "r=krome" - what
> the fuck does that have to do with the equation....I work for
> the guy?

I was simply pointing out your affiliate code laden links. You post the links, in the hope that whoever clicks them signs up to the sponsor so you, and whoever else earns some $$$. Is that not the case??

> 6) Yeah we actually run 12 of them.

I see. Not making enough cash with them then? If I had 12(successful) adult sites then I don't see me hoping to make a couple of dollars for every 20 galleries I post on a forum.

> Drop me an email and lets take this arguement off the forum.

I'm not arguing. Just pointing out some things in the hope that people realise you aren't posting these messages out of the godness of your heart. I'm not going to email you, sorry.

Re: Amy Ball pictures - maybe?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:22 pm
by IdolDroog
urgh i really cant be arsed to read all this cos its a tad confusing, can someone give me the gist cos ive liked a couple of tomsks posts recently?

Re: Twat

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:53 pm
by un_enf
magoo wrote:

> Correct me if I am wrong but did you used to post under the
> name Bob Spunkhouse?

He's had so many alias's it's hard to know who's who, or indeed who isn't who.

There was all that stuff with those Bad Bang sites with someone called "Bad Boy" or "P wellar", then there was the stuff about SandieCaineXXX from "Bob SpunkHouse". I think I'm right when I say Bob Spunkhouse did once admit to being "bad boy" when he was questioned about his identity before.

Krome/Tomsk/Bad Boy/P Wellar/Bob Spunkhouse???

Bob Spunkhouse once said "Krome was an old name someone who no-longer works for us had. The nick was left on the affiliate sites."

yet Tomsk said in this thread about Krome "I work for the guy"...?

you work it out?