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The Price Of Porn

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 7:20 pm
by Ivor Hardon
I don't want to be too controversial but does anyone else think that some companies are taking the proverbial with their prices? I recently received an email offering half price dvds and was getting quite excited until I found that half-price was still over ?20!! Surely a dvd only costs a fewquid to produce and there are millions of potential buyers out there! It's no wonder that so many pirate copies are around.What do you think,fellow collectors?

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:41 pm
by Poison
Its been discussed before on this forum and Im sure you will get replys outlining all the costs that are invloved and various facts like porn films dont sell as much as mainstream films and so on... which is all very true. Plenty of valid reasons why films are priced so high. Now I dont mind paying ?20 odd if its of good quality... good camera work, appropriate lighting, actors/actresses actually enjoying it, its when you fork out ?20 and get 1hr of talking and genral crap with about 30mins spread out over 4-5 scenes of the same sex, with the same looking people, exactly the same sex acts, with the same types of close ups, thats the rip off in my book.

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:50 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Their not doing anything that hasn't already been done before in mainstream sales....jewellers regularly pull this half price caper

Most Closing down sales & half priced sales are just a marketing tool to get your attention.Normally the prices are doubled the week before then halved
with the half price baloney tag added to delude the weak minded into thinking there are bargains to be had.

The obvious answer is shop around

When you see what guys like private & gamelink are asking for compared to jadedvieo or excaliburfilms you know somebodies trying to make a killing
at the punters expense

Regardless of the price being charged fro DVDs there will always be pirated copies.Some people just don't like to pay and have no concept that Porn costs money to make


Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:31 am
by Ivor Hardon
you're right of course but wouldn't lowering the price a bit shift more units?

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:42 am
by videokim
Hi Ivor

Check out our friends adult shop (BIG REDS) in Basildon, Colchester where his prices are ?24.99 on everything DVD or TAPES at all times, he as a sale on some at the moment for ?10 which beats any legal shop around.


Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:45 am
by capitarno
does big red have a website and do mail order ?

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 8:09 am
by Red Triangle
Soho's Original Bookshop has a lot of DVDs at 19.99 as normal price. Still a lot at ?24.99 but those are mainly the prestiage titles like Private.

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 8:46 am
by little al
I bought some tapes from a poster on this forum a while back.
I thought that I would be getting origional copies...they turned out to be pirate copies......didn't complain as they might have been what was to be had / sold to begin with....probably was. Not acusing person of copying and selling on as any sort of con.
Bottom line is there is a world of quality difference between a copy and the real McCoy.
Copies are second rate at best.

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:46 pm
by John Mason
I know this has always been a problem. Distributors sell DVD's wholesale for between ?3 - ?7 per title, the rest is put on by the retailer.
To try and counter this I've decided to make all my DVD's at least 150 minutes and cram in as many scenes as I can. It doesn't lower the price but it does give you more porn for your pound!

Re: The Price Of Porn

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 4:13 pm
by Vincent
Red Triangle said:

Soho's Original Bookshop has a lot of DVDs at 19.99 as normal price. Still a lot at ?24.99 but those are mainly the prestiage titles like Private.

Sorry to say, but if you go to a decent American site, you can buy these for half of that price, including the shipping.

Sadly we are rip-off Britain, but luckily the internet means I can buy DVDs and CDs from overseas now, and save a small fortune.

The music industry here has finally awoken from it's slumber and realized how much money it's losing and is set to (hopefully) reduce CD prices. I hope that DVD sellers are not far behind.