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Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:04 am
by one eyed jack
Suggestion for Clinic Express:

I asume for the verification you are using the traffic light system of

Green is ok
Red is a no go

Could you include amber as well please. i think this is important because if a models MOT doesnt come up 100% it shouldnt exclude a performer from being considered for solo work and would indicate the model is in treatment

Red is just so absolute and conjures up thought sof HIV and dont even go there to the point it might impact on that persons career beyond that month


Dont give producers access by allowing them to join up.

Allow the participating models to give access so that people they want can view this. This then frees them to work with producers at various levels who may not be aware of this new system.

Nothing ruins a producers day than being hampered by things like this and will go some way in not segregating producers which some already view this system as being

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:29 am
by one eyed jack
As an added incentive, some producer members of UKAP (havent spoken to everyone) have agreed to pay ?20 on top for models working with them to encourage use of this scheme.

I'm sure other producers who are non members will also come on board and do this as well.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:43 am
by videokim
There is a divide but we should be working to close it rather than make it bigger, to us a Pro model is no different to a new amateur...both girls are doing the same job & both should have the same respect.
With only a couple of hundred pro models producers will always creep into the 1000's of amateurs so not thinking of these girls needs also will only put this scheme under danger, yes its a good scheme Clinic Express are doing but it will be only for a small circle of regular working Pro models until NHS etc decide to opt for the online certs as well.
Our Clinics in Clacton, Colchester & Harwich have set up a special unit called the Maple centre for industy sex workers, they do full screening (mouth/throat swaps, genital, anal & blood).
You get 2 free test in a 3 month period & a third test in that time will cost ?120 so that works out at ?40 a month with printed & signed certs, they also visit girls to give advice & medication..we help when we can handing out leaflets & spreading the word to people in night clubs & red light areas etc.
They want to merge with existing NHS clinics across the country so the idea of going online with certs would be welcoming to them, they don't think of it as draining there system but the opposite of tackling sexual illnesses & keeping an account of them in their areas & keeping them in a job.

Kim x

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:15 pm
by ClinicExpress

Please can you email any contact details, names and or numbers of the people at the Maple Centre.

I would like to try and get these guys involved in the Online Certs Scheme asap.

By the way, since thread has been running, I have been contacted by even more NHS PCT's that deal with Adult Performers all of whom whant to link with this system.


Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:24 pm
by Ron T. Storm
Bloody hell I never knew there was a Clinic that would give out certs in Clacton. That would save me a lot of hassle. Can you email me Kim to admin with more details.

Many thanks,


Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:54 pm
by one eyed jack
I totally respect what you are trying to achieve Kim but Ive noticed this pecking order for years where models are concerned. Those that do porn wont do escorting wont do street walking etc Like fashion gierls wont do topless wont do full on nude wont do...You get my picture?

Money is the only thing that closes that gap or crosses the two.

I think this system should be for everyone that wants to use it and if needs be include more than just the porn industry to make it commercially worthwhile but the rift between the various groups is what keeps it all that way.

This would be an over night success otherwise

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:49 pm
by videokim
Hi Guys i have sent you the details, you will find the doctors easy to get on with.

Kim x

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:50 pm
by Ron T. Storm
Hi Kim,

Thank you for the details. Its jolly good news for me.


Re: Online Certs

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:03 pm
by ClinicExpress
You're a star.


Re: Online Certs

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:47 pm
by Storm

Have read this thread all the way through, and some kind of central database has surely got to be a good thing hasn't it ?? in some shape or form having access to a secure server to confirm cert status is good health security for the models - rumours of fake certs have been round for ages so any method of combating this is a good idea !thumbsup!.

Sorry if i sound a bit stupid at this point, but I get my 30 day certs from my local GUM clinic in huntingdon, they charge me ?10 and I receive a 'to whom it may concern' letter - downside , they take 10 days to arrive, so i normally only get to do solo work until I recieve them , (i basically attend twice a month to be ongoing certed)- My question is this??if the NHS sign up to the 'online cert' system , are they suddenly going to try and charge me ?225 for something that used to cost me ?10 ? - I am a BBW/Milf who is still 'making her mark' in the industry and regardless of the fact that I have made many good friends in this business and have obtained quite a bit of work, i know that I am unlikely to be (although I am working on it) one of those models who works 7 days a week at ?2-300 per day(i Wish) so for the odd 2 or 3 shoots i do a month , ?225 is still a bit steep.

If my data will be eventually held on a database run by the NHS - why the enormous charge??

like i said, maybe there is some central point i'm not getting - but please dont be too harsh in your responses