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Re: Another thing....

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:44 am
by Gary
Hi Tequila

I think you'll find that Charing cross clinic test for Herpes and Hepatitis.


Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:13 am
by jamesr
Whilst I totally agree that there needs to be further tightening of the current processes & am abhored that anyone would dare knowingly work with any STD I can't help but find this whole topic ironic....

The current porn fashion advocates entirely the opposite to safe & responsible sex: Mulitple partners, strangers, spitting, p$ssing, ATM, f$sting etc etc.

Re: Another thing....

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:22 am
by Jacques
funkichadi wrote:

> There is no test for Herpes - i have been advised at Indigo
> even i found that hard to believe.

Herpes viral culture, Herpes virus antigen detection test, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and Antibody tests....

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:13 am
by Joe A
Who cares about what tests show or can find, what matters is, there is a problem NOW and too many are posting on a tangent.

I am suggesting a shut down now for the third time. Are there any other solutions ?

I also think that the log/diary won't work. If models are doing other more discrete work, I feel sure that they would not enter these details in it. As Faye has said some are doing the other work openly and if people want to work with them it's their choice if they know about this. Saying no to working with one or two others only loses a model one or two bookings and isn't the same as not being able to work at all for up to two weeks due to ill health....

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:40 am
by Tequila_Woods
I just got back from the clinic. I tested negative for everything they can test there and then (one of which was the infection i was worried about), get the rest of the results in 2 weeks.

However, i wont be doing any hardcore work until i get back from New York at the beginning of November. I feel its just too risky at the moment.

I asked about herpes testing and the nurse told me that they can only test when the sores are there.