Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

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Re: Jimbo - quite right

Post by jimslip »

That's the problem with you New Labour lot, you are crippled by political correctness. Where in my story do I mention the ethnicity of anyone? My example was white, middle class and lives in a nice house, as it happens, but because you are so narrow minded, you immediately presume I am making some kind of veiled racist observation.

Because, according to the likes of you, if you hate New Labour, by definition, you read the Daily Mail, are a Tory and of course a racist.

You people make me sick!We had 13 years of your crap, Thank God you've been booted out!!flush!

You really are a bunch of fascists!!adolf!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
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Re: Jimbo - quite right

Post by David Johnson »

"You really are a bunch of fascists!"

Read my message "Forgot to ask Jimbo re Tea Party, the above remark is just so Sarah Palin.

PS. I am not accusing you of being racist. If you like here you go

There's a Polish person/unmarried mother/ family with ten kids/grandmother who rides a bike round our way. Just come in from Krakow/Scunthorpe/Millwall/Skegness.

They signed on. Now they have a new detached house and a Bentley and you see them most nights in the local boozer drinking champagne. Its not right, Jimbo, its not right. And its all down to the Tory led coalition.

Tick the relevant scenario that you want to see in your Daily Mail tomorrow


David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Don't you find it even slightly amusing"

No. She's got more chins than a Chinese telephone directory. I find that amusing.

"that millionaire working class hero Billy Bragg fucks off"

Do you mean "moves"? I was brought up in the North East then I moved to Blackpool and also spent a lot of time in Wales. That sentence works better for me than "I was brought up in the North East then I fucked off to Blackpool and also fucked off to Wales."

"out of multicultural London at the first opportunity"

Well to be honest I havent kept track of his housing movements from birth to middle age. I have lived in lots of places. I wouldnt want the fact that I no longer live in the North East to be viewed as a slur on the entire North East. It is amazing isnt it, the way people move around for a whole host of reasons - family, work, the great outdoors, space, your partner's hacked off with living in a city, the kid has got asthma, etc etc etc.

" to live in a fucking huge house in the country?"

Dunno about you Robches, but I usually find that people who can afford big houses often buy big houses. If like me, you can only afford small houses, you tend to buy small houses.

" I suppose he just likes the fresh air."

No bleeding idea. Ask him

David Johnson
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Before I forget

Post by David Johnson »

Re this information


1. Did you read it?
2. Did you understand it?
3. If the answer to 2. is No, do you want me to explain it again?
4. Would you just prefer to rant on about grannies?

Thank you
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Re: Jimbo - quite right

Post by jimslip »

You are an inverted National Socialist. Your "Undesirables" however, are the majority of the population. Anyone who works and pays tax in your eyes is scum and should be persecuted. Anyone who has aspirations to own a house or better him/herself is vermin and should be exterminated and have their possessions redistributed to the "Poor & needy".

I was so right when I predicted that if New Labour had won the last and the next election the UK would have been turned into a PC police state, run by little fascists like yourself.

To be honest the way you argue reflects someone who has neither worked, nor had any experience of the world. I would guess that you are in fact an A Level student studying Sociology maybe 17 years of age?

You are so like the "Socialists" were, when I was at college, demanding the , "Right to Work!" when all they did was preach and lie around in bed all day smoking spliffs! They would have had a heart attack if they'd been made to get a job lol

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
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Re: Jimbo - quite right

Post by David Johnson »

!rant! !rant! !baby! !baby!

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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by Flat_Eric »

The point is DJ that for all his morally self-righteous rantings, Billy Bragg has actually turned into the kind of person he claims to despise.

The leaders of the Soviet Union also claimed to be "champions of the Proletariat". It didn't stop them living high on the hog in luxury dachas though did it, and ruthlessly stamping on all opposition while "the masses" went hungry and lived in pokey little "workers' apartments" in dour, grey tower blocks.

As the brand of left-wing Socialism that Billy Bragg espouses has as its stated goal the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor and the confiscation the properties of the landed gentry (like big mansions in Dorset with sea views, for example), then surely Billy Bragg - if he's going to be true to his beliefs - SHOULD be living in a crappy bedsit in an "ethnically diverse" inner city area like Moss Side, Toxteth or Tower Hamlets and dolling out cash to the poor until he himself is poor, no?!

- Eric
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"The point is DJ that for all his morally self-righteous rantings, Billy Bragg has actually turned into the kind of person he claims to despise."

Has he stated that it is despicable purely for someone to live in a big house? Can't recall coming across that. Please provide a link if you have one.

"The leaders of the Soviet Union also claimed to be "champions of the Proletariat". It didn't stop them living high on the hog in luxury dachas though did it, and ruthlessly stamping on all opposition while "the masses" went hungry and lived in pokey little "workers' apartments" in dour, grey tower blocks.

Has he ruthlessly stamped on all opposition from his Dorset house and oppressed the masses? Please explain to me how he has done that?

As far as I was aware he does lots of charity gigs and free concerts and campaigned against the BNP in Dagenham and the local Tory MP in Dorset.

"As the brand of left-wing Socialism that Billy Bragg espouses has as its stated goal the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor and the confiscation the properties of the landed gentry (like big mansions in Dorset with sea views, for example), then surely Billy Bragg - if he's going to be true to his beliefs - SHOULD be living in a crappy bedsit in an "ethnically diverse" inner city area like Moss Side, Toxteth or Tower Hamlets and dolling out cash to the poor until he himself is poor, no?!"

Has he demanded the confiscation of large properties from house owners? As far as I recall he voted for Tony Blair in the 1997 election. Hardly a Trotskyite to do that one would have thought?

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Re: Eric

Post by Flat_Eric »


He constantly rails against the unequal distribution of wealth and the trappings of wealth (often citing bankers and Tory MPs as prime culprits), yet seems quite happy to enjoy the trappings of such wealth himself. Including a big expensive gaff overlooking the sea.


Perhaps not personally, given that he's a musician and not a politician. But he espouses political views (leftist/marxist/Maoist) that claim to be "for the working man" but that history has proven to be anything but.


Big deal. So do lots of other artists.


See above.


So what? He also bangs on a lot about "tactical voting".

- Eric

David Johnson
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Re: Eric

Post by David Johnson »

Perhaps you could give some examples, quotes etc to back this up?