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mmm, not as funny, mutant.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:29 pm
by Sarah Kelly
good, but not aS good as your bear one.. er, are they all animal jokes? x

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:29 pm
by jj
Old Tasmanian [learn the language, idiots...], why is it that so many
Germans find 'Mr. Bean' so funny?
It puzzles me sorely.....

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:32 pm
by jj
Dick Moby wrote:
> am I just being naive and racist.

Yes, you are.
But the saving gift is humour.
The ability to laugh at ourselves first, and others second, is what
separates us from the beasts.

"Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal
that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what
they ought to be."

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:33 pm
by jj
Abuse instead of informed reply.
Now THAT's funny : -)

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:34 pm
by jj
Oooohhhh.... get HER : -)

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:38 pm
by RoddersUK
A young lad is sent along to a building site by the labour exchange (Yeh, this is old) to be a trainee tower crane operator. He climbed the tower to the cab 150 feet up and keenly watched everything the operator did. After a couple of hours the operator said "Right, I'm off out for a piss. Do not touch anything, ok?" The young lad promised not to touch anything. The operator left the cab and walked onto the boom and proceded to have a slash onto the Paddy labourers below. The young lad took a good look around the cab and the controls. As he did so his elbow nudged the slew lever and the crane jerked suddenly a couple of feet. The crane operator was thrown off and fell to his death below.
Obviously there had to be a Coroners Inquest and every one who may have witnessed the event was called to give evidence. Eventually it was the turn of Seamus O Flynn, one of the ground workers.
"Right Mr O Flynn, please tell the court exactly what happened on this fateful day" said the Coroner. "Well sor, it wuz loike dis. Der I wuz mindin me own bizness and diggin some extra footins when dis fockin sex maniac landed in de trench infront o me."
"Hang on "said the Coroner "What do you mean a sex maniac? This is an industrial accident enquiry not a sex case"
OFlynn replied "Oh yus sorr, a sex maniac he was. He was flyin trew de air wid his cock in has hand shouting CUUUUUNNNNNT"

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:40 pm
by jj
This sort of thing is quite insidious.
I'm of a generation where terms like 'nigger', 'kike' and 'paki' were
part of everyday language.

But... I grew up, and learnt that they are offensive. That said, I do
rather resent the reversal of premises where it now seems perfectly
acceptable for an A-A 'comedian' to use insulting terms for us honkies.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:41 pm
by jj
Only just : -)

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:42 pm
by Dick Moby
Watch it JJ or I'll get my handbag out.Mind you I do have a brick in it.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:47 pm
by jj
Sam Slater wrote:
> But not a free forum (in the sense that you're free to say what
> the hell you want).
No, it isn't. The mods will truncheon vigorously if one steps beyond
'parlour-room' debate. Believe me, I'm an old hand at this-and I
sometimes still overstep the mark in the heat of debate.... but
thankfully the mods usually guess 'where I'm coming from' so I perhaps
get treated with an extra degree of latitude.
UP TO A POINT. I have been deleted more times than I've had sex
[so, about six times, then...]
Let's keep it friendly. eh?

> Now, where's 'yellah-belly' Steve gone to?
Childish provocation.