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Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:02 am
by Meatus
Well the song was originally about his Mother. McCartney's mother died of Cancer when he was 12 & he said that it was very hush hush back then and no one really talked about death. So when day when he was 12 his mother was just suddenly dead & he said that the song was the things that he wanted to ask her or was asking himself. Like "Why She had to go, i don't know she wouldn't say. I've said something wrong no i long for yesterday!" Perhaps with Linda dying of cancer this song took on special meaning for him. Though i still do not see why he had to change the credits. And if like Warren Zevon says it was because he wrote it all himself, which he did & Lennon had no hand in it. If that is his reason for changing the credits he was as well just removing his name from the song then. Everybody knows McCartney wrote it, so he doesn't need his name at the front of it! And if you buy all there early recordings up until She Loves You all the credits were McCartney/Lennon. She Loves You was the first one to come with the more familiar Lennon/McCartney!

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:07 am
by Meatus
Lennon was there during the recording. He just decided not to play on the track! The thing is all the credits are Lennon/McCartney, regardless of who wrote them. Who had a hand in them & who was there when they were recorded. It is an institution that the songs are world wide renowned for being written by Lennon/McCartney. Plus Lennon had a big hand in helping Harrison write Taxman, but never claimed any authorship, similarly George wrote a good part of Octopus' Garden & never claimed any credit. My argument is that the songs are & always will be acredited to Lennon/McCartney & nothing McCartney does will change that!

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:15 am
by Snake Diamond
It's OK, no problem Sam, I do have a habit of not clearly specifing what I mean, LOL.

> Wasn't having a go really, it just seemed a little hypocritical
> that you were chirping away nicely with Layla on the other
> forum last week, and I've seen her in the Sunday Sport on
> occasion!

Yes, I've seen ladies like Layla, LDM, Cathy, as well as others from here in the same newspapers we've just been talking about.

> There aren't many pornstars that would turn down a BigBrother
> appearance, or be spread in the national tabloids everyday
> either, so are they 'skank wannabe's?' Makes you think doesn't
> it?

I only refer to the Skank Facter in BB, for example. I have seen a few of the celebs in Celeb BB, there is not many of them I would ridicule for going on BB. I used to watch BB all the time, when it first started, but since the last few seasons, it's no long entertaining, just crass (BB, not Celeb BB).

> I just think there are lots of people that chase fame and
> fortune. Some are more deserving of it than others, but
> ultimately we decide who become spread over the papers, and
> then we slag the celebs off for what we created!

Yes, if you deserve Celeb Status, it should be due to what you have acheived, not because of how often you can get the press to follow you around all the time.

> If Miss Beckham, Kate Moss, and Daniel Lloyd stopped selling
> rags, they'd stop appearing in those rags. Money talks, and the
> papers are only publishing with what the sales statistics tell
> them.

Well, they aint all the exact 3 ladies I was hinting at, but I know what you mean.

The press do have a hand in some of the so-called celebs at times, they sensationalise some, while denigrating others, when it actually should be the other way around.

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:23 am
by Meatus
McCartney's bereavement for his wife of 28 years clearly wasn't that strong when he was shacked up in a relationship within 2 months of her death! Also i have a very strong emotional attachment to the Beatles music, owning all of their work on CD including all the singles & E.P.'S & owning all their work In vinyl form including the singles, though sadly not the E.P.'s. And the Medley suite of Abbey Road, including the wonderful Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight & The End always makes me cry when i hear it & that was wrote almost entirely by McCartney himself.

And plus i was twatting McCartney for the way he acts now. Really pompous & of course i had a gripe with him changing the composer credits, getting remarried, trying to be young, dyeing his hair an Auburn/Red colour which looked stupid, jumping on the 9/11 bandwagon to get himself a hit with Freedom & generally disappointing music as The Fireman, trying to tap in to Radioheads success & making a big deal out of how he was working with their producer Nigel Godrich for the poor Chaos & Creation Album. Those are some of the many things i would give him a twatting for. Though a twatting out of respect for the many wonderful things the man has done. And given me through the joy of his music also. I also own every single piece of work McCartney has done & still listen to most of these as often as i can.

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:51 am
by Meatus
I enjoy listening to the music aswell & i don't own any piece of music, just for the fact of owning. I listen to all the music i have. And if i don't listen to it then it's not worth having. I listed to you what i own out of the beatles & McCartney catalogue as you seemed to suggest that i wasn't a fan & just an avid bookworm, reading only Lewisohn & McDonald. i WAS POINTING OUT THAT WASN'T THE CASE. Also in response to the question i was only pointing out that i would twat McCartney. Because of how i feel. And though it is your right to offer your opinion & one which i respect, it is still my choice who i would twat. Jusging from your statements you seem you would be more than happy to twat John Lennon's grave or even twat Yoko Ono & i have no problem with that. Also i think that Morrissey, is not only the greatest person to write Lyrics, the greatest singer & also be the frontman in the Greatest group ever the Smiths. I also think he is the greatest person to ever live on the earth through the whole entireity of civilisation. I couldn't imagine my life without Morrissey or the Smiths & i listen to both every single day of my life & it is no exaggeration to say i would rather not live if it meant i couldn't listen to the Smiths/Morrissey & jusging some of the things you said, you don't seem to have much time for Morrissey at the moment & may very well if it was your choice to twat him! I have no problem with that, i may disagree with you, but that is your right. You seem to be making this personal & are very aggressive about sticking up for McCartney. Aren't i allowed to love the Mans music but still want to give him a twatting?

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:58 am
by Meatus
I never siad that i thought that Lennon was greater than McCartney or that McCartney was greater than Lennon. I just made the fact that i would twat McCartney that is all. Sorry for wasting the last hour of your life, but you didn't seem to be doing anything else anyway!