Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Mysteryman »

I think the difference between what Britain, France and Israel did at the meeting at Sevres and what the CIA/Byush administration and others are being accused of regarding 9/11 is that the three countries came together to plot the military overthrow of Nasser's government by a rather eleaborate ruse de guerre in a situation where both the European countries had already warned Nasser that his nationalisation of the canal would be resisted and Israel was in a de facto state of war with Egypt which had existed since 1948.

In the case of 9/11, the alleged "conspirators" did not declare war on anyone, were totally clandestine (according to the theorists) and attacked their own country to present a casus belli (Americans please note the correct spelling) for attacking Iraq and other foreign policy aims.
Bob Singleton
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Bob Singleton »

Robches wrote:

> It is facile to dismiss conspiracy theories per se, just
> because they are conspiracy theories.


> And I must say, the collapse of Tower 7 has never been
> explained to my satisfaction. The owner said the building was
> "pulled", ie demolished, but no-one will admit to doing it. The
> official version is that a 46 storey steel framed building,
> which had suffered no structural damage at all, collapsed
> becase of two small fires. If true, 7WTC was the worst built
> sky scraper anywhere in the world. It can't be true, and whilst
> legitimate questions like this go unanswered, then people will
> have every right to query the official statements about 9/11.


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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Robches »

You say ruse de guerre, I say conspiracy, let's call the whole thing off.

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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Mysteryman »

Nice one :-))
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Osama Bin Laden

Post by NandoRick »

9/11...Osama Bin Laden did it.

If that's so, why is he still
at large?

Even, more important, why has the
US stopped looking for for him and
why has President Bush gone on
the record that finding him doesn't

Well, he's right about one thing.
Osama Bin Laden doesn't matter.

He's a media creation of the US.

Here's what US and British troops
discovered when they went looking
for Al Qaeda's secret caves which
supposedly housed legions of highly
trained terrorist zealots commanded
by the evil mastermind Osama Bin Laden.

The Osama Bin Laden Hoax

Al Qaeda: Invented by the Bush Administration in January of 2001

From "The Power of Nightmares"
by Adam Curtis (BBC)

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Re: Osama Bin Laden

Post by Mysteryman »

Bin Laden did and probably still does exist.

The reason he has "evaded" capture?

It would destroy the main plank of Bush's War on Terror because, given the lack of knowledge of the American public (over 40% of whom in a poll this weekend still think, against a mountain of evidence to the contrary, that Saddam was implicted in 9/11) the capture of Bin Laden would mean the beating of the enemy in the eyes of the public and end the need for the so called war.

Bush and his mates can't do with this. It would destroy the neocon dreams for the Middle East and reduce the need for the defence industry to a pre 9/11 level.

The problem for Bush is, as he says, Bin Laden alive or dead, free or captured matters little now. His example and the ridiculous way the War on Terror has been undertaken has spawned so many copy cats that the genie is well and truly out of the bottle.

What may have seen to the thickos who masquerade as the US Government as a quick, slick, way to use a disaster to excuse their ends has turned from a one off catastrophy into an ongoing nightmare.

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were well documented long before 9/11. They were and still are a very real force in the minds of those with extremist tendencies.

What they certainly never were is a creation of the US media. What they have become is a monster, kept in being by a determined effort of Bush and Co not to capture or exterminate them, turned into role models by a media, both Muslim and non Muslim, for every extremist of wahtever persuasion.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by mrmcfister »

Theres an intersting article in the Guardian today re this.Suggests he is probably very ill with kidney disease if he is still alive.Hope it hurts cunt..........
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Re: Osama Bin Laden

Post by NandoRick »

Well said Mysteryman, I agree 100% with what you said there.

Also it makes you wonder what UK and USA troops are still doing in Afghanistan ?

If as you say Bush is even saying "Bin Laden alive or dead, free or captured matters little now" and the fact theve been searching for 4-5 years for these training camps, why are UK troops still dying in Afghanistan.

I don't remember Bush or Blair ever saying we were going to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban.

Also who has armed the Taliban with all these hi-tech rocket lauchers and machine guns ?... seems it was only a few years ago they were riding about in the back of jeeps with black turbins and old rifels.

tommy dickfingers
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by tommy dickfingers »

you conspiracy theorists are talking bollocks bin ladens henchmen have always had a plan to blowup the twin towers,if some of the top officials in the american security services had taken the the threat more seriously it probably wouldn't have happened,inside job my arse.ps (keep watching the x files)
andy at handiwork
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by andy at handiwork »

Bit late now if you dont have the paper, but today's Indie has an article by Johann Hari, in which he suggests reasons why people insist on believing strange things despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Basically many people need the comfort of believing there is an ordering force behind all the confusion that surrounds them. They like to think that malevolent forces are controlling events rather than shit just happens.

But the Indie on line charges for access to more than the first 2 paras.