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Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:15 am
by strictlybroadband
hiwatt wrote:

> BB sells pay per watch, just like any other shop.

This is hardly a new idea. We launched Strictly Broadband on this basis almost 3 years ago!

And we didn't invent it either. !happy!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:51 am
by funessex
Am sure they won't thanks me for mentioning them, but I bet Killergram are wetting themselves laughing at this, & probably laughing all the way to the bank as well!

I've no connection whatsoever with them, but as an ordinary paying punter, their site is just so much easier to use & relative to BB offers fantastic value for money at ?20 for all the porn you can download plus a months new releases. And it must be said they provide a top quality product & a commitment to finding and shooting new talent (and not just glossy starlet types, though they have their fair share of those as well)

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:08 am
by strictlybroadband
hiwatt wrote:

> Or maybe we simply have a bank of members signed up before we
> went live acquired through online but non-affiliate direct
> marketing.

Oh come on! The figures you posted are so clearly untrue! This isn't any kind of pop at Bluebird or their high-quality product, but claiming such high levels of sales is just silly. Maybe you've had 20,000 visitors since you launched, but not 20,000 sales - of course everyone likes to big up their own business, but why make such a provably ludicrous claim?

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:37 am
by Simon
Well - there's all you experts and quickthinkers out there. See if you can work out how we acquired a multi-thousand adult user database without affiiliates or paid advertising. Maybe apart from knowing how to make - as seems to be admitted by all - top quality adult films, we also have some knowedge of marketing ?

You bought an e-mail list?

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:52 am
by one eyed jack
Sorry guys. You lost all credibility in my eyes with those (Terry dont say dont say it) LIES! LIES! LIES! I cant believe a company such as yourselves should come on the BGAFD of al places bragging how many members you have and think its cool. Is that supposed to impress everyone.

Your content is undoubtedly good. Of that I'm sure. But you really are flogging a dead horse by trying to impress everyone withh your site and there just seems to be legitimate complaint from those trying to get in.

Why dont you just admit you have teething problems and just get on with sorting it out without trying to say the ther 27,000 memebers never had a problem with us.

I think Blue Birds integrity with the punters is shot to pieces personally but no doubt you will say otherwise because secretly deep down, like a lot of people who start up websites, the figures you really have didnt measure up to your own expectations of self importance.

You're just fanning the flames to your own cremation as no one is google eyed and divvy with your trying to blow smoke over the real problem: Your site is'nt functioning at full capacity. Thats just it!

Forget the people on here. The ones that really count are the ones that put their hands in their pockets to support you with their credit card. If they do any research before joining, I dont think they would be too impressed with Blue Birds response to things. I doubt they would care how many members you have and even if they did, imagine how ripped off they will feel when they have the same complaint as people on here.

the reason I'm pissed off and have to complain as this is the very sort of thing that puts everyone in the adult business in a bad light. The rip offs. The bullshit. The lies. No wonder british porn is getting a bad name. I really thought you wouldve put us on the map with your high end stuff but it seems Relish and Harmony and Killergram are still the number one main players in anyones eyes still and not one of them has come on here bragging about numbers.

Maybe a lesson can be learned from your peers eh? Despite how you may feel pride, you cant change the fact that companies such as the ones mentioned are indeed your peers even if they are the competition.

If you really want the number one crown stop sucking your own dick and let others suck it for you...Without having to pay them to do so I mean.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:00 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]You can post (subject to Forum rules) anything you want anyway you want.[/quote]

Thank you. How's the Venetian?

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:04 pm
by MegaTon
Super Randy II wrote:

> I think the word I'm looking for is bland.
> I was looking forward to seeing something fresh and new and I
> did'nt get that.

Well your moneys safe in its walet for the time been then.

Feb sale will be annouced next month no!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:44 pm
by funessex

... that was v funny!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:05 pm
by lizaRD3
hiwatt wrote:
> Or maybe we simply have a bank of members signed up before we
> went live acquired through online but non-affiliate direct
> marketing.

Maybe. Simply. Right. I wonder why would anybody sign up without the glimpse of the product. Even if you had a mailing list or whatever, your signup ratio won't be better than 1:500. 300, maybe, if the product is good (apparently) AND the price is right (no, it's 2-3x more than the average PPD).
I wonder why other companies don't do that? Why they willing to pay half of their revenues to affiliates instead of "having a bank of members through 1-on-1 marketing". Some of those companies are on NASDAQ, some of them in the business for 20 years, they run on venture capitals, they're profit driven, not a rich kid's train set. And they still think that the keys to online sales are affiliates and traffic. They're so lame. LOL. You should be the keynote speaker on InterNext in Vegas, dude, because you just revolutionized the industry. LOL. But all the publicity you've got is a paragraph in AVN Europe about how you bribed the UK Awards.