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Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:27 pm
by Daz Savage
To be fair Ron, I have to agree with Shatvod because (and I am trying to be nice because I consider MYSON a friend)... but frankly I couldn't help but think that most of your tirade was aimed at people who were doing just about the same thing as you.
Can you explain exactly how you do not fit into the categories you mention please?
I have never fucked used my camera to get me a shag and the models I work with are usually clued-up (by me if not already) that any job where they even think it's just a camera-shag should be viewed with suspicion or else go for it but understand the implications of such work.

We had an interesting thread once before about "whores" (NOT my term) and performers and it's fair to say that there is a clear distinction... a distinction not only missed by you but a distinction (it appears from what Shatvod says) you have gone some way yourself to blur!
And if you have put images or videos of yourself (having sex) on a site and tried to make money from it then you come under your own judgment.
I would prefer to call you a performer but from your post it appears that you insist on the designation "WHORE" for yourself.

I find this odd.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:28 pm
by Daz Savage

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:37 pm
by one eyed jack
Thing is Daz, you will have to get this signed off at the european high court and recognised by UK law. That was the clever thing about this ATVOD.

They didnt just make it up. They made it enforceable by law!

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:15 am
by joe king
I think I know what's happening OEJ, you have the forum in flat view and respond to the latest message. Now if you changed to 'threaded view'
on the bottom of a message is this ....
Forum List | Threaded View | Log Out | My Profile

you would get a different view, maybe then you could reply to a specific msg (clicking on a msg in threaded tree view and clicking reply). It would make trying to follow the msgs a bit easier.
In flat view there is a 'Reply To This Message' link in the bottom right of a msg, if you click that then you can .. guess what? ... reply to a msg!

Just trying to be helpful.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:43 am
by one eyed jack
Oops! Youre probably right Joe. Thanks for that. My bad !happy!

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:22 pm
by KazB

Promote education not censorship - follow

to deliberate, cogitate and digest - as Lloyd Grossman would say!

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:30 am
by planeterotica
Well you can voice your opinion to the goverment here: