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Re: Gordon Brown

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:40 pm
by Robches

I do apologise. I now realise that Gordon Brown is a Christ-like figure who never did a wrong thing in his life, and in particular is not a gutless cunt who couldn't summon the nerve to stand up to News International to protect his child's privacy, but instead had his wife invite Rebekah Wade, Wendi Murdoch and Elizabeth Murdoch over for a slumber party. Hope that clears that one up.

Robches and Threads

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:59 pm
by David Johnson
"Will you ever get the hang of threads? "

Obviously not. It appears to be totally beyond you.

I am done with you wasting my time. You are quick to call Brown a "gutless cunt" but unbelievably slow to answer the specific questions below or reply to the interpretation of Brooks' actions by people who have forgotten more about the PCC guidelines than you will ever know.

Has News International including the NOTW and the Sun throughout its history adhered to PCC guidelines as far as you know based on the stories that it has carried and what has emerged in the last few weeks. Yes or No?

Is it likely that such newspapers would give a flying fuck as to whether they adhered to PCC guidelines or not. Yes or No?

I have no more to say. I will leave you to be eaten up inside by your extreme hatred of Brown at a time when having lost one child, he found another had cystic fibrosis. He must have been in bits and extraordinarily vulnerable.

You are all heart eh?

Re: Gordon Brown

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:04 pm
by Robches

I can only repeat my apology and abase myself before your greater wisdom. Gordon Brown is indeed a statesman of towering courage and integrity, who following the death of his daughter, did what any grieving parent would have done, and invited newspaper editors to her funeral. What an example of courage and dignity to us all.

Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:40 pm
by Essex Lad
David Johnson wrote:

> So I will leave you with one final comment/correction.
> "Which ex-Labour cabinet minister got sent down for expenses
> theft/fraud?"
> Elliott Morley.
I will stop rambling and by the way Elliot (one T) Morley was never in the Cabinet...

Re: Charles

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:51 pm
by Sam Slater
Give us a break. You obviously know what they mean by 'PH' given you were PH.

Now the game's up lets move on to another. Can you guess what gave you away?

Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:12 pm
by David Johnson
"I will stop rambling "

Excellent news

"Elliot (one T) Morley was never in the Cabinet"

You just can't trust the media can you? It must be right if it says so in the Daily Mail, surely? !wink! ... enses.html


Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:48 pm
by Essex Lad
David Johnson wrote:

> "Elliot (one T) Morley was never in the Cabinet"
> You just can't trust the media can you? It must be right if it
> says so in the Daily Mail, surely? !wink!
> ... enses.html
Ah a minister in the government but not in the cabinet - there is as you know a big difference...

Re: David - Brown's cabinet in full

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:10 pm
by Essex Lad

Essex Lad

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:59 pm
by David Johnson
"Ah a minister in the government but not in the cabinet - there is as you know a big difference..."

I do know, honest.

I was being sarcastic about the Daily Mail which was because I double-checked when you said that he hadn't been a cabinet minister.

However, if you look at the text of the Daily Mail link I provided it states,

"Former Cabinet minister Elliot Morley wept yesterday as he was jailed for 16 months for committing the biggest fraud in the parliamentary expenses scandal.

And if you look at the video link, it is entltled "Former cabinet minister Elliot Morley arrives in court"

Like I said, you just can't trust the media, can you?


Re: David

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:12 pm
by Essex Lad
Hmmm - I trust the ones I work for... but no Morley wasn't in the Cabinet despite what the Mail says. He was in the Privy Council but then so was Aitken, Mandelson and Profumo so it's not exactly a proof of good character...