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Re: PH

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:25 pm
by andy at handiwork
Grandfather over 70. Son/daughter is full time carer. Children at school.

Re: PH

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:33 pm
by Dick Moby
Grandfather alcoholic (extra money),grandfather has walking stick(extra money---- disabled) ,daughters have children,but no steady partner (house,child tax credits,council tax paid, etc) .Children no role model, see a life on social as the way things are,not their fault.
This particular grandfather actually called me a mug for working ---- and this was after buying him a drink.

Re: PH

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:46 pm
by jimslip
Welcome to "New Labour Heaven!" The only surprise is this, "Grandad" didn't grab your fist, smash his own face with it and then sue you, after all where there's, "blame there's a claim!"

He could have claimed a double whammy, more disabled bennys and compo, what a result!He does actually sound like a character out of a Viz comic, "Greedy Grandpa".

Just thank your lucky stars that New Labour aren't still around 'cos by now , "Gramps" could have demanded your house keys, moved in to your house and booted you out on to the street! lol

Dick/Jim Slip

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:33 am
by David Johnson
Some information for you. I have put my comments in italics. Jim, I apologise in advance if you see this post as yet another example of my bullying, brow beating New Labour extremist, torture chamber supporting posts. As for the other people such as Andy at Handiwork, Turanhosting who questioned your views on Billy Bragg who similarly you did not bother to reply to, I am not sure if they are New labour extremist, torture chamber supporting left wing political terrorists like myself. You may have to ask them as to whether they are members of the "Spanish Inquisition" who's main objective is to bully you.

Info from


"In February 2010, 2.8 million working-age people had been receiving a key out-of-work benefit for two years or more. This number is similar to a decade ago In other words no huge New Labour driven increase in people deciding never to bother working again

This lack of change contrasts with the trends in the total number of recipients of key out-of-work benefits, which had been declining slowly but steadily for many years but then rose sharply in the two years to February 2010 (see the indicator on all recipients of out-of-work benefits). as you would expect in a global recession, long term unemployment rises and is continuing to rise under the Tories.

Sickness or disability is overwhelmingly the single most important reason why working-age people claim out-of-work benefits over a long period. Three-quarters of working-age people ? 2 million people ? receiving an out-of-work benefit for two years or more are classified as sick or disabled. This number is, if anything, slightly higher than a decade ago. It is worth pointing out that the government tactic of putting people on disability benefits as a way of fudging the unemployment figures was started by Thatcher big time and carried on by Labour. In other words this tactic was NOT a Labour invention .

By contrast, the number of long-term recipients of out-of-work benefits who are not sick or disabled has fallen over the last decade. In particular, the number who are long-term unemployed has fallen sharply, from 140,000 in February 2000 to 60,000 in February 2010. again another indicator that the Labour government has not seen a huge increase in people deciding to have a "life of riley" on benefits

Re: PH

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:37 am
by Deano!
jimslip wrote:

> Just thank your lucky stars that New Labour aren't still around
> 'cos by now , "Gramps" could have demanded your house keys,
> moved in to your house and booted you out on to the street! lol

...and Billy would still be writing songs about how tough life is for Gramps.

Re: PH

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:48 am
by jimslip
....and Aneurin Bevan must be spinning in his grave so fast it's a wonder that his corpse hasn't propelled itself out of the earth and into orbit!

Re: PH

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:41 am
by jimslip
Actually, I too have a similar story of a woman who has been collecting disability allowance for at least 10 years. She manages to go to the gym every day and cycles and like your, "Gramps" boasts about her exploits! The last I heard, was that she was offering to, "Train" others on how to screw the system for BIG CASH. I last heard about her before the last election, so I'm not sure whether her gravy train has come to an end since. Hopefully it has. But think about it, ?100 a week for 10 years, that's ?50,000 by my reckoning.

Makes you wonder how many thousands of other cunts have been pulling this scam for years. The trouble is they completely betray those that the welfare state was created to protect. They play into the hands of those that want to destroy the welfare state, or at least make a "Bankers Welfare State" as is the case now, oh, thanks to NEW LABOUR!

Anyway, I wonder which party, this woman I know of, voted for in the last election?

Jimbo - quite right

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:23 pm
by David Johnson
There's an immigrant round our way. Just come in from Somalia.
He signed on. Now he has a new detached house and a Bentley and you seem him most nights in the local boozer drinking champagne

Its not right, Jimbo, its not right. And its all down to the Tory led coalition.


Forgot to ask Jimbo re Tea Party

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:39 pm
by David Johnson
Hi Jimbo,
Can you tell me please where I can join the British Tea party. You sound just like that Sarah Palin.

I loved the way you had a go at that Johnson bloke who had the temerity to suggest you were just envious for slagging off that wealthy Communist cunt Bragg for singing about people joining a union. You were quite right not to answer any of his comments.

What was it you said now

"Your problem David, is that you are constantly attempting to, "Re-Educate" people that have a different view of the world than yourself. Officials used to do this during the time of Mao Tse Tung in China."

Yeah its just like that Obama cunt with his communist health care policies.

Yeah, give it to him right between the eyes. Where's those crosshairs eh Jimbo?



Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:10 pm
by Robches
Don't you find it even slightly amusing that millionaire working class hero Billy Bragg fucks off out of multicultural London at the first opportunity to live in a fucking huge house in the country? I suppose he just likes the fresh air.