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Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:43 am
by Snake Diamond
OK, sorry, I didn't clarify my viewpoint clearly.

Yes, there are ladies who appear in The Daily Star & The Daily Sport, who also post on here, as well as do porno vids, etc, etc, etc.

I was actually referring to the OTHER KIND, the Skanks. The kind that have been commented on in this forum previously. Without any names, so-called celebrity status skanks, like ex Singer turned Pro Business Mommy, waif-thin Super (lame) Models, certain BB Contestants, etc, etc, etc.

Alot of newspapers feature articles on various ladies, main-stream actress's, tv personality's, as well as amateur & professional porn actress's, etc. My comment was not meant for the majority of these ladies, the comment was referring to ONLY the SKANKs.

Snake Diamond wrote:

> Daily Skank, Yeah, I only ever buy the Daily Star/Daily Sport
> when I want to see what SKANKS are trying to prove themselves
> worthless, for supposed celebrity status.

Let me re-phrase that comment to:

Snake Diamond wrote:

> Yeah, I only buy the Daily Star/Daily Sport every now & then, as a laugh,
> when I want to see what the SKANKY section of the supposed Celebs
> are trying to prove. Typically, they prove themselves worthless of
> their Celebrity status.

When I want to find out any decent new information on any celebrity, I go searching online, typically either the websites of the persons themselves, or various other reputable resources.

If my original comment offended any1, then I appologise, & hope that I have corrected myself to more clearly what type of people I was refering to.

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:45 am
by Meatus
Caractacus is right it was usually who wrote the song who sung the lead vocal. With a few exceptions such as said Godnight on the white Album by Lennon, though sounds so McCartney that most people thought it was him. And of course Every Little Thing on Beatles for Sale, which is by McCartney but a very Lennonish song and Lennon takes the lead vocal. Also Eight Days a Week, which was a joint credit though mainly by McCartney. And though they both sing it Lennon Takes The Lead & McCartney the Harmony & the same with Day Tripper & Joint Composition though mainly by Lennon, McCartney takes the Lead & The Lennon the Harmony.

Also about Backbeat a couple of bits in it aren't correct & they have Paul & John singing different songs. But pretty much factual & a good start about the early days of the group!

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:46 am
by Snake Diamond
I have been told before, that I don't always express myself clearly, I hope this has clarified the situation.

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:51 am
by Snake Diamond
Sam Slater wrote:

> That's bollocks.
> The people who buy the papers are to blame. If a tabloid
> offered me ?6000 an article, or for a few snaps on the beach
> every week I'd take it.......and it's upto the people whether
> they buy that tabloid.
> You can't blame the celebrity for being talentless, because the
> public and media made that celebrity, not the celebrity
> themselves. Ultimately, we decide who's a celebrity.

OK, I can see your point of view on this, but it's entirely 100% the fault of the readers, or the tabliods themselves. Some "celebs" do try everything possible to ensure they become/stay in the media as a Celeb, when they don't have anything other that being a Celeb going for them.

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:51 am
by Meatus
Why was McCartney so bothered about Yesterday after Linda died when the song wasn't about her & he hadn't even met her when he wrote & recorded the song. Also Lennon never sang or played on Eleanor Rigby. So why didn't he want that changed. Plus there are songs by McCartney that Lennon had a hand in writing & never played on either so why didn't McCartney want them? It makes no sense. And Lennon only never played on Yesterday at his suggestion. When McCartney said he felt he needed accompaniment & Lennon said no. It was fine with just McCartney & The String Quartet. Which was Tony Gilbert & Sidney Sax on Violins. Kenneth Essex on Viola & Francisco Gabarro on Cello. It was recorded in Abbey Road Studio 2 on the 14th of June 1965 along with I've Just Seen A Face, which Lennon had no hand in either, but plays on & I'm Down. And the string Quartet was recorded in Abbey Road Studio 2 on the 17th June 1965. Anything else you want to know about the recording?


Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:53 am
by Snake Diamond
that should have read:

...view on this, but it's NOT entirely 100% the fault of the readers, or the tabliods themselves...

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:54 am
by Sam Slater
Wasn't having a go really, it just seemed a little hypocritical that you were chirping away nicely with Layla on the other forum last week, and I've seen her in the Sunday Sport on occasion!

There aren't many pornstars that would turn down a BigBrother appearance, or be spread in the national tabloids everyday either, so are they 'skank wannabe's?' Makes you think doesn't it?

I just think there are lots of people that chase fame and fortune. Some are more deserving of it than others, but ultimately we decide who become spread over the papers, and then we slag the celebs off for what we created!

If Miss Beckham, Kate Moss, and Daniel Lloyd stopped selling rags, they'd stop appearing in those rags. Money talks, and the papers are only publishing with what the sales statistics tell them.

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:57 am
by ATS
Cheers to you both for your assistance

Re: Who would you twat?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:57 am
by Pervert
Perhaps the lyrics took on a special meaning for him as a result of her death. I know a lot of people have stated their dislike of this song (I suspect because of how much air play it's had over the years, and how many people have covered it), but it's sad and poignant, and you can read it as a personal grief for someone's death.