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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:43 pm
by Richas
To be honest I coudn't care less whether it was Adolfs, Hermans or aunt fanny's breifcase. Does it matter? Some mush stuck a bomb in it in. end of.

Point being it's not easy to watch everyone all the time, even in a police state. Terrorism is almost impossible to stop completely and to suggest our Balirs responsibile for not being able to acheive the unacheivable is plain stupid. It's obvious you have a blatant political bias and agenda and given the gravity of whats happened today I think it's innapropriate and a tad sack to use theseevents to push it so hard here . It's not the time and place and I think Sandie is right in her summation of you and your motives for doing so.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:56 pm
by Officer Dibble
"I'm just saying that somebody should FUCKING WELL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY...and if that isn't TONY BLAIR who is it then........?"

Could make a totally outrageous and irrational suggestion here? You see, I've been thinking really hard about this and it occurs to me that the persons who actually planned and carried out this atrocity should be the ones to shoulder the blame. No one else. Hey, I know it's a totally radical suggestion and all, but I believe that in the fullness of time this seemingly outlandish concept could gain credence and respectability amongst right thinking people.

Officer Dibble

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:57 pm
by Heathray
And the good citizens of London will go about their business tomorrow in a cheery way. If some ragheaded muslim thinks they can do in one day what people have tried to do for hundreds of years, that is upset the British way of life then they are truly pathetic.
I hope Allah is with them when a British soldier or policeman blows their fucking head off.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:04 pm
by Officer Dibble
Good post, Richas - informed, well thought out, lucid, rational and even a good read - in contrast to some other material in this thread.

Officer Dibble

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:41 pm
by David Johnson
Hi Richas

You said "Also this attempt to blame Islamic terrorism on the Iraq war is so ridiculous". Not sure if this is a general comment or a response to my post.

If you are saying that Islamic terrorism in general pre-dates the Iraq war, then of course, we would all have to agree. However, invading an independent country, Iraq against the advice of the UN on the main pretext of WMD which has been accepted by Blair as proven to be untrue - in a war that has cost tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives has played into the hands of terrorist groups. It has added to these groups' legitimacy in the eyes of many disaffected Muslims and created an environment where an attack on Britain was not likely but inevitable. Hence my rhetorical question, do the people of Britain feel safer now after the Iraqi war has been launched than they did before. I suspect that the vast majority would say - less safe. Considerably less safe than the people of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden etc. who were not dragged into the Iraqi war.


Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:57 pm
by mrmcfister
I thought Ken Livingstone was impressive.
The sooner the Middle East problem is sorted the better.The Israelis have pissed a lot of people off and this bunch of pondlife who are able to bring chaos to a capital city are an example.Its impossible to prevent...if they want to do the same in Birmingham etc tomorrow it will be very easy..anyone can make a bomb these days...about 10 clicks away from here if you know where to look.RIP those in the mortuary tonight and I hope those left behind Mums Dads Brothers Sisters etc have people near them to cry with...