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Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:23 pm
by one eyed jack
Liar liar pants on fire! Again you are lying.

Depending on which model, how can you have a conversation with a model about what most of (if not all) don't know about?

Whats the name of this model that knows so much about UKAP? How would you find enough about this business to make an interesting report when you yourself has already said no one is interested in me, UKAP or what we have to say?

Why would they spend time talking to you about things they dont know about?

What kind of questions could you possibly ask a model to get answers to?

if that was indeed the truth then you wouldve voted on time and we wouldnt be here doing this

Next lie?

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:23 pm
by Darren L Morgan
I told you that you were not too old to have a stalker! have still got it Terry...fair play to ya.
and I think you should go......then come back as terryterry as a tribute to your loyal follower.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:31 pm
by one eyed jack
No Jimmy, stop listening to the voices in your head. No one has said what you said

Only you have said that

That statement alone is typical of what Jay K would say.

Isnt it Jay K?

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:37 pm
by one eyed jack
Thats precisely what Jay K would say too and there are many witnesses to similar comments that have pointed out your attacks on twitter and your forum and here you are grandstanding on the BGAFD

Top models you say? In case you forgot I dont deal in anyone but couples. The "top models" I know wouldnt waste time engaging a fan about what does not concern them

You are so far gone you cant even lie good.

Lay off the gear man. You are losing it.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:38 pm
by one eyed jack
Yet again a typical patronising comment you'd expect from Jay K

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:46 pm
by one eyed jack
Jay are you high right now???


Youre slipping...I dont choose anyone to participate. Never have and I can hazard a guess as to why you are so mad because your favourite girl wasnt nominated

I have nothing against her. Shes a lovely girl. No doubt you are spewing posin in her ear about me.

Fair enough. Youre her best mate

Perhaps you shouldve voted on time then.

I have nothing to do with opening or closing votes and the only person that would be so over zealous about awards again... is ?


Jay K!

I bet youre sweating right now and thinking everyone in Berlin is staring at you...Youre wondering if they know its you

jay K is Jimmy Jimmy OMG!!!!! !laugh!

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:50 pm
by one eyed jack
Enormous ego???

B-but vas ist dis? Where have I displayed this enormous ego?

You dont know me!

But Jay K does though.

Thats the sort of thing he would would say