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Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:38 pm
by markjo
Keep waiting, mate....

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:05 pm
by faye
To Carl the web master of amatuers fun studio

I gave up on this fucking thread ages ago, tobe honest you need to get your facts right mr. I did have a photo shoot taken by a lady in the office named Mary, because the day I attended I was told the photographer couldnt make so Mary took the shoot instead. also I did pop into the office on anther day and was given a load of fucking bullshit. I was told ahhhh hi faye your so beautiful, you are on top of our list, we will get you in a movie very soon!!!!!

The only time I was conatacted was by Micheal, and he was ringing me regular to attend private meetings with customers to go on dates!!!!

as soon as I mention I didnt apply for dating I applied tobe a porn model, I was never contacted again.

so all the nice comments in the office was just to keep me interested and attend dates with your clients, until a movie was made, its all fucking bullshit mr carl.

it dosnt suprise me if Peter has payed you to type this long boring message to try and cover his ass.

you also mention about my husband, what the hell are you talking about, he never applied to you. you got your facts wrong mr.

And I will say I have nothing good to say about amatuers fun and alot of other people feel the same.

I will advise people to stay clear of the pathetic company, I am doing very well within the industry, and have met very professional people, so FUCK YOU WITH YOUR COMMENT NOT EVERYONE MAKES IT, well I did without that prick PETERS bullshit.

I suggest before you put along message like this again stating peoples comments are not what actually happened, you think long and hard about how these people have been missled in a very bad and cruel manner.

amatuers fun will come and stuck oneday just a matter of time.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:20 am
by Leslie
To everyone who had problems with these scammers:

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:06 pm
by markjo
Thanx, mate.
Also, let`s make sure that they are law abiding citizens and contact HMRC.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:40 pm
by AFS_webmaster
To Faye

Not only did your husband apply to them, it was he that recommended you to them...

They have his full real name, email, telephone number and his pictures on file. (I won?t name him on this forum but let's call him "John Smith" for now)

Because on the 20th April 2012 you sent your application email to The Studio introducing yourself as the wife of "John Smith". Why would you do this if they had not met him?

I have seen those emails so I know this to be true

And more importantly for you, they can prove all of this in the small claims court if it comes to that. Some of your statements on here are clearly libellous and you really need to be careful as they already know who you are. So, in your case, these are not just some anonymous rantings on a message board.

Amateurs Fun Studio is just one part of a very big legitimate company, don?t get dragged under by some of the trolls on here stating it is a scam and urging people to sue them.

They have no fear of this but may decide to instruct their solicitors to sue others should the libellous statements continue.

I have already had to calm Peter down once when he first discovered this thread, and he did mentioned getting his lawyers involved then. But as his SEO guy I kinda mentioned that all publicity is good publicity and the cleverer people will be able to figure out if it is a scam or not.

But you really have told too many obvious and provable lies on this thread so I would urge you to be more careful in future or seek legal advice before digging the hole you are in any deeper.



Webmaster/SEO for the Amateurs Fun Studio website

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:34 pm
by GTF
Surely this is simply put to bed by naming JUST ONE person in the industry that people know and can confirm they started their career with you.

If you are a legitimate company its impossible that not one peformer in the UK started out working with you or has worked with you.

I am small time but could do this with a number of performers who I discovered, as could Paul Taylor at Dusk Films for example.

If you cant name people who can back up what you say then there can be only one conclusion as to the legitimacy of your business.

I await the ringing endorsement of a known Uk performer........

But I am not holding my breath

Ps dont come out with any nonesense about exclusivity or being amateur, in this industry if you had discovered talent they would have branched out and become known

Its time to back your claims with facts

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:33 am
by shorey
Well if I wasn't convinced this was a scam before, I am now...

...and for someone claiming to be an expert in SEO, the site doesn't even address the most basic and effective optimisation techniques.

Happy to be PROVEN wrong, but my advice would be proceed with care!

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:17 am
by AFS_webmaster

I am afraid you have the wrong idea of what the Amateurs Fun Studio is..

They are not a production company like yourself ( I assume you are from your email, although I could not find your website )

As stated in my previous and rather long post Amateurs Fun Studio produces amateur porn content to send overseas where it has exclusive rights to many hotel chains and must therefore provide them with new amateur porn content on a regular basis.

They do not produce any content for the Internet or have any involvement in promoting their films or actor/actresses other than in the overseas hotels.

If someone stars in one of their films and subsequently wants to move up the ladder into the mainstream porn circuit this is not something the Amateurs Fun Studio would get involved with. Presumably they will go to someone like you.

Hopefully that clears up your misunderstanding of what they do and why they can?t give you the ringing endorsement of a known UK performer you so eagerly await.

They don?t promote or produce UK performers, Simples?

To Shorley

Please provide the proof that makes you so sure now that this is a scam, I must have missed it in your 3 line post.

As regards SEO

Amateurs Fun Studio is page one on Google for all the following search terms, and do rather well from it?

amateur jobs in porn
amateur porn star employment
Amateur porn star jobs
amateur pornstar jobs
employment in porn london
jobs in porn
jobs in porn uk
jobs in uk porn
london porn employment
porn jobs uk
porn star employment
porn star jobs
porn star jobs london
porn star jobs uk
work in porn uk

As regards your own TS Photograpy website with its password protected portfolio

(what photographer password protects their portfolio of pictures, have you never heard of watermarking? )

Anyway, we searched Google for all these search terms and could not find your website on any of the first 20 PAGES

industrial photography
architectural photography
fashion photography
erotic photography
fine photography.

Which is strange as you state that is what you do, in the first paragraph on your website, and that you have been running for 12 YEARS.

So I would not go around giving criticism on SEO until you get your own website a lot higher up in Google. Or better still stop doing your own SEO and hire a professional. They?ll get you there in a few months



Webmaster/SEO for the Amateurs Fun Studio website

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:44 am
by faye
TO webmaster of AFS

In your first email you stated under ASIANLOVERS COMMENT that failed Applicants information and photos are DESTROYED!!!!

Then why are you still holding "JOHN SMITHS PERSONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOS"???????

Im sure he will be VERY INTERESTED to know so he can take action to get his personal information and photos retrieved.

As your involving someone who has nothing todo with this thread also.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:44 pm
by AFS_webmaster
Hi Faye

Are you now admitting that you are ?John Smiths? wife as you seem to be taking a lot of interest in his photos & information?

Photos and information from failed candidates are never used and destroyed after a period of time to ensure the same person does not reapply under a different name.

But all computer systems have backups and the backup files can be recalled if needed to verify any information that may be in doubt (as in this case) or for any future legal issues.



Webmaster/SEO for the Amateurs Fun Studio website