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What about clipstore?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:15 am
by muswell
Do these regulations apply to peoples pages at clipstore? There would be a lot of ?2.9k's due from people who wouldn't recoup that.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:18 am
by one eyed jack
The easiest way for many non adult websites to get out of registering their site with ATVOD is to upload all their material to YouTube and embed it on their sites.

Maybe the future business model of porn will work ina similar way. Contrary to popular thought, tubes sites in afiliations can actually make youmoney if the people who like your stuff want it.

Most people on tube sites would never pay for it anyway and the reason for the high amont of traffic that go to those sites is simply because it is there and free and thats a tough combination to beat.

All this legislation trying to protect children is pointless because itsnot addressing the problem at all. its just an excuse for ATVOD to wedge their arses in and make a home to collect money. The real problem is the tube sites and the file sharing so the kids wont be aware of whats going on while they can still access porn.

Thats mighty cynical of me of course but thats how it really looks to me.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:01 am
by pbphotography
What is ATVOD?

Why do they seem to have power over every thing else?

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:15 am
by one eyed jack
The info is all here on this thread PB

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:48 pm
by Ron T. Storm
Oh bollocks. It's all gone tits up. Do I care? Well yes I do as my hobby of watching each and everyone of you back stab each other could well and truely be over. Let's face it none of you like yourselves let alone each other. Even when you have a 'friend' you either go against that friend or they go behind your back. It would be a lovely business if you were not out to stab your colleages. Think about it.... Do you really have friends in this business. Let's face it showing your genitals in public just isn't cool since now everyone does it. Everyone uploads content.. It's all just really boring now. H
Really who cares any more apart from the desperately sad individual guys who come on here to meet their heros. Hey this 'heroes' could not make it through non porn, they had to fuck themselves to happiness. Why am I here? To watch the fall. Ive never heard such pathetic winging ever an I aim this at ALL of you. Why not get a real job rather than a hobby and grow up. Yes I know a few of you have made money from this... BUT to the others? Come on, are you really doing this to make money or using it as tax deductible shags?
Fucking in public is no longer Chic. It's just plain boring.

All you girls fucking on camera will become whores. Heh I seen it. Even the few who said they would never fuck off camera fly abroad and fuck guys for 3 grand an arse popping. What's worse is you even believe in your own minds you haven't fucked as a whore for cash.

I respect a lot of people on here but as I watch them screw their lifes up I wonder, hey mate why not go the hard path and do something positive with your life.

I think this shitty rule could be the best thing to happen. It will sort out all the bullshit home made crap from the genuine content. Prove me wrong.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:11 pm
by Daz Savage
You're right mate - this does not protect children.
If a compromise is found and we all manage to stay doing what we do then children will still steal their parent's card details and go hunting for stuff.
Basically the mainstay of the British adult industry is quite tame compare with what else is out there - I mean how many producers are there in this country regularly banging the shit out of hapless 18year-olds? Very few indeed.
So if no compromise is found and we actually all do go and do something else then my kids and yours will only have what's left out there.

I am not saying that any of this is ideal but surely the parents have some responsibility?
What next? Why not have a QUANGO to regulate every shop that sells kitchen knives? There are already adequate regulations but shit... some kids still have knives so let EVERY shop pay ?2,900 per year for a licence so that NOTHING with change.
We can regulate everything that MIGHT be harmful... what about regulating MP's so that they can't fix their expenses?
Yes... of course there are already checks and balances but there already were in our industry.
I demand a government watchdog (paid for by MP's out of their own pockets) to monitor them 24/7.

Newspapers occasionally print lies and can help damage society or corrupt children so never mind just having their watchdog let's have a licence for every national newspaper. Since they are big business why not ask five million a year just to be allowed to be regulated?

Right -I demand a watchdog for every postman/woman and they can fucking pay for a licence to post my letters!

I mean why the hell not?
Seems like a free for all to me so let's all have some benefit!

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:14 pm
by Daz Savage
What provoked that then?