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Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:27 am
by skiny_deep
peter wrote:
"It would conflict with laws stopping monopolies, cartels and closed shop agreements."

Please dont talk out of your a*ss

how would only booking models tested with Online cert scheme break monopoly laws?

Ok the model will sue me for only accepting this type of cert or the non-participating clinics will sue me? once again I don't think so

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:38 am
by one eyed jack
Skinny Deep wrote:

Only collective agreement of all producers can make this excellent idea work, i.e you only accept certs from models using clinic xpress online certs when booking models. this means models will have no choice if they want work but to use Clinic Xpress online certs.

In theory yes. But the problem with this business is that not every producer is singing from the same hymn sheet in terms of standards of acceptability. There are producers who dont even care much for the tests and think that only other people get stds and not them.

The thing is the business will not adopt a new scheme just like that. There are far too many transient producers for it too work that it is ultimately up to the models to acceopt the new standard and stick to it. The problem I see is models still working with others whose tests cannot be verified and we are back to square one.

However I can only but try to be positive on this and through strategy , maybe we can bring about this change and accept it as the norm.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:02 pm
by skiny_deep
one eyed jack wrote:

"The problem I see is models still working with others whose tests cannot be verified and we are back to square one."

well any model with online cert scheme will be fool to work with another model without, it should be like for like really

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:48 pm
by Peter
skiny_deep wrote:

> peter wrote:
> "It would conflict with laws stopping monopolies, cartels and
> closed shop agreements."
> Please dont talk out of your a*ss
> how would only booking models tested with Online cert scheme
> break monopoly laws?

As you stated

"you only accept certs from models using clinic xpress online certs when booking models. this means models will have no choice if they want work but to use Clinic Xpress online certs"

So any model with a perfectly valid certificate from a source other than clinic express would be barred from working.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:00 pm
by ClinicExpress
Clinic express is just one of the many clinics including NHS, that will upload the certs to the secure database when it is availble.

All the clinics will use the Online Certification site.

I should have posted this under a differnt name.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:15 pm
by Peter
ClinicExpress wrote:

> Clinic express is just one of the many clinics including NHS,
> that will upload the certs to the secure database when it is
> availble.
> All the clinics will use the Online Certification site.
> I should have posted this under a differnt name.

Don't have a problem with that, just the idea that only people using the online scheme will be *allowed* to work. Unworkable without legislation and under existing laws.

(I realise that is not what you/clinic express, are proposing or suggesting)

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:12 pm
by one eyed jack
Peter wrote:

just the idea that only people using the online scheme will be *allowed* to work.

Where on earth did they suggest that????

They did say a couple times in this same thread that it is voluntary and not mandatory to join.

Though it will be crap if people who go through this system actually work with people with handwritten NHS tests that cannot be verified because of the data protection laws allowing people to get away with fake certs and there were half dozen names on the list on that one.

Dont get me started how the clinics reacted to that one. They were so laid back about this criminal offence it virtually encourages people to fake their certs

I tried to speak to a couple clinics about this and they seemed to avoid the answer as to what consequences face anyone using their certs in a fraudulent manner and another clinic blatantly didnt get back to me as she said she would and was conveniently away from the office when I pressed for an answer.

I let it go assuming the clinics didnt want to get drawn into a conflict that would undermine their integrity

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:16 pm
by one eyed jack
...Or rather they know for sure it is a cut and dried case and could get out of this anyway arguing the case that the people who used their company name fraudulently are responsible for their own actions.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:56 pm
by Peter
one eyed jack wrote:

> Peter wrote:
> just the idea that only people using the online scheme will be
> *allowed* to work.
> Where on earth did they suggest that????

They didn't, a point I acknowledged in the post you quoted from.

Skiny-deep did when he wrote;

"you only accept certs from models using clinic xpress online certs when booking models. this means models will have no choice if they want work but to use Clinic Xpress online certs"

Which is the only point I've addressed in this thread.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:35 pm
by one eyed jack
Fair enough. i can see why you misunderstood that and the reason why no one pointed it out is because the way it was said was taken out of context.

That ideology is unworkable anyway because the producers established that while the industry reamins fractured the way it is then the models cannot be forced to do anyhting. if anyhting this acts as due diligence on the part of the producers by trying to get something in place but if the models dont want it, what are we to do?

If everyone decided they didnt want to work with tests and go bareback with strangers then that could happen to (and it does).

There are more illegal and actionable things going on in the bsuiness regarding H&S so what makes you think anyone is going to step up and challenge this on a legal basis?

For the most part this business is barely self regualted and i wish everyone would understand that in case one day someone tells us all what to do like they already do with Ofcom and mail order.

Otherwise when it comes to health, the authorities dont really care about a sub culture of people in a business that does not care for itself except when it comes to paying taxes.