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Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:54 pm
by Cenobitez
Why Thank You Gaslight.

I believe in spreading the love and not discriminating against anyone, and I find my general electrics mini gun allow me to do that.

Politically Correct Firepower is the Future.

Aweee Jerry, just a little Uzi or P90, come on :P

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:34 pm
by yazmin
So let me get this straight then, no entry to anyone who has not bought a ticket in advance?

Coz not being funny (i don't read the papers for that reason, they are full of crap) i watched on tv only two weeks ago, CCTV footage of a bloke getting stabbed by 6 guys in the 'peace garden' and i just think that girls trying to get cabs home after the party in that area could be asking for trouble at that time of night.

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:41 pm
by yazmin
'Please take care when leaving the venue especially if you are on your own. Mass security staff are happy to escort you to a taxi.'

Just looked at the website and found that.... thats ok then a bouncer will escort us to the cabs

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:33 am
by Hell Kitten

I've been going to Mass on a regular basis for the past four years - for the Torture Garden parties they hold there - I've never had any trouble.
Even considering some of the wierd/revealing shit I've come out of that club wearing... Me and my friends have got some funny looks but never any threats or real violence.

Also, the staff & bouncers I've seen there have always been super nice and helpful.

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:37 am
by steve56
Right thats put me off going Brixton has a reputation for being rough but.yazmin wrote:

> So let me get this straight then, no entry to anyone who has
> not bought a ticket in advance?
> Coz not being funny (i don't read the papers for that reason,
> they are full of crap) i watched on tv only two weeks ago, CCTV
> footage of a bloke getting stabbed by 6 guys in the 'peace
> garden' and i just think that girls trying to get cabs home
> after the party in that area could be asking for trouble at
> that time of night.

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:49 am
by isabel ice
I've lived in Brixton in 3 years in total, and have NEVER had a problem, Rio Mariah has lived there for years, and EML lived there also. It's not nearly as bad as people make out. I walk around alone when I have to, and I party regularly there.
Just trying to put a perspective of someone who lives in the area across.

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:48 am
by strictlybroadband
steve56 wrote:

> Right thats put me off going Brixton has a reputation for being
> rough

isabel ice wrote:

> I've lived in Brixton in 3 years in total, and have NEVER had a
> problem, Rio Mariah has lived there for years, and EML lived
> there also. It's not nearly as bad as people make out. I walk
> around alone when I have to, and I party regularly there.
> Just trying to put a perspective of someone who lives in the
> area across.

Isabel - can you walk Steve to a cab office please? !wink!

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:59 am
by Marino
Dear Strictly Broadband.

May I ask why as a producer like many who have supported the BGAFD party from the beginning, also supplying at least thirty free films to every event for the raffle plus other freebies.
And for myself who performed in the last charity dvd for nothing I am now being asked to pay because I am a producer.

I find this extremely unfair Especially as the people asking for money from me I have never seen before at this event?

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:19 am
by strictlybroadband
Marino wrote:

> Dear Strictly Broadband.
> May I ask why as a producer like many who have supported the
> BGAFD party from the beginning, also supplying at least thirty
> free films to every event for the raffle plus other freebies.
> And for myself who performed in the last charity dvd for
> nothing I am now being asked to pay because I am a producer.
> I find this extremely unfair Especially as the people asking
> for money from me I have never seen before at this event?

Hi Marino,

Let me make this clear - it's not our party. People have been clamouring for another BGAFD party for ages, yet nobody was prepared to organise one. So I volunteered to get this together. I've put money and time into organising this party. And the reaction? I get moaned at from all sides.

I did say that well-known male performers should probably get in free. That would include you. But if we open the guest list to everyone in the industry, there will be no money raised, we'll make a loss and nothing will go to charity.

I'm now handing over the Q&A to the nice people at BGAFD and Wendy Taylor, who can answer all these questions better than I can.

Re: BGAFD Party

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:32 am
by Marino
May I reply that I have offered venues in London to previous organisers but have never been taken up on the offer.

After all for those behind the scenes know full well the UKAP awards would not have gone forward if I had not arranged the location and security.

It just annoys me that I help so many out in the industry but get over looked for so many events.

But thank you for your reply and offer of free entrance. Kind of you.

I wish I had time to finally write my book it would open the eyes for so many people just how this industry came to where we are now. Any takers for a ghost writier?