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Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:25 pm
by Pox_Dr

Incubation period of syphilis is 9 to 90 days from exposure, at the later time the antibodies are detectable in the blood.

I would recommend you stop work & seek advice from your sexual health clinic ASAP.

Some clinics may offer epidemiological treatment, this is when someone is exposed but has not show signs & treatment is taken to prevent further spread of infection. Not all clinics will offer this & most will advice waiting out the 90 days.

Hope that helps


Re: Pillows at the ready... KENI STRIKES AGAIN!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:06 am
by kirstyn halborg
over the past fifteen years,many off including myself and kelly off the well known female stars all work with a diaphram its something we recomend to all female actresses also to the gus we recomend spemicidal jelly when working as this reduce I POINT OUT REDUCES..........STIS, DOESNT STOP......... but kelly and myself have never caught anything at all, also many USA TALENT are using this method,

this doesnt stop but helps prevent, for the recent cases in europe we understand all precaustions have been taken, here in the uk now we now what needs to be done and those involved have responsibly done so, as talent producers and talent the only problem we have in uk is irressponsible GOSSIP....... ITS NEITHER HELPFULL OR HINDERING..... AS RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE THAT WE CLAIM WE ARE and theres enough comments here to prove it, A CLINIC LIKE AIM NEEDS TO BE IMPLIMENTED AND ALL INDUSTRY USE IT WITH A WEB SITE TILL THAT IS DONE ONLY THIS HARMFULL TALK WILL CONTINUE THAT ONLY GIVES FUEL TO OUTSIDERS THAT WE ARE IRESSPONSIBLE.


Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:01 am
by Sam Slater
So, this syphilis outbreak, and the British guys who worked in Prague. Still working aren't they?

Still, a bit of spermicidal jelly will sort that out eh?

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:52 pm
by Pox_Dr
Im a little confuced as to where this information re spermicidal jelly has come from, Ive seen it mentioned a couple of times on this site & to be honest all it does is what it is designed to do....kill sperm, nothing else.

It does not protect against STI's

Ive cut this from the World Health Org site, which suggests that certain types of spermicidal actually increase the risk:

"Nonoxynol-9 vaginal gel did not protect against STDs. In fact, in three out of the four centers studied, women using the nonoxynol-9 dose more than 3.5 times per day had nearly double the incidence of HIV infection compared with those using a placebo gel. The results also suggested that women using the nonoxynol-9 gel were at greater risk of contracting chlamydia and gonorrhea. These results remained the same even after adjustments were made for the different centers and self-reported sexual behavior, such as frequency of vaginal sex not protected by condoms or unprotected anal sex"

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:07 pm
by Tequila_Woods
I think Sams comment was typed with just a hint of sarcasm lol

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:17 pm
by Pox_Dr
Totally missed it

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:20 pm
by Keni
Hi Sam,

There has been a huge amount of talk within the industry about a 'quarantine list'. As far as I am aware, all of the boys who have been informed of being at risk have taken responsible actions.

I can 100% confirm that I am not working at the moment.

I would also like to take this opportunity to clarify some facts and perhaps dispel some of the rumours that are getting around the industry about me.

- I decided to quarantine myself due to the frequency of shoots and number of cz models I have worked with in recent months. I am not aware of any 'official' quarantine list.

- I did cancel all of my scenes and informed all of the models that I had been in contact with at the first opportunity.

- I have tested negative and have no symptoms of any kind for any sti's. I have re-tested last week, will again this week and the next.

- I am in communications on a daily basis and I am still waiting to hear if anyone that I have worked with has tested positive. To this date the situation with syphilis in europe is that 1 spanish, 1 hungarian and 6 czech models have tested positive. None of which I have worked with.

- Fully advised of the possible incubation period I have recieved full treatment in advance of any problems. I have all the documentation to reflect this.

- Whether it turns out that I have had been in contact or not I will be fully medicated, certified and clear to work 1 week after I finish my course of medicine.

These are the FACTS of my situation and I would really appreciate it if anyone would like to know more then to please contact me via email or telephone.

I am upset to hear of the rumours that are going around about me and in particular I am dissapointed with a few individuals.

I would ask that people within the industry look into the motives of who is telling you this gossip. I am a very open, approachable person and more than happy to share any information that you wish to know about me.

I am not sure if there is much more that I can do?



Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:48 pm
by Mr Mark
Due, you come across as one of the most open and friendly guys in the industry. I publicly got your back, and hope to shoot with you and Izzy soon.
