How Do British Girls Get Work?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by fudgeflaps »

101 ways to start a riot on a porn forum, No. 29.

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Re: Introduce Cancellation fees

Post by tom_anderson »

I believe introduction of cancellation fees either way will go a long way to sort out un-neccessary last minute cancellations.

Both models and producers can be guilty of late cancellations, so fees should apply either way.

i.e if either party gives less than 3 days cancellation notice, then cancellation fees applys.

I would support this as industry standard and hope both parties honour cancellation charges.

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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by J.J. »

brerbear wrote:

> I think too many producers and girls eager to self-promote on
> this thread have missed my original point. It wasn't the
> NO-SHOWS I was harping about, it was the sheer lack of
> professionalism of girls who can't manage their own e-mails and
> telephones.

In fact, you did bitch about the no-shows, or rather, late cancellations, before going on to further bitch about lack of professionalism. Not that you're showing much professionalism yourself by then jumping onto an industry messageboard to vent your spleen... yes, your complaint may be valid, but your mode and tone of delivery is not.

And as for people being 'too eager to self-promote' - Take a quick look at the title bar of your browser. Yes, this is the 'promotions forum', not the 'bile and bitching' forum. Personally, i think it shows a great deal of cool-headed professionalism for the girls concerned to turn around such a violent insult to them and work some good out of it, rather than just coming back with equal vitriol!

> I think it's typical that a few models would take this as an
> opportunity to tell us how perfect they are, but when one of
> the posters is also guilty of not replying to e-mails, (as she
> readily admitted in another thread) and another can't decide if
> she's doing hardcore boy/girl or girl/girl from one minute to
> the next, it just goes to show that not only are most models
> unprofessional, they are OBLIVIOUS to it too.

I can't be sure, as you don't have the balls to name names, but are you referring to the delectable Kaz B with your second comment? If so, your confusion is unfounded; as she has made more than clear on several occasions, she works up to hard G/G, or B/G only with her partner. Which happens to be me, so I can post this from a position of some knowledge and authority ;-)

> As Terry Stephens is so quick to try and make us feel humbled
> by his prescient track record of booking girls (brilliant
> Terry, set up a modelling agency with a 100% turn up rate
> then), how many girls have cancelled on him at short notice?
> I've had lots, with always bullshit excuses. And dare I throw
> more fuel onto the fire by stating that they are nearly always
> models that only shoot girl/girl. Why that is, I don't know,
> or care.

I could hazard a guess or three as to why Terry has a great turn-up rate.

He's a nice guy. He puts people at their ease. You look forward to meeting him from your first conversation.

None of which, I have to say, you put across in this thread :-/

> If you stamped out unprofessional girls you'd lose 99.9% of the
> industry. The only girls I know of who are routinely
> professional are Donna Marie, Laura Badcock, Keira and Tammy
> Oldham. These girls respond to calls promptly, keep diaries,
> turn up with everything, helpful even when you don't have
> bookings for them. But best of all they are decent, level
> headed people who have RESPECT for other peoples comitments.
> Every other girl in the industry needs to take a leaf out of
> their book, wise up or get another job.

So... I take it you've worked with every other girl in the industry, then?

Oh, wait, no - my mistake. You're just spouting vitriolic, inaccurate crap again.

- JJ
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Jonboy »

Hi Ian, Agree with every thing you have said except the bit about rates. For reference
Czech Republic Some time ago somebody posted the rates he pays: 150.00 including anal, He just re-negiotaites the rates the local agencies charge
Germany Extra-Staff rates are 300.00 euro for a scene ask a Eastern European model for confirmation of what Magma pay.
Paris Model 1 ? Euro 350.00
Spain Depends who is recuiting, but have heard hard up tourists have got as little as 200 euro for a shoot.
Poland 5 scenes 320 euro. Try Candela or ask a Polish model to confirm
Now commission goes on top of this.
The real point is where a proffessional books a girl, he pays for the scene and has no need for urgency. Consequently the girl usually will end up with one booking for the day.
Now you are a great agency, people like you and we are all grateful to you and Debbie for the help you have provided us all over the years. This is not knocking you, but UK rates are lower than US and Hungary but higher than the rest of Europe

[Edited by moderator]
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by steveb »

American models, and producers, can be flaky too.

Hey, can't we all just get along!
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by one eyed jack »

There's that name Tomsk. Its funny, he spends his time bad mouthing me and telling girls I have a criminal history for rape (yes, really) and telling girls not to work for anyone because he pays the best rates...and he pays 150 pounds for anal!!!!!

Every girl gets the same rate where I'm concerned whether they are from Brixton or Bratislava....Grrr! I just couldnt hold back when I heard that name....T-T-T-T...Fuck it I'll have a cup of tea!
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by LaraLee »

Hiya JJ

I wouldn't worry about it, I suspect he may have possibly been talking about me as I decided all the way back in June that I didn't want to do boy/girl for a while until I was ready, and the reason I decided this was my own personal business and no one elses. If it was me you were reffering to I have no shame about the decision I made only once.

Brebear if it wasn't me you were talking about then I apologise for thinking so, but you mentioned about not having dealt with Kazb in the past but I honestly hand on heart, don't remember ever dealing with you, (and I keep records of almost all the people I have been in contact with about business for my own reference). If you have anything you feel you need to discuss with me privately then I would be quite willing to do so, but I am 99.9% sure I don't know you at all. Again I apologise if I am wrong as I don't want to get into some sort of arguement about this as its just not my thing.

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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by hunny1 »

hi hun, well me myself have had many canellations, but not by me, by the photographer, and it is very disheartening when it happens, i book that partucular day in advange, and they dont even bother to have the decency to ring and cancell, this happens far to much, and puts a lot of potential models out there young or old, i think models and photographers should pay a cancellation fee, after all the model and photographer are both providing a service, and if either one cancell they should both pay the fee, and this is from a mature model of 37

another day, another dollar