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Re: Jimbo

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:57 pm
by Deano!
David - I've been having a laugh reading your admonishment of PH for owning a nice house, car etc, while defending Billy's right to do exactly the same.

As I said in my original post, BB has every right to do well but I often find that people who criticise the successful grab every ounce of success they can get when it's available. Hypocrisy in others is always fun to watch as it makes our own hypocrisy seem less bad.

It's like Mick Jagger lecturing his daughter about the dangers of drugs.

Deano - totally incorrect

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:27 pm
by David Johnson
"David - I've been having a laugh reading your admonishment of PH for owning a nice house, car etc, while defending Billy's right to do exactly the same."

Deano, this is completely and utterly incorrect and a misrepresentation.

Here is an extract from one of my posts to PH in this thread.
"Whether you are well off or not is of absolutely no concern to me. What I find hilarious is the way you keep going on about it endlessly in your posts about your nice house, your BMW etc etc and then slagging off the less well off. So to take the piss out of you, because I realise that having a nice house seems to be the main thing in life that matters to you, I accuse you of being a big issue seller because I know you will be offended by it! To me, whether you are well off or not, a wealthy man or not, a millionaire or a Big Issue seller is absolutely irrelevant. Unlike you, I do not judge people on the basis of whether they are well off or not, long term unemployed or not, but how I find them."

Okay. Is that clear now? It is how you treat others that matters to me in terms of assessing people, not wealth as long as it is obtained legally without exploiting people and without going down the dodgy tax avoidance route ala Philip Green. As I have said I have no problem with people of whatever political views being wealthy in line with the above comments.

Then you say " BB has every right to do well but I often find that people who criticise the successful grab every ounce of success they can get when it's available."

So on the one hand Jimbo thinks he's a cunt for being wealthy and singing a song about joining a trade union. If he had changed his political views on moving to Dorset and starting slagging off the unemployed as workshy he would have come in for even more insults from the likes of Jimbo wouldnt he? Labour hypocrite etc etc etc. The guy cant win. Secondly I dont recall Billy Bragg criticising people purely for being successful in any rallies he has been involved in or political causes he has supported.


Deano - once again

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:36 pm
by David Johnson
"David - I've been having a laugh reading your admonishment of PH for owning a nice house, car etc, while defending Billy's right to do exactly the same."

So just so you understand absolutely completely what I am saying without ending up misrepresenting me again (first read the message with the subject Deano -totally incorrect) then remind yourself here of the sort of stuff PH goes in for

so if Billy Bragg started to boast about "I have made a success of my life,got a few bob,nice house and car,my own boss ect " whilst slagging off old people for moaning about winter heating bills than I would treat him in exactly the same way as I treat PH.



Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:31 pm
by David Johnson
Short memory huh! This has taken me about 5 minutes. PH on his car, house, business acumen (that's how you spell "business" by the way), money etc etc. bleeding etc.

"I don't think you like the fact that you believe you are better educated than me but i have done so much better."

"you a bit jealous of those with a few bob"

"before i grew up and was schooled in a rough part of town,built a buisness from sctatch that employes people(and opening another next year)and i am a top rate taxpayer."

I have made a success of my life,got a few bob,nice house and car,my own boss ect"

"It's not pointless,i will judge how good(class wise) the 'rascal' is by how much money he has."

"Now the snow has melted i am off for a spin in my BMW "

"A class system must be kept.As i have progressed in life(established my own companies ect).I have risen to a higher class than "Joe next door" who is too lazy to get of his fat hairy arse and do a bit.I am better than him,therfore i am a different class."

"Nothing as fancy,just a Toyota Landcruiser.Great in the snow though!!"

"You are right about one thing though i AM superior to people who choose to live off the state."

"Sam,are you bitter because you are an underachiever.Not quite got the buisness acumen like me?"

"Well i can't be that stupid.I have made a shitload of money through drive and determination after coming in to the world with nothing."

PH - Apprentice contender

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:57 pm
by David Johnson
Looking at those rather strange, self-congratulatory posts of yours, I remember now what you remind me of....

An adolescent contender on the Apprentice.

Interviewer "PH, you are not a big fish."

PH "Oh yes, I am"

Interviewer "No you are not. You are not even a fish"

Goodnight PH

Re: PH

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:16 pm
by Dick Moby
I'm not going to argue numbers with you, but can you explain why there are families, where the grandfather,sons/daughters and grandchildren don't work?
If you can work the system,some people seem to do quite nicely.