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Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:30 pm
by Leslie
Do that but stop telling lies. These people here say the same as I have experienced. You are one of the liars of the so called "Amateursfun Studio". Do not try to threaten us, I am going to take serious legal steps against them. Probably everything is illegal with them.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:43 pm
by Lansley
Leslie, I have noticed that more than 70 % of the comments here is by you alone. That is really weird and creepy.

I am not a Lemming and if I don't agree with you, because I have different experience, I say it. You can not bully me.

Get a grip on yourself mate or get some help and get a life.


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:11 pm
by Leslie
17 comments from 63 are not 70%... Go back to school!

Some of my comments are simply answers.

I was not the one who started this topic, so get off.
I am not bullying you, you are a liar, that is a fact.
Why almost everyone here complains about this fantastic studio? Is everybody your enemy?

By the way: get a life for yourself at Chiltern Street or wherever you are.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:14 pm
by markjo
Hi Lansley ,

I am also waiting for my first movie about 7 month now.
Also, know some others waiting too. So contact them, and tell them about this site or to fulfill the contract we have or pay us back...

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:12 pm
by kath_bradley
Well done Lansley, fortunately there are still people like you who are not afraid to tell it as it is. When I added comments last year in this forum,the same sad & weirdo ( leslie aka Attila aka asian lover) attacked me just because I did not agree with him and went along with his agenda. Any one who don't
agree with him is a liar. I saw no point in answering him back and forth so I did not say anymore.

Well spotted, most comments on this forum is actually his. He appear to have nothing else to do with his time.

Iv'e noticed that he actually has many accounts on here pretending to be different people, really its quite strange.

My boyfriend and I are still making movies with this studio and I enjoy the friendly atmosphere and the fun.

I have just read the BGAFD Rules for adding comments on their promotions forum and you right, I have forwarded a link to it to them.


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:51 pm
by MarkaTiley

I do take my hats off to you, Lansley. I grant that it took a little waiting before I received my filming schedules, but by god, it was worth it in the end. I am doing my second movie next Saturday and I am looking forward to it very much as I really enjoyed my first one.

Some one will always have a grudge to bear and may even turn vicious as the one that lashed out at you. This is why it is important to bear in mind when reading some comments in forums that it may be unbalanced and one sided.

You are quite right, I was given a DVD of my movie as they did with copies of my photos with two models. I was given the option of getting my photo shoot done myself if I wanted.

I imaging that they must get a lot of time wasters and idiots and had to find ways to deter them,it can not be easy.


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:27 am
by MarkaTiley
I agree Kath, bitter and twisted is more appropriate. Case in point is his comment dated: 23rd of October 2012.


Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:41 am
by jimsten1980
Not that I want to cause argument but you guys defending amateur fun studios sound like you work for them.

How would you feel if you had your money taken from you and then hear nothing? Not just a small amount either! It's totally out of order, unfair and illegal.

I wouldn't have thought a legitimate company would have to advertise in such a way. No one can ever produce anything that has been made with AMFS for us to see.

All in all if you have been lucky enough to get involved with some paid porn shoots, fair play but please don't start knocking people that have had a bad experience with a company that has pretty much taken money for false promises. They probably think people wont do anything about it because of the subject matter and that it might be too embarrassing to go to the police.

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:43 am
by AFS_webmaster
Hi, I?m, here to try and clear up some of the comments made here about the Amateurs Fun Studio. You may want to grab a coffee this is a bit long?

About Me:

I am a website designer and SEO guy and I built the Amateurs Fun Studio website and currently do all their SEO work. I can verify who I am due to the fact that my email address on this forum is so I could not have verified my membership without access to that email account.

Plus I have, today, added the words BGAFD and today?s date (16/01/2013) at the very bottom of the Amateurs Fun Studio?s websites home page.

I am a freelance website designer with my own company looking after 200+ websites, I am not employed by Amateurs Fun studio but I am paid to look after their website and to do their SEO work

About Peter:

Peter is the owner of Amateurs Fun Studio; he is a highly successful businessman and entrepreneur. Amateurs Fun Studio is just one of many businesses he is involved in. Amateurs Fun Studio has been running since about June 2011 and was created to produce amateur porn movies for use primarily overseas in the hotel industry where paid for porn TV (in hotels) is big business.

He has exclusive rights to many hotel chains overseas and must therefore provide them with new amateur porn content on a regular basis. Hence the need for the creation of the Amateurs Fun Studio website which is there solely to find new amateur talent to fulfil his overseas commitments, there is absolutely no scam involved whatsoever.

Peter?s attention was bought to this thread in the past few days (probably by someone on here) and he was initially very upset by some of the libellous (as he says) comments about it being a scam etc. He called me to discuss all this and we agreed to meet up so I could find out a lot more about the recruitment process and how the Amateurs Fun Studio operates so I could effectively reply to this thread and hopefully clear up some of the points raised.

So here I am?

The Recruitment Process:

The recruitment process starts with the Amateurs Fun Studio website where you can fill in the form and your details and photographs are then emailed to them.

Peter does not tend to deal with these as there are simply too many. His staff will decide which of the applicants will be called for an initial interview and will contact them by phone to arrange a mutually convenient time and date to meet in London.

Peter does not normally do the interviews and will only step in when his staff are busy. During the interview his staff (female) will attempt to determine if you are suited to a job in porn.

If they think you are you will be called back for your photo shoot

What happens in the photo shoot?

For men the photo shoot will be with you, two female models and a female photographer. You will be naked as will the models.

The purpose of the photo shoot is to primarily provide promotional photographs for any future armature porn videos they produce and also to access your confidence and performance in the company of two very beautiful and highly seductive models. (No further details, but use your imagination)

If you pass the photo shoot your details will be put on file so you can be called back to make a porn movie when a suitable role for you is identified.

It is important to note that that this could be a couple of weeks or several months after the photo shoot as they have quite a few applicants on their books already and need to match everyone up to the films they are going to produce in the coming months.

For women the photo shoot is different, you will be performing alone, with just the photographer present and you will simply be required to perform erotic poses whilst the photographer takes the pictures.

STD Tests

All of those applicants that are called to do a film are required to have a STD Test done prior to filming.

These are done at a clinic in London and cost ?170. The Amateurs Fun Studio pay this cost directly to the clinic and there are no costs to you whatsoever. The STD certificate last for 3 months and the Amateurs Fun Studio will cover all the costs for future certificates when yours runs out.

You can also get tested a further two times during the 3 month period free of charge.

What happens during/after filming?

I think most of us have seen a porn film before so I don?t need to cover what it?s mainly about. I would say though that each film takes about 4 hours to film and can involve a lot of stopping and starting to get the right camera angles.

You should be reasonably fit and able to ?control yourself?. Repeat performances during the shoot can be required so make sure you are up for this.

Filming is either done in the Chilton Street office/studio or more frequently in a local (London) hotel suite

After the film shoot you are paid immediately, there and then.

Once the film has been edited and added to the various hotels? online catalogue of available films to watch, you will then receive royalties every time someone watches your film (Currently ?0.10 per viewing). Royalties are calculated and paid on a weekly basis

The films are available in various hotel chains around the world but I have no idea of what you could expect to receive in royalties, say on a monthly basis. (I did not ask)

If you perform well during the filming or get good feedback through the various computer viewing statistics from the hotels you are likely to be called back to do more films.

The biggest problem for the Amateurs Fun Studio

By far the biggest problem for the Amateurs Fun Studio is the amount of timewasters that apply to become amateur porn stars.

Timewaster are categorised as those people that fill in the form but fail to attend an arranged interview or photo shoot. The most popular excuses seem to be the dog/cat dying or in one instance an applicant?s grandmother died on two separate occasions!

At least 50% of applicants will either fail to attend the interview or subsequent photo shoot, all of which cost the studio money.

Why do they charge (?200) for the photo shoot

For men the photo shoots comprise of two female models, one female photographer and the applicant. The models and photographer are not amateurs but are professional people that have to be paid by the Amateurs Fun Studio whether the applicant turns up or not.

In the beginning they did not charge for the photo shoots but the amount of people failing to show up at the agreed date/time was getting ridiculous.

To date they have wasted ?11,116 paying the models and photographer for their time when an applicant has failed to attend the photo shoot.

Because of the amount of ?no shows? at the photo shoots the Amateurs Fun Studio decided to introduce a charge to the applicant of ?200 for the photo shoot in an effort to reduce the amount of timewaster applications.

Now a photo shoot is only arranged once the applicant has paid his ?200 which has greatly reduced the amount of people failing to turn up. (The timewasters)

It is important to note that you do not have to pay the Amateurs Fun Studio for the photo shoot if you prefer to have someone else do it, or can?t afford the full ?200.

All you need to do is hire a professional photographer who will do your photo shoot for ?200, pay them 18% of this charge (?36) and the Amateurs Fun Studio will pay the remaining 82% (?164) directly to the photographer, once the photographer has confirmed you have paid them.

Should you wish to use this option please ensure you get prior instructions from the Amateurs Fun Studio as to the sort of photos required.

It is also important to note that females do NOT pay anything for their photo shoots. Females have been proven to be much more reliable in attending their photo shoots and as no additional models are required (only a photographer) the overall costs are much lower.

Some reasons you may not get a phone call back after sending in the form.

You are male and sent an application without attaching photographs.

Your photographs were unsuitable (not the look they are after, Sorry !!!)

You filled in nothing in the comments field. Preference will always go to someone that makes the effort to say something about themselves and their ambitions etc, (Just like any other job application)

You filled in comments like? ?I like sex, gimme a job?

(They get a lot of these)

You fill in comments like?. ?I have never done anything like this before but I am really desperate for money so will consider anything?

(The Amateurs Fun Studio does not want to employ people so desperate for money that they may do something they may regret later in life.)

Some reasons you may not be contacted after your initial interview

Basically you failed the interview and you were not considered suitable for a role with them in the future.

It could be that in person you did not match up to your photographs. You were too nervous or it became obvious you just wanted to have sex with a woman, rather than a desire to star in your very own porn movie or you were simply desperate for the money.

Some reasons you may not have been contacted after your photo shoot

You were too shy?

(Extroverts are best suited for a job in porn, not shy people)

You could not take directions from the photographer easily

(Essential when shooting a porn movie)

You were uncomfortable with some of the poses you were asked to do?

(Porn filming is full of awkward poses)

Your stamina was questionable?

( You need to be reasonably fit as filming can take 4 hours)

If you have not been contacted after your photo shoot another reason it could be is that you actually passed but there have been no suitable roles for you in the films they have been doing as it could take several months until they film a movie where your specific looks and abilities are needed.

E.g. If they only film two BBW films in a year and you are a BBW you may have to wait quite a while until you get the call for filming.

What kind of films they do depends on the demand for them at the time.

Although you may have to wait a while to get called for your first film, if you perform well on your first film then you could get more work on a much more regular basis

Hopefully the above will give you some insight into the operations of the Amateurs Fun Studio. I will now try to address some of the specific questions/queries raised in this thread. Hopefully I have got your names correct

Barry Sequin: ?Interestingly enough, I've never seen any Amateurs Fun Studio material. They refer to their 'cheeky maidens' website, but that doesn't have anything other than webcam style girls?

The reason you don?t see their work is because it is not destined for the Internet, it is used in hotels as previously explained. The Amateurs Fun Studio website also advertises for models that are prepared to do webcam work, hence the reference to their ?Cheeky Maidens? website.

Sohojiveboy: ?The deal seemed to be 2 monthly film shoots with me and 2 girls (of my choice) and payment of ?750 each time. Now, call me naive, but I don't think performers in LA get that much at the basic level, although of course, I'm happy to be proven wrong!?

Average pay for a lady is ?640 per film and men ?160 per film, Gay men in gay films get ?240. No one knows where you got the ?750 figure from

faye: ?I dont trust them now.I was even called for a photo shoot which I did attend prior to doing a porn shoot, nothing as of yet for a porn shoot and its been months. they seem tobe full of bullshit.?

Faye, you never attended a photo shoot, they remember you quite clearly. The story is that your husband applied and was rejected. You applied but did not send any photographs, they called you to ask for some photographs but you said you had none but you could pop into the office as you work in London.

You did pop into the office and one of the staff simply took a quick photograph of you to add to your file. Unfortunately your application was ultimately also rejected. Sorry, not everyone makes it.

emmab: ?humm.. sounds like they are after free content faye? I applied to them but if they want me to do a photoset for free they can fuck off!?

They are not after free content and if you had applied your photo shoot would have been done for free (they do not charge women for photo shoots). If your photo shoot was good, you would have gone onto paid film work. Good female actresses are in demand

igorvirgo: ?Avoid them, run away! First they will tell you, you will not have to pay, but yes, you will have to. Then you can wait for months and nothing will happen. But you can go to the interview and see how they do it. I am planning to report them to the police.?

You only have to pay the full ?200 if you want their photographer and two models to do the photo shoot with you. If you arrange your own pictures to send to them you will only have to pay ?36 directly to your photographer and they will pay the remaining ?164 directly to your photographer

After the photo shoot they still have to pay the two professional models and the photographer for their time, which is quite a lot of money.

asianlover: ?The lady who is KATH, who posted on here awhile back, is a con artist, its someone from the studio Amateurs fun. someone rang Amateurs fun and complained of their bullshit and scam, and mention to them the complaints on BGAFD, so the person Named KATH set an account on here to try and cover their ass, by making out that her and her boy friend have had work.LOL what a load of bullshit. my god what is this place coming to. I know 2 femaile models that have been scam by them, take photos of them nude, and promises of work, never happened, so what are they doing with the photos may we ask?? cos the girls wasnt paid for them. good luck people getting it dealt with gonna be hard cos they smart it seems?

Kath first posted on 11-09-12 which is well before the Amateurs Fun Studio saw this thread. They have only been made aware of it in the last few days.

As regards what are they doing with the photos? Nothing? They make porn films, the photos are part of the interview process, and a failed applicant?s photos will be destroyed.

Those that get through the photo shoot will have their photos used for promotional purposes and held on file until a suitable position comes up.

marrillo: ?I went down to London for an interview. I met a man called Peter who interviewed me in a cafe supposedly next to their studio. Now why if they are genuine do they not have a space to conduct interviews? Wouldn't it make sense if they are genuine that they would let you see so by letting you into the studio??

The Chilton Street office is in the basement, it comprises 3 rooms, two have desks and computers and are in permanent use by the staff.

The third room is a meeting room & Studio, but if it is in use then sometimes Peter or his staff will take you to a caf? to do the interview. It?s just logistics, space is at a premium in the city of London

marrillo: ?He said that they get 400 applicants a day and the computer picks just 4 at random?

I don?t think so? Some confusion here?. It?s more like 400 applicants a week. All applications that are received are logged into a computer program, which, when a particular film role is needed, is queried to pick 4 suitable applicants to interview on a specific day. No employer picks people at random!

marrillo: ?I was offered the job and told I'd be doing 1 film a week for ?450 and that I'd get a lot of royalties on top. This would last 4 a year?

No one told you this?Assuming you are a straight male you will get ?120 for your first film. If you are a star performer you can work your way up, in the industry, to a point where you maybe able to earn ?450 per film and maybe in demand on a weekly basis from various companies but realistically only the best will achieve this.

?Royalties? are calculated weekly and are based on the number of times your film is viewed in any hotel room. For every time your film is viewed worldwide you receive 10p (?0.10)

marrillo: ?Lots more things he said look like confidence moves. He often referred to the fact that many doctors, lawyers, even judges were on their books. This just gives the veneer of respectability to the whole thing.?

Welcome to the City of London? having worked here for over 20 years I can assure you that doctors, lawyers, and even judges are just men, with the same urges as you and me.

Some even take drugs and use escorts on a regular basis. They work hard and they play hard so don?t be surprised to find out they want the same thing other men fantasize about.

marrillo: ?He mentioned that I would be taking my co-stars back to my hotel afterwards regularly and that I could make lots of money on the side with offers from couples to service the wife after they've seen the films.?

No one said this to you. But nice work if you can get it. I love the way you think

marrillo: ?All the films were with 2-3 more girls than males. This isn't the usual ratio in most porn films and if as he said girls were 3 times as expensive then why do it like that??

Typically most of the porn films are done with one man and two women. You will be required to perform with one woman at a time. Then the two women will perform a lesbian scene, whilst you rest. Then you will be required to perform with both of them at the same time. Hence the need for more women than men when filming

marrillo: I got a contract through the post a few days later. It didn't mention anything about being paid directly for the films nor did it have pictures of the girls I was supposed to be able to choose from for my first film. I emailed them my enquiries and got a call back. The pictures were missing for some reason but would I come down to London for a photo shoot, they could sort the girls out then--?200. [/u]They said if I could find my own photographer they could do it that way. [/u]

A scammer or con artist would not allow you to use you own photographer if they just wanted your money. You could have gone with that option and progressed with your application, rather than writing it off as a scam

marrillo: ?I imagine that they are clever enough to have themselves covered legally. You do after all sign a contract.?

Yes it?s a job just like any other, most jobs have contracts you will need to sign. You will sign a standard ?photograph release form? plus a ?performers release form?.

The terms are pretty standard for the industry but if you do not want to sign the forms no one is going to force you to do it.

In conclusion

Hopefully some of the above will give you a better insight into the Amateurs Fun Studio?s operations and assure that that it is in no way a scam but a genuine company looking for fresh talent in the world of amateur porn production.

The internet is full of scammers and it is wise to be cautious, but the Internet is also full of opportunities make sure you can tell the difference or you will miss out on a lot that life has to offer you.

For those of you that failed to get accepted, I?m sorry but you just have to accept that this is a job interview just like any other job and your application was not good enough for whatever reason.

Should you wish to pursue a career in porn you may want to think about why you were rejected and change your approach in any future applications to other companies.

For those of you still considering applying for a position in porn please understand that you are competing with 100?s of other people applying for what could be considered as ?a man?s dream job?.

You do not have to be exceptionally good looking as they are specifically looking for normal looking people but you do have to be passionate and committed throughout the entire selection process.

As in any job you may have to work hard to get it but the rewards are there for those of you really interested in a career in porn.

I?ll monitor this thread occasionally to respond to any unanswered questions I may be able to assist with but I don?t intend getting involved in any ?flame wars? or questions as to why a specific individual may have been rejected (as I simply don?t have that information)

And a final note for those of you who have already applied and have already made films with the Amateurs Fun Studio? I salute you. If only I was a lot younger and fitter maybe I could have been amongst you



Webmaster/SEO for the Amateurs Fun Studio website

Re: Amateurs Fun Studio - any experience?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:27 pm
by Rmz250
I am currently waiting to make a movie and have been for 5 months. I have had my photoshoot and a man named Peter called me 2 months ago asking if I was ready for an std test. I haven't heard anything since. He is a black man who says he's the editor. I was under the impression the older man named Michael was the owner.

Either way I'm glad the web designer has posted a comment as this gives me some hope it's not a scam however there is one thing very different that I was told by Peter when he interviewed me and that was I'd be paid 700 per film. I also had a photoshoot with only one model and she wasn't naked