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Still no word from the Daily Mail

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:31 pm
by andy at handiwork
Still no word from the Mail objecting to this imposition of extra costs on legally operating traders, nor of the extra red tape that will add further hardship to the burden of regulation that daily strangles the small businessperson in this country. Strange, because that bastion of support for the small businessman might be surprised to find how many of its readers actually like porn, as well as how many of its readership are involved in its production.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:07 pm
by Tia Bell
I live outside the UK, would anyone be up for using a service that uploads content to your sites for you?


Good try

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:18 pm
by andy at handiwork
The powers that be have thought about that one. Uploading from the UK to a foreign based server is considered in law to be 'publishing' in the UK and treated as though the server was here.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:22 pm
by Tia Bell

What if your content was sent by courier on disk/usb whatever so it first contact with a server is outside the UK?

Just mulling it over like.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:47 pm
by planeterotica
Tia Bell wrote:

> Meh!
> What if your content was sent by courier on disk/usb whatever
> so it first contact with a server is outside the UK?
> Just mulling it over like.

planeterotica wrote:

This has been my thought all along, forget Adult Work as you are still uploading from the UK...

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:03 pm
by Tia Bell
The service could I'm sure include loading clips/rentals to AW. ;)

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:16 am
by one eyed jack
Paul Jones wrote:

Suggestion guys - go out and find political blogs with video and point out that they will have to register and pay :-)

Pete Johnson mentioned inthe podcast that certian websites providing thing slike this for legal use wil be exempt.

Its still vague but he did answer it. This is why I recommend people also listen to the podcast to get the more relevant information not available on their site.

There were people in the website bsuiness present asking the kind of questions relevan tto our business.

Everything else is a bit vague and open to interpretation

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:58 am
by joe king
What is 'publishing'?
Is sending the stuff in the mail to the country, 'publishing'?

What country does the server 'youtube' reside in?

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:28 am
by s rougier
The server 'youtube' resides in Mountain View, California. But as far as I know it's location is irrelevant, as it would be outside the scope of ATVOD no matter where it was.

Re: OFCOM regulations - say goodbye to yout business!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:01 am
by jimslip

As far as the internet is concerned, I believe a judge deemed that if you upload from here to a server regardless of its location it has in effect been, "Published" in the UK.

Luckily for most I don't think this has been enforced for 99.9% of people. After all his judgement was before webcam, so presumably anyone who gets his/ her bits out on webcam would be "Publishing", so as usual it's all bollocks and no one does anything about it.

If you send your media, by an independant courior (Not Royal Mail) to a country where porn is legal to handle and upload, there is not a problem. Better still is to actually live in a country where they don't give a toss as well!

Whatever this ADVOD lot are saying, it's REALLY about screwing money out of the toil of the good, God fearing folk of porn, to self support yet another quango where the boss earns a small fortune and a bunch of pen-pushers gets paid a small fortune.

Think of the old days when the landowners used to screw every penny out of the serfs to support their lavish lifestyles. Same thing.

As Aristotle once quipped, "It's all bollocks!"