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Didn't mean to be vulgar, but you have to blame the Victorians.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:23 pm
by Bicycle Bum
It was they who amplified the role of the church in sexually repressing the general population, while continuing in their own debauchery. Porn is the backlash, but is very tame by comparison with what the upper classes are into. They and church elders are the most sexually depraved in society. Porn is mostly pretending, therefore most performers are quite normal, not at all depraved. If you want to be honest about porn then you'll leave it well alone. Instead, go track down some posh perverts.

Wish people would stop calling Brit Porn an Industry.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:33 pm
by Bicycle Bum
An industry implies a central institution co-ordinating things, but there aren't any in the UK, unless UKAP is to be the beginning of a British porn industry. A lot of self-employed and free-lance individuals doesn't make an industry.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:36 pm
by joe king
I thought I was a fruity loop bat. I've just found another one.


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:45 pm
by XXXjoolsbrooke
i have to agree with everyone who KNOWS the industry, vicky your knocking on silent doors huni, isnt there some chavs you havent screened on JK yet? as dont think you will get any self respecting adult actors up on that stage :-)


Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:47 pm
by Heidi Vincent
Hi Vickie,

I doubt anyone in the industry is frightened of Jeremy Kyles confrontational style,its the editing thats the problem.Bottom line Vickie is that its a job.There are, no doubt, parts of your job you hate,things you'd rather not do,people you dislike.On the other hand, there are probably times you have a fantastic time,get paid for having fun and meeting great people.Porn is no different from your job,you have good days and not so good.The main difference is perks,instead of a car and expense account we have orgasms,lol.
As for exploitation,in my other life as a union rep I see women working all hours in poor conditions for the minimum wage and sometimes less,tell me whose being exploited there.I could earn the equivalent of over two weeks wages in two days compared to my "respectable" job,just for enjoying myself.How is that exploitation. Who's exploiting who?
We all enjoy sex,or should do,so what could be better than getting paid for having orgasms.The majority of people against porn are mainly jealous,though they wouldn't admit it.They probably haven't got the looks or the bottle to do it and it winds them up because their partners love looking at it.Envy is their main gripe no matter how they try to deny it.
The programme is dead in the water,you'll never get a ballanced view because these people are not going to admit to being envious of it when its easier to appear as the moral majority.

Heidi V.

Re: Wish people would stop calling Brit Porn an Industry.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:24 pm
by one eyed jack
Gotta say Bicycle Bum..You are right about the self employed freelancers does not an industry make I never purported it did.

UKAP as an association is too random and leaderless to orchestrate something like this anyway. It would have been nice to be recognised in such a way but as you might have read from Jim Slips post recently advising it is every man for himself which is why nothing would ever work in the industry because ther eis not enough unity and if you read between Mr Slips post: Paranoid to the max.

Oh and lets not forget jaded.

I honestly dont believe the entirte adult industry is like this and would love to see the day that others contributed in a positive way to help those and in turn provide a better structure for the business at large but too many self serving interests are at the core of the self destruction of this business that self preservation may well be the only option.

Too many people taking and not giving is at the heart of this recession. You'd think people would apply that thinking to other things but alas, too many people cant see beyond their own apathy and self serving interests to give a shit so shall suffer the consequences blind in their own ignorance.

never trust ITV

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:29 pm
by pj
They have their own twisted way of doing things.



Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:02 am
by Daz Savage
Well this sounds like you're starting off in a balanced way doesn't it?
You obviously have an army of 'negative ex-insiders' ready to tell their tales.
And as to why there's so many negative people who have left - it's simple...
This society treats everyone in this business like shit so when people leave (for any reason) the safest thing for them to do is make out they were forced into it, coerced into most of the styles of work they did and even drugged and just plain forced into it.
Yes you know lots of ex-performers who may willingly attempt to restore their own reputations by distancing themselves from the rest of us but have you found even one negative one amongst the current set f actors and actresses here?
Isn't it funny how everyone in the biz loves it and everyone outside hates it?
The British are too screwed-up over sex in the first place that's the problem.
Here is a FACT... Vickie, if you have a boyfriend or husband he masturbates... all men do unless they are are bare-faced liars. And the vast majority of these men use porn to assist them.
Sorry if that's unacceptable.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:04 am
by Daz Savage
You're not associated with "wall to Wall" are you?
Stitch-up merchants to the max they are!!!


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:10 am
by Daz Savage
hear hear.
I say this all the bloody time.
When I left the adult industry a few years back I couldn't get a job fitting my qualifications and ended up working in the crappest job imaginable.
Basic wage, terrible and even dangerous conditions, working with extremely hazardous substance and I find that I have no legal comeback.
Long hours doing this job for a couple of years have left me with permanent health issues - so you tell me which industry was exploitative?
By the way, the crap job was a government contract!