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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:52 am
by jimslip
Well maybe not the chair, but people like MH really annoy me, as they potentially fuck things up for everyone


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:22 am
by one eyed jack
Its always the few that spoil it for everyone else then disappear for the rest to clean up the mess.


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:48 pm
by one eyed jack
Can you imagine someone did get the electric chair though for making Max Hardcore style porn?

If the mdwest of America had their way I bet they would love that, saying they were doing gods work.

The great thing about america though is I believe the adult producing community would come together to get him a stay of execution at least.

Good job he didnt get busted in Iran or China then, or he would get his head lopped off or shot in the head in public square.


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:03 pm
by Dave Wells
This UKAP website thing booted me off of it after 6 months or so coz I 'wasn't a proper producer' in the mods eyes. I pointed out to him that over 25 years I've probably produced more porn than all of his members put together (with a few exceptions, sure) but they didn't take any notice so FUCK EM it's their loss.


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:21 pm
by one eyed jack
Dave you are just a cameraman. You shot porn but are not a producer because you dont own the stuff you shot. You dont even edit the stuff you shoot (well thats what you said anyway)

Why would you care about anything else beyond just getting your wage on the day? Why would you care about performers sexual health? Are you involved with the post production and the bringing it to market? Distribution into shops? the BBFC? The legal aspects? Would you have wanted to pay subscriptions and be part of the various projects that go on behind the scenes? A lot of it without any financial remuneration?

Are you a team player Dave? So join the throng of those attacking us if you like becausae thats all I see going on here which is typical and commonplace these days on the BGAFD.

If we let you in on the basis of just shooting for people then everyone that has picked up a camera would feel they are producers.

Besides...Whats wrong with the general forum?

You are always free to start up an association for cameramen if you like.

There is no elitism within UKAP at all. Everyone knows who is producing by their out put.

No offence dave I dont see anything out there that you have produced. I see a lot of your stuff you shot yes. Just not produced. How can you really identify with what producers concerns are.

UKAP was formed because it was the producer always getting the shit end of the deal with models and no shows, stds, shops not paying up, rising costs, critics moaning aboutthe decline in porn, piracy etc and I could go on.

Do you care anything for all this stuff?

I respect you have been around for years Dave but you just aint a producer. You are more than welcome to meet us up for a drink as people do know you and respect you for your years in the business.


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:43 pm
by one eyed jack
Correction Dave, you were never booted off.

Just not allowed in the producers section


Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 5:18 am
by one eyed jack
I have a great idea!

Why dont all the people who cannot get producer access to UKAP form their own password protected site.

Then while you are all chastising UKAP for being a secret society of producers we will be getting on with things that will hopefully improve the industry financially and general business wise than waste time bickering about not being allowed in.

Contrary to belief we dont use it to gossip about people if thats what you are wanting access for.


Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 5:37 am
by Gaslight
OEJ said - "Contrary to belief we dont use it to gossip about people if thats what you are wanting access for."

Well in that case I'm bloody's the only reason I joined! !grin!

Can I just confirm OEJ that I will have to endure the standard leaving ritual of UKAP by rolling up one trouser leg in Trafalger Square, playing the ukelele blinfolded while several dusky maidens coat my eyebrows in sheepdip?.......


Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 5:47 am
by one eyed jack
You have learned well my fellow secret society fellow free mason type producer.

Oh shit the secret is out now!


All new members have to go through a hazing ritual where they have to drink the pee of a virgin porn star



Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:45 pm
by joe king
I'd like to know how MH fucks it up for everyone. Does he paint all pornographers with the same brush?