well that was a grim show. violet seems to have major issues(but who doesn't) and the coment she made about working for food and board was very worring and can only leave the viewer with a one opinion of phil. i suppose you could say it looked like an unhealthy relationship as he was infact her manager/boss and also her partner. jims comment about 'your the best violet, your ten times better than all the girls i've seen/worked with', seemed very empty and contrived. the show left me feeling sorry for violet and feeling she should either leave phil or the industry as doing both seemed to be causing her a lot problems.
but, at the end of the day they're both adults and can live their lives how they choose and deal with the cosequences of the choices they make. it was a brave decision to allow a film crew such intimate access to their private lives and it certainly wasn't a PR excercise as it did them no favours at all. other than that, i don't think this was a hatchett job by the "meeja". we all know what that looks like, thankyou C4. it featured some very private moments that ultimately showed the industy in a pretty grim light. but maybe it was a true light and maybe it is that i/we don't like.
anyway, i hope they both have a happier year, this year, whatever they do.
So what do you make of tonights tv show?
Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?
Unfortunately I think the lesson of last night's programme is never agree to fly on the wall TV. It always shows the "stars" in a pretty bad light - watch "Airline" almost any day on ITV or think back to "Club Reps" and the manager "Mas" - all will have been spun a great positive line by the producers - and been stitched up afterwards.
Louis Theroux was/is by far the worst exponent of this.
Having said this, I guess Jim possibly calculated that the extra exposure (additional website hits etc) would outweigh the immediate hit. Let's hope so.
As I watched the programme, I thought that we have come somewhere in our rainy island over the last ten years, because not too long ago this programme would have been front page news. The BBC couldn't have shown it because the press would be asking very tough questions about the licence fee.
Having said that, the producers clearly felt they couldn't allow Jim and Violet to be enjoying themselves and making lots of money - and in that respect particularly I feel yesterday's show was a media stitch-up.
We've all see episodes of Fuck Truck - and enjoyed them. Remember how this was presented yesterday.
Just to say, I think Jim and Violet came over as well as the producers allowed them to - and Violet was fabulously beautiful (even more so than I thought she was before). What happened in Berlin struck me as an occupational hazard - the fact Violet was still able to turn on the charm is immensely to her credit.
Violet is a fabulous girl and I look forward to seeing more from her, in whatever she wants to do.
Louis Theroux was/is by far the worst exponent of this.
Having said this, I guess Jim possibly calculated that the extra exposure (additional website hits etc) would outweigh the immediate hit. Let's hope so.
As I watched the programme, I thought that we have come somewhere in our rainy island over the last ten years, because not too long ago this programme would have been front page news. The BBC couldn't have shown it because the press would be asking very tough questions about the licence fee.
Having said that, the producers clearly felt they couldn't allow Jim and Violet to be enjoying themselves and making lots of money - and in that respect particularly I feel yesterday's show was a media stitch-up.
We've all see episodes of Fuck Truck - and enjoyed them. Remember how this was presented yesterday.
Just to say, I think Jim and Violet came over as well as the producers allowed them to - and Violet was fabulously beautiful (even more so than I thought she was before). What happened in Berlin struck me as an occupational hazard - the fact Violet was still able to turn on the charm is immensely to her credit.
Violet is a fabulous girl and I look forward to seeing more from her, in whatever she wants to do.