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Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:21 pm
by Snake Diamond
I think Douche Kit was meant, LOL.


For Fuck's Sake.......

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:48 pm
by Vinnie Bones
Come on guys........

What can we do??? We play Russian Roulette every time we do a porn shoot. We dont complain at earning in a day what our friends earn in a week. In a perfect world, porn models wouldnt escort, escorts wouldnt bareback, and we would all only fuck unprotected within the industry. Fact is, we are not in a perfect world, money talks and bullshit walks, as we all know, we have just got to make the best of what we have got!!

A test, whether it be done at Regents Park or your local NHS, is as good as an MOT, good for the day it is issued, but the following day, may be totally useless, BUT, its the best that the UK industry has and until someone comes up with something better, we have got to put up and shut up or we can sit and whinge and totally close the UK porn industry down.

I have watched these threads for the past few days, seen many "experts" comment, but ultimately, our own health is in our own hands. We can refuse to work with so and so, complain about so and so and whinge when we get a dose but the porn industry is a choice that we as individuals have made, no one forced our arms up our backs, no one said "you have to make porn!!" and no one said that you must work with X, Y or Z who may possibly have been barebacking or had a swingers party where barebacking took place, it is, at the end of the day our own personal choice, a choice that we, usually, have been paid a weeks "normal" wage to make.

Vinnie climbs down from his soapbox and heads in the direction of bed.....



Re: For Fuck's Sake.......

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:59 pm
by Sam Slater
What a sensible post.

So........................why do people even bother getting tested at all? No ones forcing people to be in the industry like you said, so all screw eachother untested, and if you don't like the risks, you can always fuck off! !doh!

Re: For Fuck's Sake.......

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:05 am
by Vinnie Bones
Well Sam......

And this is me, i get tested for my own personal piece of mind!!! The fact that I take a copy of my test to a shoot is to me irrelevant, but I do it for me.... I know that 2 weeks ago that I was clear of STIs and 14 weeks ago I was clear of HIV (3 month window), I can't tell you how my next tests will come out, I can just hope and pray that they come back as clear as they have done for the past 4 years, a risk that every performer within the industry takes!


Re: For Fuck's Sake.......

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:37 pm
by Sam Slater
.......this is true, but that doesn't mean performers can go do what the fuck they like offset and just say to the others girls 'take it or leave it baby!'

Of course you are responsible for your own health, but also others. Having unprotected sex is a risk every performer has to take, but the girls that escort bareback are getting paid for the 'extra' risk factor of having sex with a guy who pays other escorts and prostitutes for the same service. This puts fellow performers at a greater risk who may be ultra careful.

You can't say to the ultra careful performers, 'if you don't like it, fuck off out the industry'

What I find extraordinary is that is a performer travelled to Brazil and did a weeks work of scenes that were unprotected, then came over here and told her fellow performers, they'd slate her. Yet if she escorts bareback over the weekend people say, 'oh but it's the industry, what can you do?'

The BOTTOM line is that if you're going to accept performers to escort, and then perform on set, just scrap certificates completely. They're fucking worthless from that point on.....even if you don't escort yourself, you've probably shared toys, or screwed someone on camera who has escorted within her current test window.

The test you hold in your hand may as well be a blank piece of paper.

Re: Samsung?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:55 am
by Keni
Good morning Samsung,

Pleased to see that you have so much spare time.

I dont understand what your problem with me is and why you tried to antagonize me yesterday with your "tick, tock, tick, tock," comment? Although today it has been edited to simply a bump?

Please state clearly what exactly it is that you want from me or wish to know and I will try my best to give you my answer or my opinion.


Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:40 pm
by smokerdave
I've been reading this set of posts for some time and I wondered if it would be useful for someone on the other side of the fence to comment.

I regularly use the services of escorts and have met some porn stars through that line of work. I am also a regular on a website that is a similar forum to this but for the escort scene.

A lot of people in my situation regularly get themselves tested. I know I do every month. In my 8 years of this 'hobby' I have never tested positive for anything (touch wood!). Most escorts in the industry never do bareback - it is a very big no-no. Certainly some do and there are sites where you can meet such girls but it really is very rare. OWO and BBBJs are very common though and this is where there is a risk factor. Anyone doing bareback is very quickly exposed on the forums and people are warned off. The majorityof escorts also get themselves tested regularly.

Judging by the posts on the forum, I'm more worried about the pornstars who go off to foreign locales where the governance and culture is less strict vis-a-vis testing and then working, infecting others who then go on the escort scene.

I have met several porn stars who escort and all have asked to see my certs before meeting which is not something a normal escort does!

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:51 pm
by Pox_Dr

I?ve just joined this forum as a client of mine has only today told me of its existence.

I?ve worked in sexual health for far to many years & am currently a senior nurse practitioner working in a Surrey GUM clinic. If an Admin wishes to contact me to confirm my credentials I?m sure we can sort some way of confirming who I am.

Anyway I read with interest most of this thread & see general some confusion over some issues, which if asked I may be able to help with.

However from my perspective I?ve a few problems: you all ask for regular screening (MOTs) yet I?ve worked in a number of clinics through the years & all offer different levels of general screening.

Example: presently using one of my gentlemen within the industry as an example, today we discussed Hep B SAb testing, I suggested that this investigation only needs performing once in a blue moon as the Hep B vac is adequate. He stated that their was no globally accepted minimum level to a MOT.

Should boards like this not come up with a concenious opinion as to what a minimum level of tests should be & how often these invests should be carried out.