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Everything you say is true...
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:13 pm
by JackHorny
people are NOT taking their responsibilites seriosuly; they are not protecting the integrity of their certificate... and yes - consequently, it's a lottery.
I did think you were being flippant - and given that tequilla had raised a seious point - that was attracting serious comment and in actual fact was proposing some good stuff - one of them NAMELY BEING YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT THE LOG BOOK - and I stress the point again - YOUR personal suggestion, so I'm not knocking you or detracting from you - I just wanted to try and keep the thread from degenerating.
I still think the Log Book is an exceelent idea that introduces another safeguard and an informal system lik the one operated in the US by AIM...
It's not without flaws - its inofrmal, it voluntary... but if the ggod guys and girls are recording their details correctly it IS going to help identify the source of an infection - and therefore it SHOULD make the irresponsible ones sit up and think, and heaven forbid anything nasty happening - it is gonna help isolate those at risk quickly.
But going back to your point - yes... the risks are their - you either accept them and get on with it or you don't and you show your opinion with your feet... either that or you only work with a select few you feel you can trust.... - and thats what thsi industry revolves around - TRUST.
Log book
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:22 pm
by laralatex
Yes the log book would work, if say like how we went to 30 day tests. It would be an industry standard and you would have to be tested after every '6 scenes' or 30 days whichever is sooner. If you can take your test and passport to a shoot, if it was mandatory, then you can take your log book. The producer (person running the shoot) would fill it in not the preformer. If you turn up without your log book, you dont work - just like if you turned up without your HIV/STD cert. Just an idea....
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:26 pm
by fayerampton
After a bit of research im appalled by the amount of pro well known girls that are doing these private parties !!!! so many !!!! some of them have changed their names etc ! im shocked and very very scared !!!!!
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:49 pm
by LaraLee
Hiya Andy
Have you ever been tested? Because 60% of males don't know they are carrying STI's like gonnorhea as they quite often don't even have any symptoms.
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:51 pm
by fayerampton
yes well said lara !!!!
Re: Everything you say is true...
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:56 pm
by laralatex
I just thought of another thing, when you brought up the point about Health and Safety issues as regards other risky occupations.
The main fundamental difference which is quite sad for us really, is that, say you had a group of fifty firemen, they would all be looking out for each other, trying to minimise the others' risks. The same is the case for the army or the police, they are all looking out for each other.
In our business, a small number care and are responsible, but there is a large number who only care where the next buck is coming from and would crawl over their dying grand-mother to get either a buck or a shag!
We probably need to form a performers union, with a code of conduct, log books, filled out by producers; certs with ID's printed onto the paper and paper that is hologrammed to stop potential forgery.
Probably a website that logs the number of scenes a performer is doing.
I'm sure all this could be done, if someone had the time and inclination to organise it all.
It might help, but in the end, I don't think we can really ever protect ourselves 100%
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:57 pm
by JackHorny
I really do think this guy is baiting you... I discussed this subject (unprotected sex) with a few friends in the pub this afternoon... all boys together - ages 20 through to 38 - and NONE of them routinely partake in unprotected sex - most admit to having done so when the "moment overtook them" - but all say they wouldn't do it routinely and all worry about the revalence of STIs... when asked how many of them have visited a clinic - less than 50% and only when they THOUGHT something was wrong... so that bit's a little worrying and disconcerting...
LISTEN - Either this guy is ignorant beyond belief or he's just wanting to get a rise outta folk and destroy this thread... don't bother responding to him.
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:04 pm
by JackHorny
The other occupations you mention all have an ethos of "team work", togetherness, not to mention the fact that someone is ALWAYS CULPABLE when something goes wrong... the HSE and accident investigators ALWAYS want to point the finger at some poor soul... This industry isn't like that - for the reasons you give and the fact that there is no HSE or Accident - or should that be "infection" - investigators coming to point the finger...
So yeah... you're right - performers DO need to get together. However - far from putting the producer as RESPONSIBLE for the log book - make each and every performer responsible...
The log book should/could contain the following details;
Date & Location of shoot - and for whom - producers detaisl AND SIGNATURE.
Details of each performer - their certificate details AND ID cross references
Signed and witnessed by each other AND the producer...
The overall respnsibility should lie with the performer and not the proucer - the producer will always be under pressure to "shoot material" - he/she is always gonna be tempted to overlook the log book thing... make it the responsibility of each individual.
In the first instance - something informal is a step in the right direction.... If it's working and its accepted favourably by the majority - then yes - by all means make it something more formal...
And yes - performers (and producers) should mobilise themselves and get together on this issue!!!!
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:18 pm
by bigAl
Now feel free to shoot me down as an industry outsider but I do have some knowledge of health & safety legislation.
I think you'll find that there is a STRICT DUTY OF CARE on an EMPLOYER (irrespective of the formalities of the contract, be it written or otherwise) to provide A SAFE PLACE OF WORK...
- and that duty includes a requirement to provide "safety equipment" and "protective clothing" where there is deemed to be any risk to health!
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:37 pm
by Jacques
Ok I'll shoot you
What you say is true and correct but you forget about 'non fit injuria volenti' - consent to risk and thereby no legal claim can be made.