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Re: Thatcher funeral costs

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:33 pm
by william
Oh rentokil could be used and she shure tipped alot of vermin out so she did. As I said best PM we ever had and a pity we dont have leaders like her now.....

Re: Thatcher funeral costs

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:48 pm
by Gentleman
How about tena the piss pad maker, She had a lot of use for their products after she'd finished pissing over the nation.

Re: A Political Disaster

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:00 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
KGB financed unions destroyed.
Loony left defeated.
Falklands still British.
IRA and Iranian terrorists dead.
And we had respect from the rest of the planet.
RIP to a legend.

Re: Lady Thatcher

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:52 pm
by Dave Wells
After my awful 'death' news yesterday, this is wonderful news. Horrid woman !

Re: Thatcher funeral costs

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:03 pm
by bamboo
Why don't you spell out what precisely she did against you personally 'gentleman'.
That way we may begin to understand your sick and over the top comments.
Or are you just yet another prick jumping on the 'i hate thatcher' bandwagon, wishing for and then rejoicing in the death of an 87 year old woman.

Re: Lady Thatcher

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:24 pm
by frankthring

I loathed the old bat and she remains one of the major reasons why I been
in self-imposed exile ever since.....she claimed to be middle-class but talked
with the most awful upper-class accent made worse by being fake....she
claimed to want to end discord but created major disharmony.....she almost
single-handedly created the culture of greed within industry that has given
us the likes of Bob Diamond, the selfish banks, Alan Sugar et al...she
defended the likes of Pinochet and called Mandela a "terrorist".......Yes, I am
glad she defended the Falklands but even that imbroglio could have been
avoided if she had not flapped around beforehand.....
She can now join that other old cow, Mary Whitehouse, in the afterlife.....oh,
and remember folks, SHE HATED PORNOGRAPHERS TOO !

Re: A Political Disaster

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:34 pm
by Essex Lad
Arginald Valleywater wrote:

> KGB financed unions destroyed.

> Loony left defeated.
No, David Johnson and Sam Slater are still with us.

> Falklands still British.

> IRA and Iranian terrorists dead.
Some. Other Irish terrorists running Ireland.

> And we had respect from the rest of the planet.
Judging by the Eurovision Song Contest, we don't.

Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:39 pm
by Essex Lad
David Johnson wrote:

> God loves a trier and my God you are trying.
> Dropped the subject Margaret Thatcher - typical left winger, I
> see?

No, still waiting for you to claim that those policies that I listed are different from anything the modern Labour Party believes.
> Now call me cruel, evasive, unkind and indeed, stupid if you
> like but your little list is not what you might call
> all-encompassing is it? A tad limited.

I didn't say it was.
> Err, privatising the utilities? Destroying the coal industry?
> Selling off the shipbuilding industry? Not important, huh?
Who said that they were not important?

Re: Lady Thatcher

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:40 pm
by Essex Lad
tommy dickfingers wrote:

> maggie saved us from the communist influenced unions

and sold us out to the EU instead.

Re: Lady Thatcher

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:47 pm
by Essex Lad
william wrote:

> Ah fucking bollocks labour reaped the benefits....
> Brown sold the gold

Since we haven't been on the Gold Standard since the 1930s what does it matter?

Thatcher ruled the country and
> she made sure it worked

Well apart from those people she put out of work.

- rooting out ancient practices and
> killing those that thought the had a job for life.

Well apart from MPs many of whom still have a job for life.

BT was a
> great company before it was put out into the big bad world ?

Not exactly great now though, is it?

> Yeah. She did the right thing by doing what she did. Gave
> people a house letting em buy their council house

Which was paid for by taxes from everyone thus ensuring that there was a shortage of social housing and allowing private landlords to charge exorbitant rents.

> Labour wrecked it like they always do. left wing councils that
> just cant fathom out what the people of this country want.

There are just as many loony right wing councils.

> You think Phillpot and his elk would be skiving on the money he
> was on if Thatcher was still running the show....
Actually yes...