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Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:04 pm
by Kramer
>So by your reckoning any successful person who happens to become >successful

Ooops, sorry meant any homosexual who happens to become successful....

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:08 pm
by Kramer
Well said newblue but I usually hate it when people try to justify poor writing by saying "it's for kids", like kids don't mind watching any old shit. But in this case I truly enjoy the writing in Doctor Who so fair enough. It did bug me when people tried to defend the first 2 Star Wars Prequels(Revenge of the Sith is great I think) by saying this. At the end of the day adults can watch the original trilogy without cringing and saying "it's for kids" so they should be able to do this with the prequels too. Off topic a bit sorry....

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:10 pm
by Pervert
And that is where the strength of the show is----engaging the attention and imagination of children.

As an adult, although the finale disappointed, I can live with the ropier stories so long as it produces classics such as Human Nature/Family Of Blood and all the Steven Moffat episodes.

Hope the wee lass enjoys her Christmas Who treat, NB.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:11 pm
by Kramer
Yeah, totally agree with you warren zevon rip, just don't think we should discount everything that is popular just because we don't like it ourselves, I believe in judging everything on it's own merits, good or bad. Oh and thanks for commenting on my bigot flaming skills.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:16 pm
by Kramer
Yeah well put Caractacus. Also for me and I'm sure also for a lot of others out there RTD has not only given me something to look forward to on a Saturday night but also on Christmas Day too. I just think it's great to have a British Drama that dares to experiment and isn't afraid to fail every now and then, makes a nice change from the usual Dreary Kitchen sink dramas and medical dramas. After Life On Mars I want to see more shows that strive to be high concept and fuse imaginative storytelling with great writing.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:50 pm
by mrchapel
No, I`m implying he has so little talent as a writer that he must suck a mean dick to keep his job. And don`t give me that shite about paying homage to other movies and shows. When QT does it, he pays does it by making a movie in the style of or inspired by. Not lifting whole chunks of other movies and putting them in his own.

And please you hack bastard don`t try a lable me as a racist or bigot you prick. Because I hate RTD and think he got his job due to political correctness as oppposed to talent I hate everyone who`s gay or black?
Take not shitdick, I hate lots of people with no thought to race, religion, or sexual orientation.
I mean just because I hate you doesn`t mean I`ve got a thing against all the retarded

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:57 pm
by mrchapel
I tell you what, we`ll see. There`s talk of the fourth season being the last, due to rising cost and RTD being exhausted. If its still pulling in the ratings BBC will bring in new blood to replace Davies.
And by the way, you`re flaming skills are fucking severly lacking. "Lol you made fun of some with teh ghey, you got teh racism"

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:17 pm
by harmonyhex
for anyone that doesn't like the new scripts, you can always make a comic! its kinda addictive tho

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:40 pm
by The Last Word
newblue wrote:

> The classic series seems so special to a lot of us because we were kids when we watched it and we overlook its flaws because of that fact.

I'm sure that's true of some, but not all. I saw some of the older, classic Who a few years back after being largely ignorant of it and was greatly impressed. Of course, you had to turn a blind eye to some of the production values (even in its true heyday the Beeb seemed reluctant to throw decent money at it), but it was sharply scripted and written, pacily executed and decently acted. Most of all it worked as genuine, sincere drama. No overt jokiness, no post modern referencing, and no tiresome celebrity turns to give the show a bigger feature in listings magazines either.

Watching it felt like you were stepping into its own unique world, which fantasy always benefits from, an effect heightened by the contrasting use of harsh studio work and grainy exterior shooting. The blandly filmed new Who never really achieves this, partly because it so wants to be part of our world with all its nods to modern life and culture.