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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:40 pm
by Bob Singleton
Shiola wrote:

You don't seriously think that a terrorist act is something that happens without considerable thought and planning in the community in which it is conceived. It follows that more than one person would know about such an event and that other people would certainly know something about the movements of the people who were going to carry out the act. With the resources available to the UK and the USA plus the time available, it is possible to find out what certain people are up to and what they might be planning. You seem to believe that something like this could be done in a completely covert way without anybody knowing about it, thus swallowing the media lie that the people who are meant to lead us 'didn't know anything about it'

Changing the law to detain people without trial is really going to help..

Sorry where was I talking drivel exactly....??


To answer your last question first.... every time you post, it seems!

Let us assume that a "typical" Islamist terrorist cell was at the heart of this attack. If so it would comprise 5 maybe 6 people.... those carrying out the bombings aided by one or two others who would help supply materials and build the devices.

It is very likely that most of those carrying out the bombings wouldn't know who the others carrying out similar bombings are, even if they knew of other targets. In other words, while whoever set the bomb off on the tube going between Aldgate and Liverpool Street might have known other tubes were also being targeted, it is very likely that they would not know the identities of their fellow bombers. So even had they been stopped before the device was detonated, it would not have stopped the other bombers.

At any one time the anti-terrorist organisations are "watching" some 1000 or so people who they suspect as possible terrorists. In many cases raids and arrests are made before any attacks occur. However, even with the resources that they do have, every now and then someone will slip "under the radar".

We know from past experience in Ireland that detaining people without trial does not work and is neither a short term or long term solution.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:56 pm
by Richas
Shiola you need to wake up and get with reality.

For a start rubbish like this:

"If you conduct an aggressive foreign policy against anybody, smash up their country, kill their people in the guise of 'liberating' them then they are going to get pissed-off enough to retaliate!

for a start none knows who did this or why. Assuming it does turn out to be Al quieda, which it no doubt will, they are NOT Iraqis and haveNOTHING to do with Iraq.....because if they DID then that would of course totally justify the Iraq war anyway and make it justified retaliation for the rather 'agressive' foreign policy they took part in in september 2001 slaughtering 3 and a half thousand innocents in one mornings work......

Since you are obviously against our involvement in the Iraq war, you therefore admit Al Queada and Iraq are unrelated, and therefore should perhaps apoligise for that rather silly statement you made above...

..or alternatively you could just save yourself further embarassment, stop trying to use a tragedy to promote your own political agenda and put a long overdue sock in it.

Sandie summed you up perfectly to me and I agree 100% with her
, Youve nothing to say and your saying it too loud.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:26 pm
by Richas
Good points. I actually think we've done rather well to prevent this happening as long as we have. It's a sad fact of terrorism they only have to be 'lucky' once, and eventually they will be. It's idiotic to call for Blair to resign because terrorists have finally managed to get through and succeed with one of their attacks. Claiming Blair is responsible is in reality taking responsibility off the bombers themselves. They chose to detonate bombs in public and murder, they alone are responsible. In a country of 60 million, it's impossible to watch everyone at everytime. Israel can't do it, even Nazi Germany wth the gestapo watching every house couldnt...old Adolf still found a bomb in his breifcase....

Also this attempt to blame Islamic terrorism on the Iraq war is so ridiculous. September 11 happened before the Iraq War. Bin Laden and Al Quaeda were declaring Jihad on Iraq and bombing American embassies long before Dubya was anywhere near the whitehouse, and Bill was still happily philandering his way through his interns....

Islamic terrorism aimed against the west has in fact been going on pretty much decades. It's rooted in a crisis in Islam itself rather than any wrong doing by the west. Oil in the deserts, vast riches, and better contact with the outside world, is bringing 'radical' ideas like freedom, equality and democracy into ordinary muslim homes, and putting pressure on an ancient balance of power rooted in outdated religious concepts to liberalise. Unfortunately though unlike christianity, Islams hardly a flexible religion, the words of the Koran are 'perfect' from God and forever unchangeable. In effect this total black and white view, has lead to a small hardcore of 'conservative' extremists in total ooposition to the majority who are in favour of change and more individual freedoms, as an ordinary people tend to be! The extremists are of course totally f*cked under democracy because they have no real mass support among the people, so they do what all such groups do they turn to terrorism. They started against their own people at first...killing liberal Arabic priministers, bobming liberal muslim countries and destabalising their regimes.

Then they found that was rather counter productive and made them even more unpopular, so instead they tried a different tactit, latch onto to the boogeyman 'outsider', and try to unite people under your banner by terrorising them of that. Suddenly America and the west was being pronounced the 'great satan', and the legitimate right of a non muslim peoples to live in their own homeland, a land they'd lived on for thousands of years, became an issue of western democracy 'raping' Islamic lands and displacing its inhabitants....

Sorry to right a big long winded essay... But as anyone with any understanding of the issues knows like any war thats been going on for half a century or more , its far from simple....and the painfully simplistic idea the muslim world were happy fluffy bunny rabbits, till evil mr blair and bush decided to invade and pinch all their's just too crushingly naive for words. Its false simple as that. Just another symptom of this trend for self denegration we have in the west, to blame ourselves for what is in reality the evil of others.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:59 pm
by steve56
there was also an attempt to kill de gaulle wasnt there?