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Re: Piers Morgan - Sacked

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 1:06 am
by Holden MacGroyn

But I did debate with you.
You just chose not to read it as the truth hurts.

Are you drunk?
You just contradicted yourself again.

Come back when you have some cells at work.

Re: Piers Morgan - Sacked

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 1:29 am
by Pervert
Holden, I was well impressed with your efforts to reason with a certain individual. Others have tried and decided it was a waste of their time; I didn't even make the effort. But you are to be applauded for being courteous enough to make the attempt. Since anything derogatory is likely to be deleted, all I can say is I think your initial view of said poster is probably accurate.

Re: Piers Morgan - Sacked

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 1:35 am
by Holden MacGroyn
Cheers bro!
Glad to see someone read it.

Re: Piers Morgan - Sacked

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:19 am
by Lizard
Oh Stony, you old flatterer, I bet you try that with all the guy,s pointing out thier commas are hanging down, and 'the little curly one, thats sit,s on the bottom'.........what a line!
Got anything amusing to say, even mildy?

Re: Piers Morgan - Sacked

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 7:53 am
by woodgnome
stonevid wrote:

> in. And the fact that such threads are pulled by the moderator
> at least prove I'm not alone in finding them inapropriate.

there has been a surfeit of 'inappropriate' posts requiring removal of late, including many of your own.

> Also, admittedly my replies to these people are deliberately
> inflammatory because how else can you communicate with people
> who only think with their fists?

try examining the mote in your own eye, for a start.

the posting of inflammatory and abusive posts in order to provoke other members is a breach of section 3.7.1 of the faq. if you continue to do so, your membership will be cancelled.

it is perfectly possible to respond to any post made on this forum without resorting to the tactics you describe. that is what we expect, not just from you but from all our members.

it's simply the law as far as these forums go...