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Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:58 pm
by playbirds76
love the workd SLUT! so dirty. its been prevalent in the porn industry for years. its just about basic instincts!

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:38 pm
by one eyed jack
Since shooting my documentary I've been thinking about a great many things and have arrived at this conclusion:

People have hang ups about sex which causes them to obsess over it or hate it. Its such a complicated subject but the one thing I think is that people usually refer to it as dirty, slutty, nasty, filthy as an extension of the way they want to see it because ultimately sex without love heightens the selfish pleasurable feeling of it in an individuals mind at that given time.

I once shagged a now ex girlfriend in a toilet in a restaurant and this did more for our sex life than buying her roses, drinking wine and making love.

People come up on here and deride those for aggressive mysogynist acts but the truth is, a lot of the girls prefer this because anyhting slightly loving and tender just takes it out of their comfort zone and is just way too creepy. Of ocurse it depends on who is doing the act as well so dont go thinking this is acceptable behaviour for every one

That and they can just put it down to the job, cash their cheque and forget about it