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Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:53 pm
by Jacques
A positive statement for each negative?

Moving on, I am not sure if you were aware of this but many sites, granted not every site, but many none the less, actually advertise what their future updates will be. I know it's a crazy concept!!! But they actually do it.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:55 pm
by Paul L
I signed up with my personal hotmail account and had no activation email (after waiting 24 hours!)

Also I agree with pradaboy - are you saying you have had nearly 27,000 financial transactions in such a short time?? I am not that clued up on hardcore stuff but it took me a while to find the url - couldn't get it via google, and I have only heard of Bluebird via here not on other adult forums.

And if you are saying tjis was the first failed transaction out of 27,000 if its true be prepared for a huge number of chargebacks.

I rarely comment on these things, but these numbers just do not add up!!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:17 pm
by hiwatt
Tell us which points have not been asnwered. We appear on this forum to have (now) only 2 reports of failed email response. We can only report the figures.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:21 pm
by hiwatt
Yes. That's why my post actually dealt with pre-production adverts (did you read it before posting). Let's stick to the point raised by the Contributor: when you spend $30 you have at best an expectation of what future content might be. You don't KNOW. That is the point being made. By contrast, when you buy a specific scene, you KNOW what the content is. Now either [a] PPV sites do not exist; or they do and they work. The whole Forum knows the answer is . Where subjective opinions differ is as to whether this or that scene is worth ?1 or ?5 or whatever. Do we all agree.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:25 pm
by Jacques
No you don't know what a scene is until you download it. Like you don't know what 'I am Legend' is until you buy a cinema ticket and watch it. You only know through a trailer in much the same way as an 'ordinary' site.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:25 pm
by Twingo
[quote]Yours is to date the only reported failed transaction out of 26,731[/quote]

Thats not true, i posted yesterday that i had 2 failed transactions with 2 different cards. Its in this very thread.

[quote]THERE ARE NO CODECS[/quote]

Thats false, there is always codecs. Your files are distributed in WMV containers, which cotain

Audio Codec - Windows Media Audio 9.2 96 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo 2-pass VBR
Video Codec - Windows Media Video 9 Professional

Even though i had failed transactions, i was able to successfully purchase a clip the next day, as i mentioned, the quality of the clip was fantastic. It was 18mins 31secs long and was encoded at 1280x720 using an avg bitrate of 2.14Mbps

Regardless of how bad the website layout/problems seem to be (everybodies opinions will vary) the content once you can get to it, is quite good........worth a ?5.......thats for you to decide.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:29 pm
by Jacques
1280x720 at 2.14Mpbs and 18mins 31 secs?

Then every file is fucking huge and not everyone will be able to watch because they don't have the processor power to handle it, hence the reason to put the information on site.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:48 pm
by jinky1315
i have bought 2 scenes and they are good quality.only one problem the previews are too quick[15 secs] so you cannot see who the stars are.also after several attempts i received my activation email and was informed that their are no subscriptions you pay for what you buy.i hope they list the stars on every scene so as you can download the stars you want.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:01 pm
by Sam Slater
Only last night you said we were 'allowed' to criticise -which I humbly thanked you for, like a teacher had 'allowed' the class to leave early.

Then you say: "Let's stick to the point raised by the Contributor"

How about, 'let's not'? How about the customers raise their opinions how they want, and on their own terms rather than yours?

How about, instead of calling them 'angry old men' you tell them that their criticisms and worries are being listened to and you'll go about addressing them as best as you can?

Is this Paul under a different username or is his arrogance just infectious?