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Re: In addition.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:31 pm
by Frazetta
Alex wrote:

> I'm sorry but porno films are play-acting.

So when Rocco beats Kelly Stafford with the buckle of his belt (in WHEN ROCCO MEAT KELLY) and,afterwards, her tits are all bruised (with real bruises) that's simply 'play-acting'???

> That wasn't the point. The point is if your wife ASKED you to
> fulfill a rough sex fantasy for her. There is a difference
> between a sex fantasy and real life.

So does your wife/partner/boyfriend often ask you, "Hey, Alex, beat the crap outta me, please." Come to think of it, how many on this forum have their partners making such requests???
> >>I happen to like pornography . . . it's just that I think
> sadism is a >>separate issue and falls into the category of
> abusive behaviour (like >>paedophilia).
> You don't seem to be able to grasp the difference between
> sexual fantasy and reality.

Sexual fantasy is fine. I think you're forgetting that for porno actors, or actresses, it's a paying job, and doesn't necessarily reflect THEIR OWN desires or interests (they're merely supplying material for people like you, Alex, to wank over). It's about taking the cash, and going along with what the producer wants . . . to satisfy pricks like you who get their rocks off on seeing violient abuse.

> As far as I'm concerned rape has precious little to do with sex. And I'm
> still not sure how you get from stockings and suspenders to
> rape.

Again, you're editing-out our previous correspondence. You made the point that, for some people:

> . . . slapping and spitting have
> a great deal to do with sex.

To which I replied:

. . . And by the same token for some people RAPE has a lot do do with sex.

You see, both are forms of viloent, abusive behaviour.

Y'know, we're going round in circles here . . . I don't mind correcting you, when you come at me with half-assed ideas, but I know what a brick wall is . . . and I really don't like beating my head against one. Unless you've got something REALLY worthwhile and interesting to say . . . why don't you do us all a favour and shut the f*** up?

Re: Pornbabes being slapped about.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:38 pm
by Frazetta
Alex wrote:

> >>Maybe Alex can offer some suggestions?
> A threesome with Bernard Manning?

Yeah, you . . . Bernard Manning (sodomizing you) and Jo Brand laying her smelly piss flaps over your face? I think that would suit you down to the ground

Re: Pornbabes being slapped about.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:42 pm
by Frazetta
Frazetta wrote:

> Alex wrote:
> > >>Maybe Alex can offer some suggestions?
> >
> > A threesome with Bernard Manning?
> Yeah, you . . . Bernard Manning (sodomizing you) and Jo Brand
> laying her smelly piss flaps over your face? I think that
> would suit you down to the ground

And not forgetting Frank Bruno frequently rabbit-punching you with the catch-phrase, "Know what I mean, Alex?"

And maybe we could invite Jeffrey Dahmler for 'tea' afterwards?

Re: Pornbabes being slapped about.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:46 pm
by Frazetta
Alex wrote:

> >>The original poster of this thread expressed a dislike for
> violent >>behaviour in porno movies - to which I've agreed.
> So what was all that nonsense about rough sex between
> consenting adults being the same as paedophilia?

It was about ABUSIVE behaviour.

Y'know SADISTS abusing their victims . . .

How many times do I have to keep spelling this out to you? Do you always suffer from blinkered-vision?? Only hear what you want to hear???

Message for ALEX.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:56 pm
by Frazetta
ALEX, you're seriously fucked-up in the head. Corresponding with you has left a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't wanna stoop down to your (pathetic) level anymore, so I'm not going to add anything further to this thread . . .

I think most people on this forum have drawn the same consclusion.

You have some serious issues going on there, and you need professional help . . .

I hope you find peace.

but some girls do genuinely like it!?

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:54 pm
by matt414
I think its a matter of preference to be honest.
I don't believe that any girl goes into a shoot not knowing what is expected from the shoot.
Both me and my girlfriend perform and we have not done a 'rough' style production but we both want to!
To be honest in our own personal sex life she is the instigator in this sort of role play!
She wants a bit of face slapping whilst shagging, hair pulling, spitting etc etc. And ill put my hand on my heart and say iv never encouraged this, its just what she likes!
At the end of the day these are movies you are seeing.... nobody has a problem with people getting the 'shit kicked out of them' in hollywood movies!
What about boxing, extreme fighting? I know these are not b/g but its a hell of alot more violence! What you see are production made movies!
I admit there are some people who will go that step further and cross over the line but this type of sex has gone on for years! And aslong as viewers want to see it... it will be produced! (and there are plenty want to see it!)
Its a matter of your 'niche'. Nobody is wrong and nobody is right so long as it does not cross the line and become illegal.
Its all about fantasys and thats what producers/distributors sell thats half the porn business FANTASYS.

Re: but some girls do genuinely like it!?

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:44 am
by Alex
You and your girlfriend indulge in rough sex? According to Frazetta that makes you a peadophile, sadist rapist.

Are you a paedophile, sadist rapist?

Re: Pornbabes being slapped about.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:46 am
by Alex
>>Y'know SADISTS abusing their victims . . .How many times do I have to >>keep spelling this out to you?

Until you realise we are talking about porno films not sadists abusing children. There is a fundamental difference between the two.

Re: In addition.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:11 am
by Alex
>>PULP FICTION is a movie, telling a story, in which stunt men are used >>and no-one actually gets killed (fantasy as opposed to reality).

You're going against your own arguments now. Pulp Fiction depicts a very nasty rape scene. By your logic that will turn us all into rapists and sadists.

>>Porno movies, in which the females get hurt is a reality

I'm afraid sex fantasies in which people get hurt are a reality too. Like it or not that's how some people, including women, enjoy their sex.

>>(you only have to look at the bruises on Kelly Stafford's tits after Rocco >>was done whacking her with his belt buckle). Nothing faked there . . .

Do you believe Kelly has the intelligence to know what a film with Rocco is like? Or is she so stupid she arrived at the set thinking it would be like Gone with the wind?

I think you're confusing "faked" with having sex. When you're having sex with someone you can indulge in things that you wouldn't consider appropriate in other situations.

Attn: Alex

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:43 am
by BGAFD Admin
Some posts by Frazetta (and yourself) have been removed. He is no longer contributing to this thread, so please assume that the dialogue between you both, on this thread, has come to an end.