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Re: Time I retired then....

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:19 am
by Phil mCc
David have you ever spoke to a professional about this them and us syndrome you might have. I have never turned anyone away when asked for advise of help and I don't know a fellow professional that has. So have you something to add to this, them and us stuff because I can't find it.
The top performers were not at the original meeting so you can't blame them...How about you ask a few questions from the people involved and they might just answer you.
As for increasing their rate, I pay ?350 to the girls per scene plus agency on top. Guys varies depending on who I use but I brought Ramon Perez from Spain for my last movie Flight/Hotel/grub and he was worth the money. I normally only shoot 1 scene a day. Even some of the easy stuff I never work to hard. If something goes wrong I pay everyone and we all go to the pub. Now my sales can support this way of working otherwise I could not do it. Sometimes its about how you market yourself not about how cheap you can make it.

Phil McC

Re: HIV/PCR test, why didn't it stop outbreak in USA

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:26 am
by David Lever
Why was the meeting ill-fated Marcus?

Re: Time I retired then....

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:51 am
by marcusallen
I made the remark during the period of silence from JFT, who as far as I was aware, were organising it. The venue was not announced etc.
Now, of course, I know that a meeting DID take place and certain things were discussed.
True, I, along with others, could have asked jim or sandie but it did not occur to me.
As far as some potential invitees being busy, again I feel that more notice and communication would have negated these problems.

my view on this situation

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:15 pm
by laralatex
I think that you've hit the nail plum, bang on the head. As far as I am aware, this whole BAHIA group arose out of demands placed upon producers by this group of 'talent'(not that I disagree with having a BAHIA). Do you not think that it night be a way of them completely controlling the market? And then (as they are proven workers) they'll put their prices up as well. But beware guys, this type of thing has a way of coming back and sliding up your japs eye!!! Some guys tried it in Hungary by trying to keep the foreign (British) guys from working on 'their patch' and it didn't work.

So by demanding that everyone gets a PCR DNA test, they get to work with a select few girls. By select few, I mean, the girls who are regularly working 4/5 jobs a week, as they'll be the ones who can afford to get the test done. (By the way I am fully PRO monthly tests for STD's/HIV). The people who are working everyday (males/females), in America or doing high risk sex e.g DAP, are exactly the people who should be getting this type of test, so thanks for thinking of everyone elses health guys and girls (yeah, right).

But there will be some who say, how do you prove A's working more than B. I don't know.

As I said, this could come and bite people on the bum as I think a group of talent will hold PCR tests and refuse to work with anyone else, therefore the producers have a choice to either use this select group and risk people saying 'oh you're using the same old people again'.

I know you're health comes over and above money every time, but to encourage new girls into the business, they won't be able to afford this type of test and doesn't everyone want to see a new bit of pussy at the end of the day.

On another note: I think that the BAHIA should not include an agent as they will always have their own best interests at heart and they will also heavily influence the talent against anyone who doesnt agree with their views. Ideally it should be made up of talent from both ends of the spectrum, producers and chaired by someone of a medical background (possibly Professor Monkey(we love you))! Basically independent people and noone with a vested interest other than keeping the wheels of production moving in a continuous and safe manner.

What will happen I think, there will be a 2 tier system of 'talent'. It will be interesting to see which one presides over the other in the end. I have my own thought on that one.

By the way I wholly support the idea of BAHIA.

Before you all start shouting at me, please re-read Professor monkee's posting that the PCR test is as flawed as any other test in terms of time between infection and detection.

Re: my view on this situation

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:22 pm
by seymourpussy
the upshot is...would you prefer to cruise the M1 at 100mph in a brand new roller with all the up to date safety features... or a 20 year old Morris Marina?...what's safer?....that's a no brainer...but what can you afford?...models that work frequently can afford the luxury of 30 day testing, but then the more they work the more they are at's a numbers game!!!

Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:18 pm
by Phil mCc
Laralatex you started your thread by "as far as I am aware" why not start it with "I have not got a clue". It would be more accurate. All you thead is is about money, how much, how cheap how expensive, push prices up etc. Thats probably why you never came to the meeting I mean it's so expensive.
Fact is not one of the performers have asked for a penny or an increase in money, they have always insisted on paying for their tests. Another fact is they are worth it, why do you think these god and godesses of porn get so much work. Why they even bother with UK is a miracle when they are in big demand in Europe and USA. The UK with its ASDA f__k a barrow load of pornstars for 60 quid is not the best place to work right now, good if you are a punter, I mean where else can you bang a Top Porn star for ?15. I don't think they ae that cheap in Tailand.
The only way the UK market will change is if Pro-am strive to make better programs, they need to ask from professional producers cameramen, lighting, sound people. Not say it my style I practiced for years to get the camera shake and the bad lighting...Boll__ks treat the punter with some respect and educate him into higher quality porn.
I know many producers agree, because they tell me. I know many punters agree because they buy the products.

Phil McC

Re: Expensive for the girls....

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 5:41 am
by denise davies
Phil, I think that is very unfair.

Myself and Dan are on your list, we are on the VIP list for your show too...but neither of us got an invite to the meeting. Do we really need to email you or JFT who are fully aware of both of us to be added to the BAIHA list?

Re: Expensive for the girls....

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 8:04 am
by Phil mCc
Denise, Sandie & Jason did the mailing, it was posted on here as well. In your case it seems to be genuine error. I assumed everyone who had posted on the various threads had also registered or Jason had there e-mails. There is no secrecy in this everyone is invited, this whole issue is about some common sense. To many people who are not effected are getting involved, and to many who are effected are not.
The whole point of my post is simple, unless they were there ASK. I anyone ask's me what went on or need advise about anything all they need to do is send me an e-mail.There is far to much conspiracy theories and them and us talk, F--k you know me do you think I am going to rail-roaded by a few actors or anyone else. My main concern at the meeting was to let the rule of common sense work. We all like to shag so thats what we do, we wont stop, we wont use condoms so therefore all we can do is start to make things a bit safer. I e-mailed laralatex direct and asked her a strait forward question she chose not to answer, so there is your answer, concerned enough to make a big post but not enough to answer my e-mail. Personally it time to stand and be counted. If you feel you can work with me and the other members of BAIHA to try and solve the way we test and record for STD/HIV then put your sholder to the wheel, we need outspoke people with us. I personally have been dealing with the biggest group of NHS councilers/clinics and this is a time when I am working 18hours a day plus I don't need this right now but I have it on my plate.
My main concern about the UK is not HIV its STD's, you are far more likely to pick up an NSU than anything else, last night at a meeting with a very well know escort with 20 years experiance in banging her advise was unbelievable, she recons one of the biggest problems she faced was kissing, apparantly it is very common to pass on mouth infections, so I am working, how about all the doubters get behind the group sign up do the naked inisation ceremony and get it,

Phil McC