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Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:12 pm
by Ace
Hey!!!!!! At least I got you one last time!!!!!!!!!
To buy a legend a drink is a legacy most wish we could have

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:13 pm
by Red Triangle
Have been filming a series over the course of the last few months.

Out of 9 girls who appear in it the series, I believe 6 of them are married.

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:19 pm
by Dave
Ok we might disagree with each other on certain topics but i love Emma with all my heart and soul also even if she can be a pain in the arse to live with at times, but when you commit yourself to a serious relationship you take the rough with the smooth and as for emma's career i stand behind her 110% as i know it's a job. ok she might earn more money than me but it doesn't bother me as money is not everything it helps but it can't buy love or happyness.

I do take an active interest in Emma's career and try to help her as much as i can but i have to work also, i wouldn't want to sit around the house doing nothing as i would become very bored but for you all out there i'm bettering myself by doing a home study course in pc maintance as this is a hobby i enjoy and would like to have a reconised qualification in this subject. I learnt the hard way about pc's make a mistake and start again and i found that is the best way to learn and have taught this style to emma also.

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:38 pm
by marcusallen
The next one, I will not be on my stick or painkillers, so we can PARTY!!!
If Wendy thows us out, we'll go some place safe and protected from these evil creatures like Herself, Sandie, Sarah, et al and discuss serious matters like who invented booze and related high-minded topics.

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:44 pm
by Ace
BGAFD4??????? As long as my personal 3 faves are there, as well as Faye, and Marcus on a promise to party, count this soon to be de-mobbed soldier to be there!!!!!

Still sick missing the last one!!!!!! I was like Elizabeth Taylor in a filthy mood for days

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:28 pm
by Secret
OK I'll own up. I've been with a porn star for a number of years and perhaps Sandie, Faye and Shaz will know who I am (and certainly the moderators will have a good guess from my ISP)

Anyhoo, when my partner first started out in hardcore porn she did so because I suggested it. Not for any pervy reason but she lacked confidence in a lot of ways and said she'd never be wanted in a porn video. Well, she called my bluff and did it and boy was that a strain!

Now she's made over 70 videos and to be honest I'm really proud of her and all feelings of jealousy, well most of them, have gone out of the window.

Many people have asked me 'how could I allow her to do it?' Well for a start it's not my decision and secondly when she has sex with guys on film it lacks, er, intimacy and certainly love. That something no-one can have with her, in many respects she's mine and I'm hers. Besides, I get to go places I've never been, meet people I'd never have met and best of all, get to see loads of naked girls for free!

Guys, you may look at her and 'enjoy' her films but I get to take her home at night! The studs who shag her know that too and to be quite honest I get the feeling they're far more jealous of me than I of them.

I'm not saying it's all been a bed of roses and when people treat her like shit I've had to restrain the urge to introduce them to hospital food. However, if your relationship is strong enough no harm results and if any did it would be through my own male ego and stupidity.

I get to fuck a porn star anytime I like. No only that but a couple of years ago I was sat on a beach chatting quite normally to two of the biggest UK porn stars there are and it doesn't come much better than that! Sorry I lie, it does. You see in a few weeks time my partner has arranged a debauched weekend with her and another porn star. Read it and weep!! (and all because I got rid of an over-inflated ego!)

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:31 pm
by Ace
I have a 'very good idea' who you are as well ;-)
We've had a few drinks, both hot and cold if you are who I 'think' you are.

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:34 pm
by sandie
i know who u areeee. but dont worry i wont disclose u mr secret.

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:44 pm
by Dave
I totally agree with what you have to say Mr Secret it's not always a bed of roses but if you have something strong you hang on to it. Ok i haven't had the chance to be on location with Emma but it is still early days in her career considering she has only been doing this since May on the movie side and photoshoots since March.

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 7:46 pm
by fayerampton
and im soooooooooooooo looking forwards to that weekend too !!!!!!
faye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx