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Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:21 am
by belfast_birty
Also for Paris Tapes 3,there will be an official artist doing watercolours-so I'm told.Big budget so the remake needs to be good.We'll see!

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:13 am
by planeterotica
belfast_birty wrote:

Steganography will prevent the film being reshown!

planeterotica wrote:

Excuse my ignorance about this but once someone has the code what is to stop them from pointing a camera at the screen record the film and then share it with the rest of the world ?

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:33 am
by Peter
planeterotica wrote:

> Excuse my ignorance about this but once someone has the code
> what is to stop them from pointing a camera at the screen
> record the film and then share it with the rest of the world ?

Yep, I use a screen recorder, camtasia, to record what's on my screen. (legally, the non-porn site i'm talking about allows download and keep, but the download method only works on PC's, it's streaming only on a mac)

So I record and keep it that way.

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:43 pm
by Honest Guv
Simon has said it all perfectly. Practically every post from you Dave is how hard done by you are and how great you are in making money for every man and his dog but yourself!!

If you are so good and confident in your abilities you should be producing your own content if its that good. If it was me and I was so confident in myself I would have got a bank loan and taken a risk rather than just take a wage and then moan about it forever afterwards!!

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:53 pm
by Dave Wells
So right let me get this correct. I take out a bank loan and assuming I'd get one, I then shoot tons of tons of material and do what exactly, oh yeah sell it to all the porn companies banging our doors down begging for this content, as well as setting up my own sites or sites as well of course..................and then wait for the money to roll in, remembering the market is saturated already ! Yeah, right oh and don't forget whilst this money is rolling in I have to keep forking out to keep shooting and updating this 'content', feed my family and all those other things that the porn barons do right. Oh and drive my Ferrari and/or my SLK of course (dream on).

Oh AND pay back the loan of course !!

In all honesty I did investigate this route once in 2002 but stopped because I foresore that the biz was gonna get worse NOT better and I was right it did get worse, much worse and I would have been in the pervabial shit owing a wank, opps sorry bank ?60k. You see, the clever fucker that I am I didn't take it any further. So I managed to save my house from the creditors (Lloyds Bank). If I had I would probably be homeless now as well as virtually jobless.

So thanks for your idea but thanks !

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:10 pm
by jimslip
I personally think that it's the most exciting time ever to be in porn, because for the first time ever, anyone can make a success of themselves, but you have to have something different. You have to be able to think "Out of the box." The internet is the "Great leveller", it doesn't matter how much money you have, you can still fail dismally and a newbie with no money can get success, that's what's great about it! The equipment is cheap too, when I first started a decent camcorder could cost ?10,000 or more, now they are pennies.

The porn industry has become pathetically lazy, because for many years to make instant piles of money all you had to do was follow one of the following simple shooting formulae :

1 cruddy script + 1 model with bad boob job and lip liner + 2 body builders with shades + 1 swimming pool = !cigar!!cigar!!cigar!

As above, but shove everyone in the garage, turn on a light bulb and wobble the camera about and add a few "phworrs, wey, hey, heys! and hey presto =!cigar!!cigar!!cigar!

As above but this time put everyone in latex, close all the curtains, shove some blue gel in front of a light, add a strobe, oh and bring in a nun pushing a hospital ventilator with a dildo stuck on the end of a pipe, slo-mo the whole lot and finally add some crap "Ethereal" music on and Voila!=!cigar!!cigar!!cigar!

Then all you had to do was choose a "Box cover" pic that bore no resemblance to anything in the film and loads of poor saps would again and again be suckered in to buying your product. The infamous saying, "They'll always be another mug" is nearly redundant, porn has almost run out of mugs!

The so called, "Good 'ol days" are gone and I say good riddance, come on everyone with a camcorder and an idea, get your brain in gear and have a go at making a film or a scene, who knows one day you might have a hit! It costs absolutely nothing to sit down and think of an idea........that's the difficult bit! !happy!

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:45 pm
by one eyed jack
Yep. Thats the sum total of it Jim.

Dave, even now you are sounding butter that peopel who dont know you are picking up on it.

You are almost inspiring them to follow Jims 10 second porn school to success manual

So you thought of it in you been around since the late 80's man. You couldve rinsed this business hard with the names you worked with. You was the first guy to shag Sylvia Saint but if you put your money in that shoot and sold that video yourself you wouldve made a killing.

I know. i had no aspiration for being in the porn biz. I was naughty. i started peddling porn tapes and made enough money to stop being naughty, especially since I started metting some of the people in it through girlfriends at the time that I decided if I was to look everyone of these people in the eye and hold my own dick, i would have to put my money where my mouth was and invest in my own product.

To tell you the truth i had no fucking clue what i was doing back then. All I knew is i was having plenty fun and the mischievous side of me shaped what I was about to become.

Fans of my old stuff accuse me of selling out when I got in because "I got boring and played safe" shooting stills and making product.

Nowadays I'd like ot think Im a combination of the best bits and quite comfortable where Im at which makes me nervous in these fast moving times.

Theres simply no excuse for your negativity Dave. Im living proof of being less than you and now here I stand.

Unfortunately you are probably right now Dave. The ship of opportunity has sailed and sorry to say it, you missed the boat but as you said, at least you got a house out of it. So its not all doom and gloom.

You berate us for not letting you in UKAP and this is the only difference that seperates you from us in that you are not gambling your own money and trying to make a living from it.

As a hired hand you are great but times are calling for people to multi task and just being a cameraman is not enough in these times when people can stick a pov cam on a hat and press record.

I love you man but this negativity is too much. I'm saddened that it has come to his but life is punctuated by things like this all the time.

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:51 am
by Dave Wells
"Dave, even now you are sounding bitter that people who dont know you are picking up on it."

yes your right, anyone would surely feel the same if they were picked on by total strangers who don't know the slightest thing about them, wouldn't they ?

"You are almost inspiring them to follow Jims 10 second porn school to success manual."

Great, maybe there's a career there then eh ?

"So you thought of it in you been around since the late 80's man. You couldve rinsed this business hard with the names you worked with. You was the first guy to shag Sylvia Saint but if you put your money in that shoot and sold that video yourself you wouldve made a killing."

No, I said I was the first person to shoot Sylvia Saint actually ! And I did indeed go back a year later and shoot the lovely lady with someone else who occassionally frequents this forum. And we did indeed sell it to the wonderful boys over in Holland you know well enough. Didn't exactly make a killing though and all attempts to broker it in the US were well let's say not brill and I'll leave it at that. Why because back then most shoots were commissioned so it wasn't 'their bag man !

"Theres simply no excuse for your negativity Dave. Im living proof of being less than you and now here I stand."

I'll take the negativity as honesty so I'll settle for that.

"Unfortunately you are probably right now Dave. The ship of opportunity has sailed and sorry to say it, you missed the boat but as you said, at least you got a house out of it. So its not all doom and gloom."

Yep, unfortunately for me I have always been right with the way I have predicted that the business will go. As for the doom and gloom stuff, I think 75% of the people in the biz at the mo will probably say it's the same !

"You berate us for not letting you in UKAP and this is the only difference that seperates you from us in that you are not gambling your own money and trying to make a living from it."

My ONLY comment about this 'boys club' would be sure I was indeed quite alarmed that someone with experience and knowledge wasn't invited in or then allowed in at all. But the one thing that seems to have come from it's inception is that it's pretty useless anyhow. Many people have left it and can't be bothered with it. I rest my case.

"I love you man but this negativity is too much. I'm saddened that it has come to his but life is punctuated by things like this all the time."

Don't be sad for me Terry mate or anybody else for that matter. Sympathy is something I don't ask for. I will succeed in time !

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:54 am
by Dave Wells
Should maybe read Epitaph of Dave Wells now folks.

Come on lighen up you bashers !

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:56 am
by Simon
"So right let me get this correct. I take out a bank loan and assuming I'd get one, I then shoot tons of tons of material and do what exactly, oh yeah sell it to all the porn companies banging our doors down begging for this content, as well as setting up my own sites or sites as well of course..................and then wait for the money to roll in, remembering the market is saturated already ! Yeah, right oh and don't forget whilst this money is rolling in I have to keep forking out to keep shooting and updating this 'content', feed my family and all those other things that the porn barons do right. Oh and drive my Ferrari and/or my SLK of course (dream on).
Oh AND pay back the loan of course !!"

Sounds about right, that's just how a business works.
But you probably wouldn't need the bank loan. From what I recall you've already got loads of your own content.

"In all honesty I did investigate this route once in 2002 but stopped because I foresore that the biz was gonna get worse NOT better and I was right it did get worse, much worse and I would have been in the pervabial shit owing a wank, opps sorry bank ?60k. You see, the clever fucker that I am I didn't take it any further. So I managed to save my house from the creditors (Lloyds Bank). If I had I would probably be homeless now as well as virtually jobless."

There have been MANY successful sites start up from scratch since 2002.
The difference is they started with a positive attitude.