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Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:43 pm
by skiny_deep
one eyed jack wrote:

"What if someone was black but had vitiligo and was white then?"

That might be the only solution to fix the problem, but then you can't even sell that as interracial coz it will deceive the viewers too much better to do a michael Jackson so can show the viewers before and after pics !happy!

..but then if you do an MJ, the model could sue you later for deception at place of work.

..or better still offer the models who have been brainwashed professional counselling !thumbsup!

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:12 pm
by one eyed jack
Or if you get busted for being black just grab your crotch, spin in a circle and high kick then say..."It makes no difference if your black or white"

"Hee-hee. Ooh! Sham on. You know it"!laugh!

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:21 pm
by KazB
Porn often tends to attract liberal and open minded people, and I would hope that race would not be an issue that most performers would even feel the need to consider.

However there are always hypocrites, haters, bigots and prejudices in any field and porn is no different. F*ck them, their loss, more hot cock for you babe ;)

As for the big cock mythology - surely that's an even bigger incentive! !grin!

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:05 pm
by Charbbw
Even though their is loads of IR porn out there, this is an on going thing and is no surpise to me at all. As much as we pretend or like to think we see the end of small minded people even in the 21st century in porno land we don't. (bearing in mind i've read the nasty comments on porn tube sites on IR fucking) So what if this porn* won't do a black dude thats her choice. But their always will be other females willing to do IR.

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:25 pm
by KazB
On another note - prejudice comes in many guises and forms....

I received an e-mail from a guy a while back who was disappointed that I didn't have any inter-racial boy girl on my sites....I pointed out I don't do full bg with anyone apart from specific friends who my partner approves of out of respect to him.....(although we have discussed how hot it would be to to do a threesome with a black performer of the well endowed variety) and that furthermore I have done many (and will continue to do) scenes with girls of ethic/asian/eastern european descent and so on and so forth...

I received another e-mail on adultwork from a guy who was insistent he wanted me to dom him with a black master and that he would be "disgusted by some loser white boi!"

I am not under any illusions and I am 100% certain that that the mailers were not ethnic or Asian.......but perhaps so eager to embrace their fetish that it came out appearing as the exact opposite that they wanted to appear to be racist or prejudice.

It is interesting to look at politics surrounding racism and see that racism towards an Ethnic or Asian person is taken more seriously than racism towards a white person.....there are of course valid reasons for this. Many black races were persecuted against and considered as inferior slaves for a long time and those of Asian descent have faired only marginally better.
It is easy for me to understand why a race who's older generations have been held back and persecuted against may be more sensitive over the colour of skin....although why a British or European would have an issue working with a black person is beyond me.

Let look at several factors - most black people who work in the industry are probably at least 3rd or 4th generation and as British as red telephone boxes....not that should make a difference anyway but some I think it does and I ponder why.....

MYTH: Having sex with an african person increases your risk of contracting HIV/STI's - BULLSHIT!

I fear that this is a myth that is inadvertently encouraged by well meaning clinics and magazines. Whilst In Africa itself a higher percentage of the population suffer from HIV and Aids this does not mean anyone with black skin carries an sti.

Africa itself suffer this problem due to insufficient healthcare, education and funds and furthermore this situation was further escalated by our very BRITISH Pope - a religious person who should carry wise messages of love and acceptance, but instead used his own narrow minded prejudices and beliefs to convince many African people that the oen thing that could save them from sti's (CONDOMS) should not be used as his religion feels sex should culminate in pro-creation.

!: Dare I say it - what a prize cunt!
Excuse my language but you would expect a person of intelligence and state to have some kind of ethics about him and put the health of many above his own narrow perimeters, and put aside his moral prejudices of what is acceptable. But no. Another example of organised religion holding back medical and scientific progress.Whilst he was forced to retract this the phrase 'too little, too late' springs too mind....

so anyway the clinics ask "have you had any partners of african descent" and the naive and those unable to consider the true question assume "african =hiv"

Of course if they are considerably stupid and their knowledge of geography is even worse than mine and limited to knowing how to get between Tesco's and Weatherspoons, then they probably will not even consider that black people may be of African OR Caribbean descent! Or that they are even being a racist prick.

Ok I've ran out of excused for the naive.....other than this, and the Daily Mail printing it's brainwashing diatribe of excrement and it's rant on "immigrants'. So therefore I will conclude where I started in that some people will always have to have special groups, to class what they consider outsiders as the enemy.

I'll finish with my conclusion in a similar vein to my last post - fuck the willful dimwits, fuck the haters, forgive the ignorant if they seek to learn, but otherwise fuck them and not in a good way!

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:44 pm
by Matt P
Informative & articulate Kaz I'd love to discuss further with you although not sure if this post is the place to do it.
Aids & HIV in Africa is a cause very close to my heart as it was the religious interferance that destroyed the perfectly working safe sex scheme that was one of my main motivations to become a Deist, it's possible to believe in God & still have fun :D.

I'm not sure if it was a "British pope" ;), it was more the Evangelical Christian missionaries, the same ones responsible for Uganda's appalling decision to intoduce the death penality for gays.

Could you find me on Facebook maybe as I love good conversation

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:07 pm
by KazB
Hi hun - I know what you mean - I'm certainly not anti-religion or spiritualism, but merely oppose the groups that use religion for the wrong reasons and hold back science, education or progression in society.

I have not heard of a deist - perhaps I can learn something from you - feel free to look me up on facebook via kazbxx or the email address linked on my profile. I am horrified to learn that Uganda even had/has a penalty for being gay let alone such a barbaric one. Whilst generally accepting of other cultures I feel that we do little to actually inform and less we are to gain resources or oil of course....

The fabulous Oscar Wilde was incarcerated for his sexual orientation and our indignation is mostly a result of his infamy and success, otherwise he is but one man who suffered at the hands of many? Africa being a poorer and less developed continent are politically and socially very vulnerable as a nation, and the humble man on the street is worth nothing to a corrupt and ignorant government who seek to control.

Sorry getting really carried away as a few subjects touched a nerve tonight. I'll quit the thread hijacking but do feel free to message me.

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:15 pm
by Matt P
Added thanks lol I didn't realise I was conversing with even though you put a link to your site up. Sorry I may fawn over you as I'm a fan but hope that won;t get in the way of conversation.

If you're intrested in the Uganda issue I'll link you to the Red Ribbon army as slightly off topic

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:23 pm
by KazB
Lol well it would be dishonest if I pretended I didn't like the odd compliment!

Yes please do that - I'll have a look and see what it's all about x

Re: Does this really still happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:57 pm
by Matt P
lol you really don't want to give me a licence to compliement ;) lol
Anyway it's been a great bit of contact & hope you do take something from speaking to me at some point.

I sort of have to be short else I'm going end up going into how much in awe of you performers I am territory.

If you do look me up/add me on Face book please forgive the naughty pic it's there to prove a point regarding the unfair targeting of adult stars & also some fool argued the "Art v Porn", implying porn harms people :S, point with me Mwaahahahaha!