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Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:41 am
by Dylan Devere
it's all just talk unless you live within easy travelling distance iof one of your clinics- which ALOT of people don't

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:48 am
by paul jones
Everything has to start somewhere - so at the moment you live out of range, so support the idea and badger your NHS, or local clinics to join once it's up.

I spent years spending a whole day going to and from London for certs simply because no local place would do them - the NHS just said NO - they would test but not cert - and private was silly priced.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:45 am
by one eyed jack
The impression I get from the NHS is that they provide a service and thats that. They are not set up to cater to the adult industry and we even asked at a recent meeting for an explanation recently as to why one clinic told a model she shouldnt be doing porn for working with multiple partners.

If you want something you have to pay for it. Why should it cost the tax payer?

Not that I dont see your point with regards costs and travel though Dylan but if the scheme is successful Im sure you can look forward to this service coming to a clinic near you but then it depends on the demand for it.

I cant see it being worth their while if only one or two people use this kind of service in an area but then i understand it cant be that difficult to upload to a central database either.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:18 am
by Damian Duke
"Why should it cost the tax payer?"

The government give people up to ?15 a day for having drug or alcohol dependancy, these are people who don't work and take thier lives into their own hands on our money everyday and usualy never pay back into the system. I think the tax payer would be far happier to fund a project that helped people earn money and therefore pay tax?

I welcome anything that brings us closer to the online certs, but this isn't the answer!
Clinic express are not interested in making the business safer just more profit for themselves!

Will girls do more escorting to afford their cert on slow months? Thus putting themselves at higher risk of oraly transmitted infections between tests.

Will there be enough models on there to meet demand? If not smaller producers will just go straight back to the way it is!

Why oh why didn't we listen to freddie a year ago? . . . oh yes, it made too much sense and no-one was gunna make a profit!

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:46 am
by James not Bond
Well put Damian.

It's also the NHS that will pick up the bill if an outbreak occurs, not private companies, although I suspect they would make attempts to profit from it.

It's in the NHS's best interests to work with the adult industry, I'm not saying that tests should be free.

I think I'm talking to myself here, but why don't we as an industry put our differences to one side and get this problem addressed once and for all?

If we acted professionaly we might get somewhere.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:10 am
by Peter
one eyed jack wrote:

> If you want something you have to pay for it. Why should it
> cost the tax payer?

Exactly, the NHS is there for medical necessity, not to subsidise someones business.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:37 am
by one eyed jack
Damien wrote:

The government give people up to ?15 a day for having drug or alcohol dependancy, these are people who don't work and take thier lives into their own hands on our money everyday and usualy never pay back into the system. I think the tax payer would be far happier to fund a project that helped people earn money and therefore pay tax?

With due respect Damien. i see your point on the othdr stuff but this...No.

You cant equate performers with these people and justify sapping the NHS resources this way.

You, me and everyone else is in this business for profit so why should we put our hands out and expect charity?????

Whatwever happened to speculate to accumulate.

No way in hell do I expect anything for free. Nor should any performer that chooses to make a living this way. i pay my taxes because I earn a living and I pay through the nose for everything. i dont get any concessions whatsoever and nor should anyone else who is in full time employment in this business.

One suggestion to make it a bit easier on performers using this scheme would be for producers to pay something towards the cost of that test ie ?20 extra as an incentive for models to use this scheme.

Rather than bash each other around the head about this maybe we should all meet up and discuss how we can make it work?

I remember three producers in that meeting last year who were quick to slam down a cheque for 1k each to help out with this situation but the problem always bolis down to the models no cooperating.

A while back some people were wondering my motivations for banging this drum. At the time it was a direct response to actually caring about my friends in the business but if people want a colder motivation (because thats what people really understand) then its to protect my own arse in the eventuality fit did hit the shan and i found myself on the wrong end of being sued. i tried to bang this drum buy including the H&S rep at the meeting too but it seems to have gone over peoples heads and also we had a generous contribution from a concerned party about Employ Liability Insurance too.

You might like to know at this point I am also covered on this now as well.

I make all these decisions based on the fact I am self employed. Perhaps models should take this responsbility for themselves too

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:44 am
by one eyed jack
PS: the initiative would be based on you using this scheme solely and not an unreliable hand written test on printed NHS paper.

Set a good reliable standard and you might find that you wont be expected to get re tested if you work in Europe.

I know the integrity of those certs are compromised the moemnt you work but think about it. if something did happen it would cause a lot less panic if peopel on the database can be effectively warned where as the present system does twork because to track down everybody to alert them could prove ineffective while they go off and wok and infect some other unwitting party.

Dont wait for someone to get HIV before you act on this.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:52 am
by one eyed jack
James not bond wrote:

If we acted professionally we might get somewhere.

Forgive me if Im mistaken Walter but I seem to remember you withdrawing form the producers association (depsite never attending) but yet if you attended a meeting you would have been up on this and able to contribute a viewpoint direct to these people that would make more of a difference than on a thread on a porn fan forum.

UKAP aint perfect by a long shot but better to be part of something than out here solo waving hands where the eyes cant see.

Regardles s of criticisms,that meeting last year springboarded this decision as we got the attention of the medical community who have got in touch with us to come to the meetings. No matter what you think about this, it is still progress. We would be happy to have you back in a heartbeat if you really want to make that change, not just to this but other things that affect your business on a day to day basis....But you would have known that if you ever bothered to attend the meetings or read the minutes at least.

To many people are part of the problem and not enough part of a solution I think.

PS we can continue this in a private email if you so wish.

Re: Online Certs

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:14 am
by one eyed jack
Oh and in case I didnt make it clear:

Dont begrudge the clinics motivation for making a profit when profit is what we are all in this business for in the first place.