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Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:21 pm
by Muffinman
"this forum does seem very anti escort "

It's not so much anti-escort as politically correct. The blokes in the industry pretend they "respect" women, and the women pretend they work in some kind of a film industry.

Both are deluding themselves.

Hollywood producers and directors always treated their actresses like whores, while granting them the public image of respectability necessary to disguise everyone's hypocrisy.

And that is what we have here - hypocrisy. What's wrong with being a whore? Whores are honest. They don't start making distinctions - "I'm a high-class escort, she's a crack-whore". They are honest to themselves and honest to their clients.

The point is to get society to respect that honesty, and the right of women to choose prostitution as a career.

But when those in the porn industry - where it is frankly very difficult to see the nuanced difference between their job and prostitution - prefer to leave whores to defend themselves and get all offended at the comparison, the stench of hypocrisy is overpowering.

Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:03 pm
by Samara
such a strong subject with so many differing opinions ... why argue.

why not just not think if someone doing something whatever it may be porn or other aspects of adult industry, that they are not hurting anyone and are good, honest people, does it really matter?

life is not simple, it is not black or white, life is just life, and it takes all kinds, and we are all different, yet all human, all have feelings, why doesit matter what anybody does as long as it not harmful or hurtful to another person personally!

and why care what anyone else thinks, I think only a saint is free to judge anybody else, so if someone called me a whore ... it wouldnt really affect me, Id just think mate get a life! why take it all so seriously, there always gonna be people to like and dislike, and love and hate whatever you do in life, conventional or not, if we're all happy, then why let the occasional whatever put us down!

and lets admit it, mostly people put people down because they are insecure themselves or the other person has something they want, when you look at it that way, it a compliment, something in you or a person was so strongly affecting a person!

I say lets just chill out and roll with it, see what you do the way that makes you feel best to see it xx

Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:54 pm
by Daz Savage
!It's not so much anti-escort as politically correct. The blokes in the industry pretend they "respect" women, and the women pretend they work in some kind of a film industry.

Both are deluding themselves.

And that is what we have here - hypocrisy. What's wrong with being a whore? Whores are honest. They don't start making distinctions - "I'm a high-class escort, she's a crack-whore". They are honest to themselves and honest to their clients.!"

I am certainly not politically correct - I hate all that shite.
PC nonsense just gives weak people the opportunity to bully people they don't have the guts to stand up to.
I'm pretty sure you haven't read the whole post and don't know where this all came from in the first place.
This isn not about delusions but about insults from people who sell porn and yet call performers "Common Whores."

You say 'whore' are honest and 'prove' this by saying that one girl says she's a high-class escort and then "she's a crack whore."
Where exactly is this quote from? Making things up proves nothing. For example I could say that I've asked all the porn performers in the world and 87% said "I'm not a prostitute and I have no wish to be described by other people as a common whore... end of."
Did that end this debate? No because I manufactured it.
And anyway, the person in your quote reserved the name Crack Whore for someone else and not themselves... is anyone seriously suggesting that there are working-girls out there who happily call themselves crack whores?

Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:51 am
by Masie
No Benson should you ever get around to booking me for pet girls (has only been a year of trying so far) I will expect paying but I will want paying because I am doing a good job and because I think it is a site I would like to be assosiated with not because I desperatly need the money and the only way poor little whore me can get any is to sell my body. I dont need porn, I dont rely on it I choose it and I know that you fully understand exactly what I meant first time around and are having fun on this forum trying to push peoples buttons. Thats fine by me as im ill again at the moment and this forum is something to do.

Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:28 am
by kiNky erOtica
Personally who I hire is just a model and not anything else.
I've never thought i'm booking a porn star even...

But DVD's titles with whores, trash, slappers, sluts etc in.
Ok, fictitious but is not just as bad as what everyones banging on about here?

Whats the difference between a Pimp & a Agency

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:43 pm
by videokim
Couldn't resist asking this question after looking at everyones views on Escorts & porn stars.
An agency sends girls / guys (models) to have sex so are they classed as pimps & if not whats the difference as they get paid for offering models for sex, up to soft glamour i can understand but knowing these girl will have full sex & they get a percentage is the same as a pimp or is like the difference between an escort & a model ???

I am not saying agencies are pimp or pimps are pimps but their trade is very similar.....and how do they stay in line with the law on this matter

Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:25 pm
by The Peepster
It seems as if there is a % of people out there (however small) who believe in this, that porn model = escort etc etc.....

I am not one of them - simply as I dont think an escort is a whore but rather a somewhat savvy person who is maximising their income (for whatever the reason) for usually a limited period of time by pushing mans button. Some will do it for 1 or 2 yrs and easily make ?250k. Many actually save marraiges etc by the fact that they are available. Maybe the men who use them are the whores?

Needless to say, I dont think a porn star is a whore either. I have met many through my little site etc and 99% of them are nice, genuine people using what god gave them because simply they are attractive enough and bright enough to do so - good on them I say.

Maybe in the minds of those people, they are getting things confused when they see the same person doubling up as a genuine porn model and also as an escort which does happen from time to time - perhaps things get blurred to them.

Add to this, the rise in the availability of the likes of POV / Gonzo work and also the fact that "porn" has become more accessible to Joe Bloggs with his digicamera etc. Years ago, a porn star was someone you never met only to be seen on video whereas now they are more obtainable so to speak to Mr Average Joe via links in sites such as this.

Whore no, intelligent enough to use their beauty and exploit mens weakness, I'd say maybe.

Re: Is a pornstar the same as a whore... are YOU?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:13 pm
by Samara
man, this is getting heavy and as never the less I go sound like total hippy ... but man where is the cool feelings, noone can change the world, people always gonna have good, inbetween, different and in some cases bad attitudes ... life too short ...

and man ... life hard enough already ... and why this bother us so much, and I think a nice happy thread to posted ...

like those, and they do exist nice guys out there who love whatever the label models/porn stars/escorts/whatever ... or something good cause we seem to react so much to posts like this ... but not so much to the good ones, and seriously it kinda get you down ... happy things ... I like happy things ( :
