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Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:02 am
by jj
No, it's rather that she seems to divide us, for or against her presence on a porn forum.....very few seem to be lukewarm.
I just think (pace the mods.) that one dildo-penetration scene and manic publicity-cranking doth not a pornstar make.

Re: lets hear her explanation??

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 9:30 am
by scottish cathyfan
this posting has now gained 49 replies! a large number as did a topic posted several days ago, turning us onto her website to read the news that if you send in your e-mail, you will get information and an alert to her first 'Hardcore' (AHEM!!) video. A great way to send spam me thinks!! Although both of these recent postings have received numerous replies and discussions, there seems to be one important point of view missing....Teresa's! If anyone is in contact with the afore mentioned babe(jammy buggers)could you please ask her to gift us an explanation! Oh and I mean for free (no email needed!)


Re: lets hear her explanation??

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:25 am
by Officer Dibble
I'll sound her out next time she's round. I did broach the subject of "Teresa Takes 10" on a pervious visit and she indicated that it was a load of cobblers - a soft video, for which she had been quite handsomely remunerated. If I recall correctly she also mentioned a small Essex geezer with a huge wad.

As for the post gaining 49 replies - 50 now. Well, what can I say except - Teresa 'n' Officer Dibble. It's a heady combination!


Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:57 am
by Officer Dibble
"Tony Blair is definitely NOT a socialist in fact he is basically a clone of Mrs Thatcher and has copied a lot of her ideas. The Liberal Democrats are now the left wing party because New Labour have drifted so far to the right that they make the Conservatives seem like communists."


" When I see old footage of Thatcher it occurs to me that she looks stark raving mad. How come we didn?t notice she was crazy at the time?"

Oh come on magoo, we'll all look a little divi when we get to her age!

" You also say you admired how she wouldn?t allow any other country to fuck with us. Yes she took a strong line on such matters and would not compromise on terrorism either as demonstrated by the killing of the terrorists in the Iranian Embassy and the IRA men and women who were gunned down in Gibraltar (they were unarmed btw but the SAS had orders that they were to be killed rather than go through the tedious process of prosecuting them i.e. Thatcher was judge, jury and executioner)."

Call me callous if you will, but I would have done the same. I'm not concerned with the rights of those who murder innocent parties to draw attention to their cause. What if they had murdered you mother, father, son or daughter? Would you have been so keen to wring your hands over them in that instance? There were problems at the time and simple clean elegant solutions to those particular problems suggested their selves. Sorted.

Can't comment on the Falklanders, don't know any. However, whether they were nice folks or not was not the point. The point was some other country had stepped on our toes. They had shown disrespect. The world was watching. Their ass had to be kicked to teach them or anyone else that if they fucked with us there would be 'consequences.'

"Oh and loads of small businesses went to the wall as a result of her. It wasn?t just heavy industry that she fucked."

I guess so, but that was precisely what was required at the time - to get rid of all the weeds and start afresh. Business and industry were in a dire state when Maggie took over - Winter Of Discontent, Red Robbo 'n' all that. I recall in the early eighties delivering something or other to the British Steel plant at Port Talbot. There were two guys looking after the goods receiving depot - but they were not happy bunnies. Seems a new regime of cost cutting and an efficiency drive had resulted in their department?s staff being reduced from 30! To the present two. I pointed out that they seemed to be managing OK, to which they retorted "Yes, but that's not the point. We hardly ever get chance for a cup of tea nowadays. We have to wait till break time! Well, would you credit it - no wonder the economy was on the rocks till Maggie came along and kicked some ass.


Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:37 pm
by Steve Stevenage
..and I thought this Forum was about British Girls in Adult Films
not Teasers in fur!

o/t Re: lets hear her explanation??

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 4:45 pm
by buttsie
More like people either loathe her because of the simulation scene or lust after her because of.....?

TM & Officer Dibble a heady combination...maybe you could star in her next simulation...TM & Her 10" Truncheon


Re: teresa may pictures and video clips here

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:32 pm
by jj
Thatcher was warned months prior to the 'crisis' that the withdrawal of, I think it was, a British icebreaker, would be seen by the Argentinian junta as a tacit go-ahead for an invasion. She ignored that advice.
As to the economy, the result was a LACK of business confidence and great DAMAGE to to the economy by the removal of the purchasing power of all the individuals who were thrown onto the dole by her insane version of Reaganomics. Britain's decline may have been started by the poor post-War recovery and the likes of heath and Wilson, but she really delivered the coup de grace.
She also shared with Blur an unwillingness to govern by consensus, or to accept a contrary opinion, and hence was also a great detriment to rational democracy.
Almost her first act in government was to beef up Police and Army pay......a bit of a giveaway in the hindsight of Grunwick, the miners' strike and the Poll Tax riots, eh? And we still haven't got back the right to protest publicly, something our ancestors fought (and often died) for.
To this day, some of my friends would happily drink her blood.
I find it hard to castigate them for this somewhat sanguine attitude.

Re: lets hear her explanation??

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:33 pm
by jj
Is this thread about her?
I thought we were discussing Thatcherism.

Re: o/t Re: lets hear her explanation??

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:34 pm
by jj
....I think he'd rather co-star with Maggie.
A consummation devoutly to be unwished.........

Re: o/t Re: lets hear her explanation??

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 9:58 pm
by Officer Dibble
Think I'll pass on that one. However, for those who carry a torch for Maggie there's an interesting film coming up in the next issue of HCC. It's an early 80's American flick starring amongst others that 'Aunt Peg' sort. In this film 'Taboo' She sorts a perfect 'Maggie' hair do and looks quite the spit.
