My tuppennyworth

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

.....and I'd question the value of your sample audience.
A lot of the guys I talk to are sick of 'bubble-gum' porn PRECISELY because it's so anodyne: one 18-y-o nymphet gets much like any other, after you've watched 10 of them in the same vid. Which is why Wendy and others are so in demand: their personality, humour, total involvement (giggle-fits apart !) and genuine enjoyment come as a breath of fresh air.
Which is not to say that anyone has the right to deny you the wherewithal to run your business as you see fit. But I think there's a market out there that you're not tapping into.....

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

I agreee in principle, but would argue that some punters prefer amateur (whatever the sense) porn to studio-made efforts, often because of the spontaneity (pratfalls/pussy-farts included).
And some examples of the recent US crop referred to above that I've seen have exhibited a rather unpleasant (at least, to me) degree of misogyny.
And I'd cite Terry Stephens/Pumpkin as examples of British producers who keep on coming up with the new talent that is apparently so 'scarce'. The former straddles the amateur/gonzo line, the latter at least aspires to, and often achieves, those production values you seem to favour.
Britporn ain't dead yet, so let's postpone the funeral, eh?

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

Cop a look at recent OEJs/Pumpkin stuff for starters.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

Every film DOES star the same cast, more or less: Hollywood didn't get rich by taking risks.
How many films has Aurora Snow made in the last 3 years? 198 and growing.
Don't single out the Brit industry for over-exploitation.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

Logic AND Voltaire !
Job No.2 must be Oxbridge blue-stocking. Or perhaps Bodleian librarian......

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

Which begs the question of why you're still in it.
Surely not for the love of it.......?

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

Your last para., as I've pointyed out above, is inaccurate if not plain wrong.
The US industry over-exposes 100s of girls: and you insist that your (necessarily small, according to your own estimate) sample opinion is representative of the entire market.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

In proportion to the wealth of the US market, I don't think they really are.
I doubt that those 'fresh faces' in the States are raking it in either.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

...and I'm off for a shag.
I'll have a cup of tea, then.
Has the kettle boiled?
P R Mann

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by P R Mann »

"A market?" "In demand?" The please show me where this market is before I am forced to get the bus down to the job centre. We spent ?400.00 quid to get one video done of one girl and up-to press we've shifted one copy at ?15.00 quid and most of the other we have recently shot haven?t done much better. That's how enthused their lippy so-called fans are. Hell, the way some talk on here I though we could count on moving al least half a dozen copies. When will I get my dough back on that video, never mind make a profit?

Even I was surprised that when I checked the latest sales stats all our brand new 'current girl' videos are being out sold by a 9 year old Linda Leigh video that has been offered umpteen times before! Explain that.

As for girls complaining they don?t get enough dough ? well it?s the punter that decides what they are worth by voting with their wallets. I?ll pay the dough if there?s a demand to see a certain girl. I recently offered ?1000.00 + each to two girls to simply do a soft girl/girl scene - an easy afternoon?s job. One seemed quite keen, but she?s got to win the other one round. Girls of this calibre do not just do any job they are offered. But the point is that these are not just any models, they are at the very pinnacle of British glamour photography. They are worth it.

P R Mann