So what do you make of tonights tv show?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
joe king

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by joe king »

further details

Quotes from Phil McC
'The only way to make money out of it is to be a star'

'I don't know anybody who's been fucked up by this business. There are people who have come into this business who have been fucked up'

Violet says she doesn't like the way her implants have hardened
(after spending 3000 on a boob job)

The documentary ended by saying that the couple had gone for counseling.
Producer/Director Saul Dibb
A Blast films production for BBC Wales

Why did they hide the car reg but the papers have been quoting it?

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by Jim »

Thats about right Joe you star build, True I have met so many nutters in this business and I love them all including the punters, Violets implants havent hardend she lost weight they look great right now will send latest pictures. Kind of true we have a guru to help with focus and I have began investigating an an online course(B.A) to help me with dealing with people. Sometimes I can be a bit hard(what do they expect from I am Glasgow and always been loud so able to back it up is the only option) Reg UR S3X its the BBC the can't be seen to be imoral ?????????
In all its been good because of the other media that has came along with it all and we are still getting calls offering further TV/Mag appearances. Violets web site last night got choked,


Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by Jason »

If a TV crew were to follow any couple around for a month they could make their lives look like crap and make one of the people seem like they were being abused in some way even if 95% of the time they were blissfully happy and madly in love. Think about it, how can anyone expect 40 minutes to reflect a month in someones life?

In the end the "documentary" was not even about making money in the porn industry as such (which it was billed as) and more about a relationshio between two people who happened to be involved with the biz.

I have never met either Violet or Jim but they both came across as genuine, normal people (albeit working in the porn industry)going through a rough patch which all relationships go thru - only personal comment I would make is that Violet looked terribly thin and gaunt and I hope she can get her problems sorted soon and start on the road back to health!

Either way it was a brave move on their part to allow the cameras to do what they did and they should be applauded for that.

Keep your chins up guys and dont let the bastards grind you down!


Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by EJ »


Seems like we all have nothing better to do than post on here so here goes again.
To start with, yes I am Autumns partner as many people have pointed out my bias its only fair to own up.
Having got to know Jim & Violet a bit due to the filming & the odd evening out I can only vouch for their honesty & integrety & say they are very nice & genuine people.
I really hope they come out of all this smelling of roses as i'm sure they will.

I said at the beginning of this topic I thought everyone came out looking ok & i stand by it. Whilst many people might have hoped for a good portrayal of the industry I don't think that was the point. Ok, the program might not have shown the 'Glamour' in porn but it was never likely to & I can't speak for Violet & Jim but we certainly didn't expect it to be a glowing endorsment of porm.

I agree with Jim that there was some cool stuff shot & not used but hey ho.Some of you might not have thought Autumn looked great but thats your point of view & I/we arn't going to let that get to us.
We have also had some responce & interest in doing some more interviews so it can't be that bad.

So Violet, keep smiling & hope you get back on top soon & Jim, just don't change too much cos it wouldn't be the same if you went soft on us.


Re: Seeing as you studied it more than me.........

Post by Ace »

Joe, I watched it and laughed at the schoolkids. Were they 'heckling' Autumn or were they cheering? She was fucking quick to slam the door on the little bastards.

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by jj »

Wouldn't get ME out of bed for that.....or in it, if you see what I mean.

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by jj »

I've only had time to skim the tape, but I was keen to compare it with the McQueen/Nasty doc.
It certainly wasn't as overtly biased as the latter, but I detected the usual TV agenda of selecting the worst possible presentation at every opportunity. The (no doubt intentional) overall impression was a little depressing, especially those parts that sought to emphasise Vi's apparent unhappiness.
That said, it seems a good deal fairer than the McQ, and V&J came over as reasonably decent humans with the usual foibles- and they were treated better than some 'victims' of recent non-porn docs, who have been portrayed as monsters.
Good luck to you both (and to the others).
But it must be a hard way to earn a crust.........
joe king

Re: The papers opinion

Post by joe king »

'Autum is a very sweet girl she came down for an hour to set up a fake Truck shoot so the crew could see one shot being done. We only faked it so there is no scene of her in the fuck truck series but I would like to shoot her again for next one.'

the scene in the fuck truck wasn't too clear, although the sex sounded pretty convincing (what did you fake - Autumn being in the scene or actually having sex in the fuck truck?)
I liked the way the camera started bouncing up and down implying some shagging.

No one explained what the 'money shot' was.

Re: For those who missed it..

Post by woodgnome »

i've not taken issue with the veracity of your post, or your friends negative thoughts contained therein, but your using yet another psuedonym when it wasn't even your thoughts that were being publicised.

most forums implement some form of registration that makes such practices, if not impossible, then at least more time consuming. if forumites - especially regulars such as yourself - increasingly render the forum an empty shell, in which successions of misleading identities parade themselves for our confusion, we may as well introduce registration as well, and be done with it.
Marblehead Johnson

Re: So what do you make of tonights tv show?

Post by Marblehead Johnson »


I just wanted to wish you and Violet all the best.

The documentary was fascinating and the main thing that came across was how down to earth and honest you both are.

The only dishonesty was in the way the programme was edited - the bits that the majority of viewers would remember were the ones that cast you in a bad light.