Escort needed

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Escort needed

Post by bigAl »

Furthermore, I suggest we draw a line in the sand and close this thread.

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Re: Escort needed

Post by centrestage »

Painting naked ladies, ooo you naughty boy!

And you've turned me down for a drink. Oh well must go and socialise with my own kind of people then.
one eyed jack
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Re: Escort needed

Post by one eyed jack »

Wow! 50 posts and some guy only asked for an escort.

I didnt know such a request could be so....controversial
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Re: Escort needed

Post by centrestage »

could it be closed once I have a reply to my question. Any bodies out there willing to reply in a sensible manner?
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Re: Escort needed

Post by videokim »

Its mad to see how a bunch of civilised people can have so many opinions on this subject, also its sad to see there is clearly a dislike to escorts by a lot on this forum which is usual with wet behind the ears newby's but not serious sex workers e.g. models/producers.
Bukkakes and gang bangs that charge guys are illegal and models doing this can be charged with escorting/immoral earnings etc but we turn a blind eye to this so why knock fellow sex workers e.g. escorts who do the same to earn a crust.

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
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Re: Escort needed

Post by MelodyChase »

Yes your right cameras are for taking photos of nice things and I think im lovely so fire away lol

My 2 pence worth, is yes the 2 industries are intertwined of cause they are both sectors are paid money for sex, however porn in the main and I am generalising here is another form of acting (i have said this on a previous post too) The girl and/or boy are putting on a show for the camera whether that be like my first scene a car break down or on a scene I saw recently where a plumber came round to help a damsel in distress, its acting there is a camera catching the actors doing what they do.

Escorts see people for sex and get paid, its on a more personal level.

I see nothing wrong in either its all down to choice and we have the choice to do as we please, I no more look down my nose at any of either industry, im more a live and let live kind of girl. Just be safe and play safe and dont put others at risk.....its as simple as that.

No-body and I mean no-body has the god given right to judge another individual on what they chose to do with there body, I hate people who do this with a passion, this is how wars start and deaths occur....ok maybe an extreme analagy but a true one at that.

So to the posters on this thread who seem determined to start some sort of mud slinging or bitchiness, I suggest you either try it you might find you like it or drop it.

off my soap box now and apologies for the heaviness.
love and snogs and licks and whatever floats your boats today
Melody Moo xxxx

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Re: Escort needed

Post by harmonyluvver »

I think the big difference between porn and escorting is the main aim of a shoot is to create a film/scene which involves, usually, a few people hanging round, stopping every so often to change the lights, touch up make up and so on. The people doing the scene are not there for an enjoyable sexual encounter, yes it does happen obviously but its not the aim for the stud to simply get his rocks off. A porn scene is more for gratification of people who will not be a part of the sex, the punter who buys the scene. also how many escort clients have up to date certs. I am not sure I have ever heard of a girl beating attacked or murdered on the set of a porn shoot either.
An escort provides a personal service for the sole purpose of sexual gratification to the person paying. They both know that is purpose and get on with it.
Yes when you simplify it to "having sex for money" they will sound the same but if you do that to lots of jobs they will sound the same, as cate pointed out further up the thread, there are loads of people out there who will say glamour, runway and other types of modelling are the same because they are using ther body to make money. Though those people never seem to find a problem with sports player who also use their bodies for money they just wear more clothes. Most people prostitute themselves in some way, many of us put up with going to a job we dislike or feel degraded by for a few quid at the end of the day.
The whole sex business has a dirty reputation to "the man on the street" thanks mainly to religious doctrine. Why should sex be just for breeding purposes ? surely that degrades the whole human race to nothing more than baby making machines. If God had not wanted sex to be fun we wouldnt have orgasms. We are all given talents and gifts some people understand maths, some people can act or kick a ball well and some people are attractive and horny. Surely its more wrong to not use the talents you have been given. Taking off clothes is seen as taboo a view widely supported by insecure people and people who use religion as an excuse for their own hang ups. Adam and eve were created naked it wasn't until the snake (satan) tricked them into sinning, and they learned shame,that they wanted to wear clothes.
Why should sex for money be a bad thing? So long as you enjoy what you do, the world is full of people who go out at a weekend get pissed sleep with random people for a bit of attention or just for sex. Do these people degrade their sex? This is certainly less safe than a porn shoot and you don't get a nice paycheck at the end, there are often hurt feelings which I very much doubt escorts walk away with.
Some girls look down on escorting, some glamour girls look down on porn some fashion models look down on glamour. Why? Probably because they are not entirely secure in their job and feel they have to conform to the views of society to feel a bit better. It's no different to any other vocation though there is always ond department that looks down on another.
Society has stupid views which are based on no fact, simply on a few lines from a book written a long time ago, or based on someones opinion, or based on their own insecurities (often where there opinions came from). Girls are forced into dangerous areas and are attacked and murdered because of these old fashioned and idiotic ideas, would the people who forced prostitution into those areas be willing to accept that their indirect contribution to attacks on these girls? They trot out "morals" as a defense against the evils of sex and being comfortable with your body but who decides what is moral and what isnt ? Let people get on with their lives stop judging and put that time into making your own patch of the world better. Having great sex that is enjoyed by all is a wonderful way to put a little positivity into the world.
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Re: Escort needed

Post by myson »

Well said Harmony (and Meldoychase higher up) !thumbsup!

You have both put it much more succintly (sp???) than could.


The Jigster
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Re: Escort needed

Post by The Jigster »

Yer I know Terry, I reckon this guy has seen the response and shit a brick !laugh! he hasn't replied once?

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Re: Escort needed

Post by centrestage »

Those replies are brilliant. You all have your own views with regards to porn and escort women. However no one has answered my question so I'll post it again.

'If models only tend to perform with other models then why have I read on many posts on this forum, the photographer actually ends up having sex with them as well.

Do the photographers who pay these girls to perform acts in front of a camera also have STI tests on a regular basis?'